
Chapter 5276: Unwilling

Long Chen looked at the silver-haired Cankong in front of the throne, and his heart suddenly fell to the bottom. He finally realized that the gap between him and the silver Cankong was too big, so big that it was boundless.

 The silver Cankong was actually attacking them by dimensionality reduction. They had no chance at all. The weakest part of the silver Cankong was stronger than their strongest part.

 Even if Long Chen seized his weakness, created opportunities, and used his strongest tricks, the gap was still a gap, and he couldn't win at all.

 "I can't believe that the Kun Ding in the Qiankun Ding is actually in your hands. Hehe, you are so lucky." The silver-haired Cankong looked at the Qiankun Ding beside Long Chen, and a greedy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 He recognized the identity of the Qiankun Ding at a glance, otherwise he would not be distracted, otherwise Long Chen would not be able to cut off his body even if he was stronger.

 Before, he was full of anger in his heart, but at this time, because he saw the Qiankun Ding, his anger was replaced by greed. The Qiankun Ding, one of the ten chaos artifacts, is a magical weapon that countless strong men dream of.

 "Run away, we are no match for him. Xie Yue and I haven't recovered our strength yet, so we can only help you a little bit." Qian Kun Ding sent a voice message to Long Chen.

 "Damn it, it's too damned, this guy is so strong, but he bullies a little saint, it's absolutely damned." Long Gu Xie Yue screamed in anger, it couldn't accept that its strongest attack didn't kill this guy.

 "Long Chen, I have a secret method that can help you escape, but I can only help you alone, because that throne has locked me, and I can't take everyone away." Qian Kun Ding sighed.

 Obviously, Silver Hair Can Kong recognized Qian Kun Ding's identity, and knew that Qian Kun Ding had not recovered yet, so he summoned the throne to deal with it.

 That throne was the throne of the gods of the eight great gods, and it had almost endless power. Although Silver Hair Can Kong had not yet merged with the throne, he could only draw a trace of the throne's power, but Silver Hair Can Kong was too strong, and this trace of power was enough to crush them.

 "Long Chen, I just woke up, so I can't transmit power to you through the air. You have no choice!" At this time, the voice of Chaos Dragon Emperor came.

 "I'm so unwilling!"

 Qiankun Ding and Chaos Dragon Emperor both advised Long Chen to escape, but Longgu Xieyue was furious at this moment. It couldn't accept this humiliation.

 "Dragon Blood Corps, listen to my order, retreat!"

 Long Chen shouted loudly.

 After hearing Long Chen's words, everyone in the Dragon Blood Corps changed their faces. Guo Ran and others shouted: "No!"

 They have followed Long Chen for so many years, and they know Long Chen's character too well. They know that Long Chen wants to fight with Silver Hair Cankong to give them a chance to escape, but how can they abandon their boss and escape alone?

 "This is an order. I will stop him. At least I still have a chance to escape, which is better than everyone dying here.

 If I can't escape, you must practice hard and kill Dafantian in the future to avenge me!" Long Chen said.

 "No, we'll die together. If we live, we'll fight together in the nine heavens and ten earths. If we die, we'll follow you to fight in the Yellow Springs Purgatory." Gu Yang roared, tears streaming down his face.

 They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of the days without Long Chen. If Long Chen died, their lives would become meaningless.

 "Senior, you've already recognized me as your master, right?" Long Chen said to Qiankun Ding.

 Qiankun Ding was silent for a long time before it said, "Yes!"

 <b >

 "You know what I mean!" Long Chen said.

 The Qiankun Cauldron was silent again. Suddenly, its whole body glowed, and runes flew out, covering all the strong men of the Dragon Blood Legion and the Dragon Clan.


 Bai Shishi screamed when she was enveloped by the runes. She rushed forward with all her strength, and the dragon blood warriors also roared, trying to get rid of the shackles of the runes.


 However, at this moment, the runes were activated, the void trembled, everyone disappeared in an instant, and they were all teleported out.

 "Bah bang bang!"

 Seeing this scene, the silver-haired Cankong clapped his hands gently. He actually applauded Long Chen, but the corners of his mouth were full of ridicule:

 "It's really strange. The other descendants of Nine Stars have always been alone. In the past, you were cold-blooded and ruthless, and you are indeed a weirdo.

 You actually used the remaining power of the Qiankun Cauldron to send them away. Do you know that in this way, you will no longer have a glimmer of hope, even though you had no hope in the first place? Any chance."

 He watched the Qiankun Ding teleport everyone away without any intention of stopping him. His targets were only Long Chen, the Qiankun Ding, and the strange black knife in Long Chen's hand. As for the others, He has no interest.

 The Qiankun Ding would need to consume a lot of original power to teleport them away under the divine glory of the Throne of God. In this way, the Qiankun Ding was already in his possession.

 He has killed countless strong men of the Nine Stars lineage, but the strong men are undoubtedly not lone wolves, and Long Chen is full of weirdness, completely different from other Nine Stars descendants.


 Long Chen holds the dragon bone evil moon, and the Qiankun Ding is behind Long Chen. The divine light flows around it, injecting the remaining power into Long Chen's body. With the blessing of the Qiankun Ding's power, Long Chen rekindles the fire again. Fighting spirit.

 "There is no point in struggling to the death and stubbornly resisting. Hand over the treasure in your hands obediently. I can make an exception and give you a happy one." The silver-haired Cankong stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at Long Chen from a high position and said coldly.

 He has the support of the throne behind him. Although he has been injured and his strength has been greatly reduced, no matter what, he is still the Nine Meridians Human Emperor and the Eight Great Gods. Not to mention Long Chen, a rookie in the Saint Realm, even an ordinary Nine Meridians person. The emperor is still no match for him.

 This is why he has been waiting so hard for countless years and gave up the promotion to the God Emperor just for the sake of this position.

 "Buzz buzz..."

 The Dragon Bone Evil Moon in Long Chen's hand trembled, and the power of the Qiankun Cauldron was injected into Long Chen's body. The Dragon Bone Evil Moon gained its power and began to become more motivated.

 "You are not qualified to say such things to me, not to mention you, even Brahma is not qualified!"


 gained the support of the Qiankun Ding, Long Chen stepped on the void, like a bolt of lightning rushing towards the silver-haired residual sky, Long Chen Chen had previously practiced the power of Kun for a period of time under the guidance of the Qiankun Ding. Now that the power of the Qiankun Ding has been injected into his body, he does not feel any discomfort and can use it with ease.


 Facing Long Chen's attack, the silver-haired Cankong made a move with his big hand, and the God's Blade appeared in his hand again. A cold murderous intention emerged from the corner of his mouth:

 "I have lost my patience!"

 And Long Chen Chen had already raised the Dragon Bone Evil Moon at this time. He knew that this would be his last chance. If he didn't succeed, he would be benevolent.