
Chapter 5274: The Waning Moon Shocks the Sky

 A sword broke through the air, severing the ten thousand paths, severing time and space, and at the same time severing all the laws between heaven and earth, and accurately slashed on the arm of Silver-haired Cankong. On the arm of Silver-

 haired Cankong, there was a deep wound, which was cut by Bai Shishi's sword before. Bai Shishi used all her sharp gold power, but could only cut his flesh and blood, but not his bones.

 However, Bai Shishi's gold power came with terrifying destructive power. Even the Nine Veins Emperor could not heal the wound immediately.


 When Yue Zifeng accurately slashed the wound with a sword, blood splashed, and the big hand of Silver-haired Cankong that was holding Long Chen's Thunder Blade was cut off by a sword.

 "Looking for death"

 Silver-haired Cankong's hand was cut off, he was shocked and angry, and at the same time he thought of a terrible consequence. When the hand was separated from his arm, he shouted angrily and grabbed it with his left hand.


 Suddenly, a three-flower pattern emerged in the void, the three flowers rotated, the space was distorted, and the hand was swallowed by the space.


 In the distance, Bai Xiaole made seals with both hands. The hand of Silver-haired Cankong was stolen by him through the air with the power of space. He caught the hand and threw it directly to Xia Chen. The talismans in Xia Chen's hand flew and sealed it immediately, and then put it away. After

 losing a palm, Silver-haired Cankong could not help but be furious. He was shocked to find that the wound cut by Yue Zifeng had a terrifying sword intent attached to it. Even with his cultivation, he could not immediately give birth to a new palm.

 "If you lose a palm, you will not be able to make seals, and most of your cultivation will be sealed. Now, it is uncertain who will win or lose." Long Chen held the Thunder Blade and looked at the ferocious Silver-haired Cankong and said.

 When Long Chen said this, everyone was immediately encouraged, and the strong men in the Dragon Domain looked at Long Chen with awe as if he were a god, with fanaticism and worship in their eyes.

 The Silver-haired Cankong was extremely strong, but Long Chen and others were not afraid. Instead, they relied on seamless cooperation to cut off one of his palms and weakened his strength.

 They finally saw what the gap was. Facing an enemy that was countless times stronger than himself, Long Chen never gave up, let alone despair. Instead, he analyzed and calculated the enemy's weaknesses from the beginning.

 "A bunch of ants, you have successfully angered me. Even if you lose a hand, even if you can't make a seal, a god is still a god after all. How can you ants deal with it?

 All your struggles are in vain. Your traps and calculations will only make your death more painful. Today, I will let you see the true power of the last of the eight gods, Silver Hair Cankong." Silver Hair Cankong snorted coldly.


 Suddenly a silver long sword appeared in his hand. When the long sword appeared, everyone's soul trembled. The pressure of this long sword was even stronger than that of Silver Hair Cankong.

 "Buzz buzz buzz..."

 When the long sword appeared, the void trembled, and visible ripples from its sword body kept surging in all directions. That rhythm seemed to be its heartbeat. In everyone's ears, all sounds disappeared, leaving only the terrifying heartbeat.

 People couldn't tell whether the heartbeat was its rhythm or their own heartbeat. Every time the heartbeat sounded, they felt that they were one step closer to death. They wanted to resist, but they couldn't. It was as if their souls had been controlled by the silver sword.

 Guo Ran and others were horrified. They had never seen such a terrifying divine weapon. This divine weapon felt more terrifying than Silver Hair Cankong.

 "The Blade of the Divine Banner was made by Lord Luo Tianye himself, infused with spirit by Brahma God, and bound to the Throne of God. It is the exclusive divine weapon of the Eight Great Divine Banners.

 It has been passed down from the Chaos Era to the present. It has drunk the blood of countless strong men and devoured the souls of countless masters. It is your honor to die in its hands." Silver Hair Cankong looked at the sword in his hand, and his face showed fanaticism. This was a symbol of his identity and a manifestation of supreme glory.


 the blade of divine light gently passed through the void, and the sword light flashed.


 with a loud bang, a black dragon nest was cut into two halves by a sword, exploded in the air, turned into dust all over the sky, and scattered in the world.

 The patriarch of the black dragon clan was shocked and angry. That was the strongest dragon nest of the black dragon clan, and it was also the symbol of the black dragon clan's strength. It was destroyed just like that.

 What made them most angry was that there were still members of the black dragon clan in the dragon nest. Because they were not strong enough, they did not come out. However, the sword of the silver-haired Cankong destroyed them together with the dragon nest.

 The strong men of the dragon clan were angry, but they did not go crazy, because they knew that all of them would die today. Even if the silver-haired Cankong had one hand cut off, they still had no chance.

 "You don't understand the position of the God's Banner too well, and lack awe. Today, each of you will die in despair." The silver-haired Cankong said coldly, and then pointed the blade of the God's Banner in his hand at Yue Zifeng.

 Yue Zifeng had already tightly grasped the hilt of the sword. At this moment, Long Chen suddenly moved. He pounced on the silver-haired Cankong like a flash of lightning, and roared:

 "Every grievance has its perpetrator, and if you have the guts, kill me first."

 "No, I will kill them one by one in front of you, and I will make you feel what despair is." The silver-haired Cankong sneered, and the divine light flowed around him. Nine divine patterns emerged. They were his human emperor divine patterns.

 These nine human emperor divine patterns appeared in front of him and formed a shield. Although he could not make a seal, he could control his breath with his soul and display his magical powers.


 As soon as the shield formed by the nine human emperor divine patterns appeared, the world trembled violently. The terrifying aura of the Nine Veins Human Emperor pressed Long Chen so hard that he could not breathe. This shield was extremely powerful and he could not break through it at all.

 Silver-haired Cankong didn't even look at Long Chen. He looked at Yue Zifeng who was on full alert and said, "It's been a long time since I met such a terrifying sword cultivator. I will never let you grow up."


 Silver-haired Cankong's long sword trembled, and endless silver runes flowed. At that moment, the space around Yue Zifeng kept twisting. Yue Zifeng suddenly felt that he had fallen into a quagmire and seemed to have fallen into a spider web. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the terrifying lock.

 As a sword cultivator, he has always been the one to lock others. Now, he was locked by a terrifying divine weapon. His soul seemed to be pulled violently by an invisible big hand. If it weren't for his firm will, his soul would collapse in an instant.


 Suddenly, Long Chen rushed in front of Silver-haired Cankong. Suddenly, the Dragon Bone Evil Moon appeared in Long Chen's hand. When the Dragon Bone Evil Moon appeared, endless black air was released, and the evil breath swept across the heavens.

 When the Dragon Bone Evil Moon appeared, Silver-haired Cankong, who had already locked Yue Zifeng, suddenly had his hair stand on end, and the terrifying threat of death floated into his heart.

 He didn't care about killing Yue Zifeng. The blade of divine light in his hand turned in a direction in the void and slashed straight at Long Chen's waist.

 Long Chen ignored his sword. The Dragon Bone Evil Moon glowed, and all the energy in Long Chen's body, whether it was the power of stars, purple blood, dragon blood or the power of the seven-color supreme blood, was all injected into it.

 With all the power of Long Chen, the breath of the Dragon Bone Evil Moon soared wildly, and at the same time it called out a name to Long Chen.

 Long Chen's sword eyebrows were raised, and the Dragon Bone Evil Moon slashed out fiercely. At the same time, Long Chen shouted, and the killing intent soared to the sky:

 "The Broken Moon Shocks the Sky"