
Chapter 5238 Foolish Pride

Following Long Chen's order, the Dragon Blood Army charged directly at the Nether Dragon Clan. The Nether Dragon Clan's warriors were immediately shocked and angry. These young men did not put pressure on the Human Emperors, Half-step Human Emperors, and Heavenly Saints.

 "But you are so presumptuous in the Dragon Domain. Are you provoking the entire Dragon Domain?" The leader of the Nether Dragon Clan shouted angrily. He waved his hand, and all the warriors of the Nether Dragon Clan and their followers showed their weapons.

 The Nether Dragon Clan and its followers totaled millions of warriors. There were dozens of Human Emperors, thousands of Half-step Human Emperors, and countless Heavenly Saints.

 It was precisely because of such a large number that the entire Dragon Domain was moved and did not dare to fight them head-on, and temporarily tolerated them to stay in the Dragon Domain.

 Now the Dragon Blood Army's more than 7,000 warriors are just a group of Immortal Realm boys, who actually came straight to kill them. This is the greatest contempt for them.

 The only thing they feared was not Long Chen, not the golden chariot, but the golden rhino. However, the golden rhino had no intention of attacking them. They immediately showed murderous intent in their eyes. The Human Emperor leader of the Nether Dragon Clan looked at Long Chen with a gloomy face and said:

 "Do you know that when you came to the Dragon Domain, your Lingxiao Academy had already been destroyed, hahaha!"


 Just as the Human Emperor of the Nether Dragon Clan laughed loudly, the Dragon Blood Warriors had already rushed into the millions of strong men. They roared in unison, shaking the world, and the fierce murderous intent ignited the sky.

 That roar scared everyone, and then the sword energy was agitated. The Dragon Blood Warriors rushed into the camp of the Nether Dragon Clan strongmen in the most violent and direct way.

 "Just a bunch of idiots, kill them all." Seeing that the fight had already begun, the Human Emperor leader of the Nether Dragon Clan still did not move, he immediately waved his hand and gave an order.

 At such a close distance, even if the golden rhino took action, it would not be able to save the dragon blood warriors, unless it killed the dragon blood warriors as well.

 "Puff puff puff..."

 Just when the strong men of the Nether Dragon Clan thought they could crush the Dragon Blood Legion by crushing them, the dragon blood warriors' long swords were like rainbows, and countless Heavenly Saint-level strong men's flesh and blood flew everywhere. Some Heavenly Saint-level strong men were even chopped to pieces with their weapons in one blow.


 When seeing this scene, the strong men of the Nether Dragon Clan were stunned. Those Human Emperors and Half-step Human Emperors simply disdained to kill this group of young men, but they did not expect that the dragon blood warriors were as fierce as tigers, and those Heavenly Saint-level strong men were no different from lambs in front of them.

 At this time, those Human Emperors and Half-step Human Emperors realized that they had misjudged the dragon blood warriors. The strength of this group of dragon blood warriors had exceeded their imagination.

 "Attack with all your strength!"

 The old man of the Hades clan roared. He felt something was wrong. The terrifying golden rhino showed no signs of attacking, and Long Chen stood in the void with his hands behind his back, showing no intention of attacking either. This made him feel very uneasy.

 Following the order of the Human Emperor leader of the Hades clan, all the Human Emperors and Half-step Human Emperor-level strongmen no longer cared about their face and attacked one after another.

 At this time, Bai Yingxue was a little anxious. Although she knew that the Dragon Blood Warriors were terrifying, they were facing the rebels of the Dragon Clan at this time. Their strength made the entire Dragon Domain fearful.

 "Master Patriarch!" Bai Yingxue looked at the Patriarch of the White Dragon Clan, who was also a powerful Human Emperor. He was also in a dilemma at this time. He looked at the powerful person of the Red Dragon Clan and said:

 "It is the best time to take action now to eliminate the traitors."

 However, the powerful Human Emperor of the Red Dragon Clan said with a cold face: "How proud are our Dragon Clan? We know when the treacherous need to join forces with outsiders?

 This Long Chen actually said that he would lead our Dragon Clan. He is simply ignorant of the height of heaven and earth."

 "This is not what Long Chen said at all." Bai Yingxue said anxiously.

 "Even if he didn't say it, but looking at his posture, I know that he has this idea!" The powerful Human Emperor of the Red Dragon Clan said coldly.

 "How can you judge others based on your subjective conjecture?" This time, even Bai Yingxue, who has a very good temper, couldn't help but get angry.

 Long Chen didn't have this idea at all. She knew Long Chen too well. If they hadn't shamelessly invited him, he wouldn't have bothered to come here.

 Now that he is here to face the traitors from the Dragon Realm, the leader of the Red Dragon Clan has such an attitude, which is really chilling.

 Bai Yingxue still refused to give up. He looked at an old man with black scales next to the leader of the Red Dragon Clan: "Clan Chief Black Flame..."

 That was the leader of the Black Dragon Clan. He was equally powerful and no worse than the leader of the Red Dragon Clan. How much, and also has great authority in the Dragon Clan.

 However, he also shook his head and said in the same indifferent tone: "The Dragon Clan's conflicts only need to be resolved by the Dragon Clan themselves, and don't bother outsiders to wipe their hands."

 And the word "outsider" in his mouth was very serious. Obviously, he had the same feelings for Long Chen. Being prejudiced, Bai Yingxue was so angry that she was shaking all over, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't figure out what these leaders were thinking in their heads.

 "Are you a dragon tribe or a turtle tribe? When Long Chen didn't come, you were shrinking. When Long Chen came, you were still shrinking. Are you used to shrinking?" Bai Yingxuan was completely angry.

 "You...are presumptuous..." The expressions of the red dragon clan, the black dragon clan, and the leaders standing together changed, and they shouted harshly.

 "If you are willing to be a coward, just go ahead. I, the White Dragon Clan, will no longer accompany me. Warriors of the White Dragon Clan, please follow me on the expedition." Bai Yingxue unsheathed her long sword and pointed it at the battlefield. The vision behind her was opened, and directly Entered a state of combat.


 As Bai Yingxuan shouted, all the disciples of the White Dragon clan who had entered the Sky Fire Demon Realm showed their weapons and roared loudly.

 "We are willing to live and die together with the Dragon Blood Legion!" A white dragon clan member roared loudly with veins popping out on his forehead.

 He is a super admirer of Long Chen. At this time, he saw that the formation of the Dragon Blood Legion began to shrink and switched from offense to defense. He thought that the Dragon Blood Legion was in crisis. The top leaders of the Dragon Clan made them extremely disappointed. They just wanted to rush to the battlefield, even if Even if he dies, he must die with the heroes.

 "Live and die together"

 the man shouted loudly, and the disciples of the White Dragon clan echoed in unison. Their lives were saved by Long Chen. Their trust and worship of Long Chen far exceeded that of their clan leader. They are willing to fight side by side with Long Chen.

 "You... what do you mean, White Dragon Clan?" When the other Dragon Clan leaders saw this scene, they were trembling with anger. Especially when they saw the contemptuous looks in the eyes of the White Dragon Clan disciples, they couldn't accept it.

 The patriarch of the White Dragon clan also sighed and said: "Yingxue is the future clan leader of the White Dragon clan. I am old and it is time to abdicate in favor of others. Her will represents the will of the entire White Dragon clan."

 Bailong After the clan leader finished speaking, a silver staff appeared in his hand. When he saw this scene, tears finally flowed out of Bai Yingxue's eyes.

 Facing the scoldings from the leaders of the Red Dragon Clan and the Black Dragon Clan, her heart was filled with grievances and anger, but her stubbornness prevented her from crying.

 But the White Dragon clan showed its weapons, which meant that he supported her without hesitation. At that moment, she broke her defense.

 "The entire White Dragon clan obeys the order and supports the Dragon Blood Legion until the last man is left fighting!" Bai Yingxue raised her long sword high, and with a command, all the strong men of the White Dragon clan took action, and dozens of dragon nests were born.

 However, at this moment, Long Chen's voice came: "Yingxue, don't take action, let those blind old guys see, with our strength, do we need to rule them?"

 " Brothers, it's time to show the true strength of the Dragon Blood Legion!" Long Chen turned to look at the battlefield.

 Long Chen shouted, and the dragon-blood warriors who had been besieged and had to reduce their formation suddenly erupted, and a crack appeared in the weather-proof formation.

 When the crack appeared, a powerful Human Emperor rushed over without thinking. However, the moment he rushed over, a sword energy shot out from the crack.


 the emperor's blood spattered, and the world was torn apart.