
Chapter 5147: Insidious Catastrophe

An ancient bronze cauldron exudes endless divine brilliance, and its sacred and solemn aura radiates to the nine heavens and ten earth, making the immortal sky tremble for eternity.

 As soon as the Qiankun Cauldron appeared, Lu Fan and others were shocked. Although Lu Fan knew that Long Chen had a replica of the Qiankun Cauldron, the cauldron was nothing more than a divine weapon of the Human Emperor.

 But at this time, the Qiankun Cauldron appeared. Its aura from the era of chaos made people tremble, and they couldn't help but worship it.

 Although they all know that this cauldron is just a copy made by Heavenly Tribulation, but even if it is a copy, it still makes people feel endless fear.

 "Is this the real Qiankun Cauldron?" someone exclaimed.

 "It is rumored that Long Chen has been using the Qiankun Ding to deceive. Does he really have the Qiankun Ding?"

 "Could it be that Long Chen has been deceiving under the banner of the Qiankun Ding, which eventually affected the cause and effect and triggered the Heavenly Tribulation to copy the Qiankun Ding and come to suppress it ? Kill him?"

 For a while, people were talking about it, but no one could tell clearly what the reason was, although they had never seen the Qiankun Ding.

 But when this bronze cauldron, which stands tall on the sky and the earth, appeared, everyone felt that except for the chaotic artifact Qiankun Ding, who in this world could have such terrifying pressure?

 You know, this is not the real body, it is just a copy of the way of heaven. The aura copied is so terrifying. If the Qiankun Ding really appears, will this world collapse immediately?

 Everyone was shocked when the Qiankun Cauldron appeared. Bai Yingxue, Feng You and others below the Qiankun Cauldron were even more frightened. Under the Qiankun Cauldron, they were so frightened that they did not dare to move.

 Until now, they have not been contaminated by the power of heavenly fire, let alone the power of heavenly tribulation. They are like a group of irrelevant spectators, standing there stupidly, not knowing what they should do.

 In the Qiankun Cauldron, the flames controlled by Long Chen were pulled by some kind of force and exploded, scattering to every corner of the cauldron.

 Countless runes were flowing inside and outside the Qiankun Ding, and thunder runes and flame runes were blending. At that moment, the space around the Qiankun Ding collapsed instantly.


 Above the nine heavens, the calamity cloud exploded. Affected by the Qiankun Cauldron, the calamity cloud fell from the nine heavens like the earth's crust collapsed. It was like pieces of mountains falling down, falling to the ground, and exploding with a bang. Open, turn into billions of monsters, and slaughter the people who are trying to overcome the tribulation crazily.

 At that moment, the entire calamity was out of control. Even Lu Fan and other talented people, who had seen countless big scenes in their lives, were frightened by the scene in front of them.

 A piece of calamity cloud fell and hit in front of Lu Fan. The calamity cloud exploded, and more than a dozen third-line heavenly saint-level monsters appeared, all attacking at him at the same time. The terrifying aura of death rushed over him in an instant.

 Lu Fan no longer dared to hold back, and with an angry roar, he directly summoned the Brahma Divine Diagram. With an explosion, the three-vein Heavenly Saint-level monster exploded.

 The most terrifying thing is that the calamity cloud is like a broken ceiling, constantly falling. Some people are unlucky, and a large number of three-line heavenly saint-level powerhouses appear in the calamity cloud, and they are killed instantly.

 "Brother Fan, help me..."

 At this moment, Huo Qianwu's exclamation came from the distance. Huo Qianwu was attacked by three terrifying monsters and was instantly in crisis. He hurriedly asked Lu Fan for help.


 Before Lu Fan could take action, Huo Qianwu was bitten into two pieces by a giant thunder crocodile. Lu Fan's heart trembled, he knew that Huo Qianwu was finished.

 The bodies of these thundering behemoths contain the terrifying laws of destruction. Even if they are so seriously injured, the power of destiny cannot repair them immediately.


 was an explosion, and the giant thunder crocodile took another bite, biting Huo Qianwu into powder. The blood mist was scattered, and Huo Qianwu's screams still echoed in the world.

 "Damn, how could this happen?"

 Lu Fan was shocked and angry. Huo Qianwu came from the Fire Temple. He valued Huo Qianwu's strength and potential very much and planned to accept her as a follower. As a result, Huo Qianwu died like this. In the midst of a catastrophe.

 For the Son of Destiny, the Heavenly Tribulation is a sumptuous banquet. They are here to enjoy it. Who would have thought that eating a meal can cost them their lives.

 The scene is now in chaos. Even Lu Fan cannot take care of others. The same goes for Li Tianfan, Minglong Wushang, Luo Yujiao, Huang Wudao and others. The scene is too chaotic. There are thunder beasts everywhere, and their sight is blocked at all. Can't tell who is who.

 "Damn Long Chen, it's all his fault." Someone let out a shocking roar.

 At this time, Long Chen was sealed in the Qiankun Cauldron, with endless flames flowing around him. On the inner wall of the Qiankun Cauldron, Long Chen saw endless figures.

 Long Chen saw Bai Letian holding the Lingxiao Divine Sword, saw the master of the palace shrouded in dragon aura, saw the strong man from the Imperial Clan, and also saw the figure of his father.

 Not only them, but also the Royal Blood Silk Net. He saw a road to the sky, which was the road to Brahma. In addition, Long Chen also saw the Celestial Demon Golden Monkey Clan, the Six-Eyed Ghost Owl, Kunpeng and others. I have the image of a creature celebrating the festival.

 "I finally learned to be smart this time. I stopped using the tactics of adding fuel to the fire and concentrated all my power to kill me at once. Hehe, it's interesting. Can you tell me who you are?" Long Chen stood at the Qiankun Cauldron. Inside, looking at the endless flames and thunder around him, he said coldly.

 However, no one responded to Long Chen. Only the endless runes on the Qiankun Cauldron were burning, and the temperature inside the cauldron was rising rapidly.

 "It is gathering the power of the Heavenly Tribulation and Heavenly Fire to refine you. It's over now." There was endless solemnity in the Qiankun Ding's voice. The always calm Qiankun Ding said the three words "It's over." It shows that the problem has become extremely serious.

 The Qiankun Cauldron copied from Tiandao roared, the Qiankun changed color, and endless energy squeezed towards Long Chen. The terrifying power would crush Long Chen at any time.

 But Long Chen didn't show a trace of panic. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said: "Everything is as expected!"

 "At this time, can you still laugh? Wake up Dragon Bone Evil Moon quickly, before the catastrophe is over. Fully activated, we work together to break through the blockade, otherwise you will definitely die," Qiankun Ding said angrily.

 No one understands the horror of this Heavenly Tribulation better than Qiankun Ding. Heavenly Tribulation copied it in order to refine Long Chen like a pill.

 Before, Tianjie had accumulated countless powers, but instead of breaking out, he set up a trap. Once the trap was completed, Long Chen would have no chance.

 Although the Qiankun Cauldron has been copied, it will take a certain amount of time to activate the runes that originally belonged to the Qiankun Cauldron, even if it is a catastrophe. Now is the best time for Long Chen to make a breakthrough.

 However, there is only one chance, so even the Qiankun Ding is not sure. It needs the cooperation of Dragon Bone Evil Moon to ensure that it is foolproof.

 "It's not necessary at all, I have a way to deal with it." Long Chen said.

 "You must know that this catastrophe is a killer trap. It will condense 80% of the power into a cauldron. Once activated, it will not give you any chance to breathe." The Qiankun Cauldron said seriously.

 Long Chen's previous tribulation was just to stabilize Long Chen. This time, it wanted to completely kill Long Chen.

 "I know, believe me!"

 Long Chen nodded and said: "Although Heavenly Tribulation has emotional fluctuations, it is not wise. I expected this trick. No matter how insidious it is, can it outsmart me?

 Hehe, and I , I have made so many preparations to welcome it, and now is the time to see the true chapter. "


 As soon as Long Chen finished speaking, the endless flames in the Qiankun Cauldron rose and circulated, forming a blade of flames, facing the dragon. Dust shoots out.