
Chapter 5145: Vulnerable

Seeing that Long Chen began to merge the power of the skyfire and the power of thunder, Yan Hong could no longer hold back and was the first to kill Long Chen.


 However, just when Yan Hong rushed to the edge of the thirty-six thunder pillars, the heavenly tribulation trembled violently, and a thunder sword slashed at Yan Hong fiercely.

 Yan Hong shouted angrily and punched out, and the thunder sword was blasted by Yan Hong's punch.

 As a result, Yan Hong's punch seemed to have poked a hornet's nest. Originally, the heavenly tribulation was only aimed at Long Chen, but when Yan Hong arrived, the heavenly tribulation seemed to regard Yan Hong as Long Chen's helper, and an endless torrent of thunder descended.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 Yan Hong waved his fists, the flames were surging, and he continued to charge forward against the thunder torrent, just when he was about to break through the blockade of the thirty-six thunder pillars.


 With a loud bang, Yan Hong seemed to hit an invisible wall, and the whole person flew backwards, and his nose was broken.

 When Yan Hong was shaken back into the crowd, people cried out in surprise. The thunder on the heavenly tribulation also chased after him. The heavenly tribulation caught the breath of others, and the power of thunder poured down rapidly. At

 that moment, Yan Hong became a spark, and in an instant, it began to set the prairie on fire. The heavenly tribulation captured everyone, and the violent thunder descended with endless destructive energy.


 a Dan Valley disciple was hit by a thunder sword, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

 "How could this happen? The heavenly tribulation should not be this kind of power!" The Dan Valley disciple shouted.

 Because in his impression, the power of the heavenly tribulation is vast and gentle, no matter how violent it is, it will not threaten his life.

 For the son of destiny, the power of the heavenly tribulation is like a mother's hand, full of warmth, and they will be given whatever they want.

 But today is different. The heavenly tribulation is still like a mother's hand, but this biological mother has become a stepmother, and she is the kind of stepmother who doesn't like them and is merciless.

 "This idiot!"

 Seeing this, Lu Fan and the others cursed Yan Hong in their hearts. They suddenly understood that the heavenly tribulation was determined to kill Long Chen, and it would concentrate all its strength to destroy Long Chen.

 As long as they did not take action, the heavenly tribulation would ignore them. After the heavenly tribulation killed Long Chen, their original heavenly tribulation would appear.

 But Yan Hong's move directly triggered the indiscriminate attack of the heavenly tribulation, which was equivalent to helping Long Chen invisibly.

 "This is not a heavenly tribulation, this is a heavenly punishment. There are destruction runes in the thunder. You must know how to distinguish. The destruction rune is harmful if absorbed. Only pure thunder energy can help everyone condense the immortal rune." Lu Fan shouted to the disciples of Brahma Dan Valley.

 "How to distinguish between beneficial and harmful?" A disciple shouted for help.

 "Those with the aura of destruction are harmful, and those without the aura of destruction and containing pure thunder energy can be absorbed." Lu Fan shouted patiently.

 "Then how to distinguish whether they contain the aura of destruction!" the man shouted.

 "You can't even tell the difference, go to hell!" Lu Fan was so angry that he yelled. How stupid must this person be to ask such a stupid question.


 As a result, after Lu Fan finished speaking, the disciple really gave face and was directly killed by a thunder sword. He died immediately.


 At that moment, Lu Fan was stunned and confused. He didn't know what happened.

 In fact, the Dan Valley disciple really couldn't tell which thunder runes had the aura of destruction, because he had relied on his talent and family resources to advance to this level.

 And because he is the son of destiny, surviving the tribulation is like eating. All the energy in the tribulation is beneficial, so he just needs to eat with open belly.

 But now it's no longer possible. Some of the dishes on the table are poisonous and some are not. How can he tell the difference? As a result, he absorbed the thunder rune with the energy of destruction, and his body suddenly felt uncomfortable. At this time, a thunder sword hit his vital part, killing him directly.

 This was the first Son of Destiny to be killed by the Heavenly Tribulation. The strong men present were all shocked. It was the first time they saw that the Son of Destiny would die in the Heavenly Tribulation.


 As a result, the disciple of the Alchemy Valley had just died, and a powerful vampire not far away was also pierced through the body by a sharp sword. The power of destruction extinguished the fire of his soul, and another son of destiny was killed.

 "What's going on? This is not a catastrophe at all, this is hell." The man of destiny shouted in horror.

 Covered by endless calamity clouds, suppressed by the terrifying power of destruction, and seeing the sons of destiny being killed, some people began to collapse.

 In fact, these sons of destiny are pampered by their family clans and blessed by heaven's luck. They have a smooth life. Even if they encounter danger, with the blessing of luck, they can always turn danger into safety.

 It can be said that 99% of these sons of destiny have never felt threatened by their lives, let alone thought that they would die one day.

 They are usually aloof and indifferent to the life and death of others, but when death comes to them, they suddenly collapse.

 "Puff puff..."

 It doesn't matter this collapse. The Heavenly Tribulation can't tolerate them. The thunder sword with the power of destruction was cut down mercilessly. The sons of destiny were killed one by one. For a while, people were in chaos. , some people even started to cry for father and mother, hugging their heads and crying.

 Bai Yingxue, Feng You and others were shocked. They could not have imagined that these high-ranking sons of destiny could be so unbearable, which simply subverted their imagination.

 "What should we do? Without the baptism of thunder, we cannot advance to immortality, and we cannot help Long Chen." Hu Xiaoyu looked at the people outside who were going through the tribulation, and above their heads, all the power of the tribulation was wiped out by Long Chen. After the dust was absorbed, they couldn't absorb any power of thunder at all, so they couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

 "Don't be anxious, Long Chen must have his arrangements, we just need to wait for his orders." Feng You looked at Long Chen and said.

 At this time, Feng You didn't think about anything anymore. She left everything to Long Chen, and at worst, they died together.


 There was chaos outside, and the top powerhouses from all races roared. These people began to gather everyone, and the top powerhouses would resist the catastrophe attacks for everyone and give them a chance to breathe.

 If this chaos continues, I don't know how many children of destiny will be killed, because the thunder sword here is too terrifying. The destructive power contained in it will invade people's bodies and destroy their flesh and bones. The most terrifying thing is , will severely damage people's soul and will.

 People are originally in awe and fear of the way of heaven, and can easily be killed by the will to destroy. Especially these disciples who are not very strong-willed, are worse than ordinary people in the face of heavenly calamity.


 Just when the strong men from the outside world finally stabilized their respective teams, a shocking loud noise came from the center of the thirty-six thunder pillars.

 When everyone saw the scene clearly, they all exclaimed.