
Chapter 5140: The Unfinished Battle

Long Chen sat on the Heavenly Fire Source Stone and looked down at everyone.

 Under the Heavenly Fire Source Stone, Bai Yingxue and others, who had fallen into a coma, have now woken up, and they are looking at everything in front of them in shock.

 It turned out that Bai Yingxue and others were teleported into the trap and fell into a coma, confused and confused as to what happened.

 "Long Chen"

 When they saw Long Chen, other people's faces were filled with shock. However, Lu Fan's originally handsome face was instantly distorted and terrifying. He gritted his teeth and said,

 "You're not dead!

 " Hey, you want to curse me to death with this little destiny curse? Do you think too highly of yourself? If it weren't for those old guys from the Earth Demon Clan, you would have been reincarnated long ago." Long Chen shook his head and looked. Looking at Yan Hong among the crowd, he said:

 "Yan Hong, you don't have to be angry. This guy was on the territory of the Earth Demon Clan. I spanked him until his butt peeed, and even his pants flew off. He just had to kneel down and call him daddy."

 Even though you died last time, to a certain extent, he was much more embarrassed than you, and I think you should be stronger than him."

 As soon as Long Chen said this, everyone present . The strong men were all shocked. Listening to Long Chen's tone, they knew that the two had already fought, and it ended in Lu Fan's defeat.

 You know, Lu Fan is one of the Eight Sons of Brahma. He is protected by the will of Brahma and is almost invincible. Long Chen has actually defeated him?

 But now, Lu Fan's expression was excited and his face was distorted, so it could be judged that what Long Chen said was not a lie.

 Long Chen had defeated Lu Fan. This news shocked everyone present. Minglong Wushang, Luo Yujiao, Huang Wudao and others all looked in disbelief. Although they had not fought against Lu Fan, the strong sense told They, this Lu Fan's strength is unfathomable, and they are not sure of defeating Lu Fan.

 Yanhong felt much better after hearing Long Chen's words. He had been suffocating for a long time after being targeted by everyone, but now he was so happy to see Lu Fan's smoke coming from his seven orifices.

 "Lu Fan is not my opponent in the first place. If it weren't for the fact that he is the son of Brahma, I would have killed him just now!"

 Yan Hong sneered: "However, your words make me very comfortable. To thank you, let's do this for a while. I will leave you a whole corpse."

 "Don't, if you are so polite, I will be embarrassed to kill you later. If you don't show mercy, of course, I won't let you leave here alive." Long Chen. Hehe said with a smile.

 "Idiot, I am no longer the person I used to be. Today, you are the one who cannot leave alive." Yan Hong sneered.

 Facing Yan Hong's ridicule, Long Chen didn't care at all. Instead, there was a touch of excitement on his face. His eyes swept over Lu Fan, Li Tianfan, Ming Long Wushang, Luo Yujiao, Huang Wudao and others. He was It was only then that I noticed that all of these people were masters of this level.

 "Demon Clan, Blood Clan, Stone Clan, Fate-Hunting Clan, Nether Clan, Monster Clan... Good guys, my enemies are all gathered together. Li Tianfan, do you represent the Chess Sect, and Qin Keqing, do you represent the Qin Sect?" Long Chen finally looked at the two of them and said.

 When Li Tianfan saw Long Chen, he was surprised at first, but now he looked calm:

 "I heard that the youngest dean in the history of Lingxiao Academy has unparalleled magical powers and unparalleled wisdom. He is a brave man. A man with plans, but when I saw him today, I felt that the rumors were a little too much.

 In my opinion, you should not have come here so stupidly. This is simply asking for your own death. Do you know that this place itself is too much? It's a trap.

 To be honest, I really want to compete with the top master of Lingxiao Academy, but unfortunately, it seems that more people want your life. This opportunity is not my turn. It's a pity. "

 Li Tianfan did not directly answer Long Chen's question, but from his tone, he actually gave Long Chen the answer.

 "Trap? Cut? What a trap, you want to fool me? Kid, you are still too young. "Long Chen sneered and said:

 "Everything here is arranged by Brahma Pill Valley. With Lu Fan's IQ, he didn't expect me to come here. This conceited guy thought that his destiny curse would kill me.

 Even if he couldn't curse me to death, it would take half of my life. His only choice should be to escape from here as soon as possible, instead of coming here. You do

 n't have to play the art of attacking the heart with me. It's meaningless. You should save your strength and fool other children!" After

 Long Chen finished speaking, he looked at Qin Keqing and then at Liao Yuhuang and said: "Can you two express your opinions? Who can represent Qin Zong? So that we don't have to worry too much when we start fighting. "

 Qin Keqing sneered, "You dare to be arrogant when you are about to die? I really don't know how to write the word death. I, Qin Keqing, can tell you that the Qin Sect and the Brahma Pill Valley are of the same blood. The enemy of the Pill Valley is the enemy of my Qin Sect."

 After listening to Qin Keqing's words, Long Chen nodded, indicating that he had heard it clearly. He turned to look at Liao Yuhuang, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Old friend, thank you for your kindness to the White Dragon Clan before. The wisdom of the Prison Bull has never disappointed people. "

 Liao Yuhuang was also surprised to see Long Chen coming. She had a strange liking for Long Chen. In her heart, Long Chen was a very intelligent person who was proficient in music. She even regarded him as her best friend.

 When Long Chen mentioned the word "prison ox", Liao Yuhuang's eyes widened. She instantly understood that Bai Dale in Hantian Square was Long Chen, and they were actually the same person. Long Chen no longer

 pretended at this time, because he pretended before because he was afraid that he would implicate the White Dragon Clan, but the Brahma Pill Valley was so insidious that it actually wanted to sacrifice the White Dragon Clan. The two major forces were completely incompatible, so there was no such thing as implicating or not.

 Looking at Long Chen, Liao Yuhuang had a complicated expression on her face. She shook her head and said, "In fact, it's not really helping. Yuhuang is young and weak, and has no ability to participate in other people's disputes.

 We can only take care of ourselves. We can't eat blood-stained buns. This is the bottom line of Qin Zong, and we will stick to our bottom line. Apart from this, we can't do more. "

 A trace of sadness emerged in Liao Yuhuang's eyes. Long Chen was the person she admired most among her younger generation. She also knew that Long Chen was a good man who valued friendship and loyalty, and what he did was also aboveboard.

 She should have helped him, but she was not alone. She was a disciple of Qin Sect, and her every move represented Qin Sect. This identity bound her and prevented her from helping Long Chen, which made her extremely sad.

 Hearing Liao Yuhuang's words, Long Chen smiled slightly: "That's the best. Since you are not my enemy, stay away from me for a while, so as not to - burst into blood!"

 "If you don't take the road to heaven, you will fall into hell. Long Chen, let us end the unfinished battle between us today!"

 After the two finished speaking, a cold smile emerged on Lu Fan's lips. Suddenly, he formed seals with his hands, and countless runes lit up on the huge Sky Fire Source Stone, and a vast divine power radiated out.