
Chapter 5108: Taking advantage of the situation

 When they heard that domineering and arrogant voice, Feng You and Hu Xiaoyu's delicate bodies trembled, and they looked into the void in disbelief.

 Long Chen's long hair was flying and his black robe was fluttering, standing just above everyone's heads. Endless monsters rushed towards him crazily, but were burned to ashes by the ripples of flames on his body.

 At this time, Long Chen had a pair of golden wings on his back, which were Golden Crow wings. As the wings trembled, the golden color flowed, and the whole world became sacred because of him.

 It must be said that these wings are very attractive, especially when they are waved, the golden sand is scattered and the divine light is dotted, like a golden galaxy, which makes Long Chen more and more handsome.

 "Hi, extra-large beauty, how are you?" Long Chen came here simply to show off, but he didn't expect Feng You and Hu Xiaoyu to be here as well. Long Chen hurriedly waved and greeted them.

 As soon as Long Chen appeared, all the powerful people present were shocked. They looked at Long Chen in horror. The surrounding monsters seemed to be extremely afraid of Long Chen. They actually slowly withdrew for a distance, surrounded but not attacked. Watch them quietly.

 Hu Xiaoyu rubbed her eyes, and after confirming that she saw it correctly, she shouted loudly at those strong men:

 "Didn't you keep asking about Brother Long Chen's whereabouts before? Aren't you going to collect the bounty? Now he's here "Hey, why did you deflate the eggplant?"

 "Wow, you actually want to exchange my head for a bounty?"

 Long Chen walked towards the crowd step by step, scaring everyone back. Their eyes were filled with horror. The fear that dust brings to them is even greater than those monsters.

 "You crooked people want to use my head for a bounty? Are you crazy?"

 Long Chen glanced at these people. Among the hundreds of thousands of people, there were only more than a hundred Sons of Destiny.

 Moreover, among these Sons of Destiny, there are only a dozen or so of them with decent strength. These dozen or so people are not enough for Long Chen to control. They actually want to kill him to collect the bounty. They really have no self-awareness at all. ah.


 Suddenly a shrill scream came. At some point, Hu Xiaoyu sneaked behind Catwoman, pierced Catwoman's chest with one hand, and opened her mouth at the same time, biting the cat tightly. The woman's shoulder was torn with force, and a piece of her flesh was bitten off.

 "I let you have a poisonous tongue..."

 "I let you be insidious..."

 "I let you bully us..."

 Hu Xiaoyu bit like crazy, biting like crazy. Catwoman was originally a child-level existence, but her Her strength was very average, and she was at the bottom among Destiny's Children. She had her vital points controlled and could not get rid of Hu Xiaoyu at all. She kept screaming, trying to get rid but still unable to break away from Hu Xiaoyu's control.

 When Hu Xiaoyu thought that this woman had been bullying them, forcing so many tribesmen to death, and just now forcing them to be cannon fodder, Hu Xiaoyu could no longer suppress her anger. Her sharp teeth kept tearing Catwoman's flesh and blood, venting her anger crazily. The anger in my heart.

 Seeing this scene, Long Chen was shocked. In Long Chen's impression, Hu Xiaoyu had always been a very gentle woman, but he didn't expect that she would be so ruthless at this time. It didn't take much to think about it, but she knew that it was something she had been saving for a long time. Hatred.

 Feng You was much calmer than Hu Xiaoyu. She came to Long Chen, looked at him, her big eyes were full of emotion:

 "You came in too time."

 Long Chen suddenly felt embarrassed, Feng You mistakenly thought that Long Chen Chen came here specifically to save her. In fact, when Long Chen rushed down at first, he didn't see the two of them at all.

 "Ahem, as long as you are fine." Long Chen said quickly.


 Fengyou shouted when she saw that Hu Xiaoyu was still biting Catwoman desperately. At this time, Catwoman was almost reduced to a skeleton, her flesh and blood were blurred, and she looked extremely scary.

 After all, Hu Xiaoyu is from the Melting Beast clan, and she still retains her animal nature, and the anger that has been stored up for so long is extremely difficult to restrain once it is vented. Feng You shouted several times before she restrained herself.


 Hu Xiaoyu gave up biting and cut off Catwoman's head with a sword. Seeing this, the other strong men of the Fusion Beast Clan were so frightened that they all trembled and backed away.

 At this time, the monsters on the periphery did not attack them. They just surrounded them and watched everything here quietly. Everyone was safe for the time being.

 But the so-called safety is for monsters, but facing Long Chen, they don't feel safe at all, because Long Chen alone is more frightening than all the monsters combined.

 "Brother Long Chen, thank you for coming, otherwise my sister and I..."

 Hu Xiaoyu regained her composure, suddenly felt aggrieved, and rushed towards Long Chen, as if she wanted to hug him for comfort.

 "Wait a minute... Good sister, please wipe your mouth first." Long Chen quickly waved his hand. At this time, Hu Xiaoyu's mouth was full of blood, and her fangs had not been retracted. Long Chen was afraid that she would bite him in excitement.

 Only then did Hu Xiaoyu notice her appearance, and her face turned red with embarrassment. Long Chen had seen her ugliest side, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

 "Why did you show up here?" Long Chen asked.

 Feng You said briefly, and then said: "Long Chen, we have to break out quickly. I feel like something is wrong with these monsters."

 Feng You looked at the motionless monsters around him with an ominous premonition. Born from her heart.

 "Boom, boom, boom..."

 At this moment, the monsters suddenly started to perform strange movements in unison, similar to a dance. Feng You couldn't help being frightened when he saw this scene.

 And when Feng You looked into the distance, she had a look of horror on her face, because he saw a three-line Heavenly Saint-level monster holding a bone staff.

 When she turned her head to look to the other side, she saw another one. At that moment, she felt cold in her heart, and soon, the third one also appeared.

 "It's over."

 When he saw the three three-line Heavenly Saint-level monsters appearing, Feng You's face turned as pale as paper in an instant.

 "Long Chen, run quickly and leave us alone!" Feng You shouted to Long Chen immediately.

 "Buzz buzz..."

 At this moment, a huge whirlpool appeared in the void, and Feng You suddenly felt short of breath, and his whole body was imprisoned by a strange force.

 "Don't be afraid, I will use my last bit of strength to keep you safe." Long Chen shouted loudly, and as he spoke, Long Chen pressed his hands on the backs of the two of them.


 Feng You and Hu Xiaoyu screamed, they knew that Long Chen was going to send them out.

 "Silly girl..." Long Chen smiled slightly.


 Long Chen exerted his strength with both hands, and the golden flames enveloped the two of them. They soared into the sky like two meteors, directly penetrated the vortex in the void, and flew away.

 The three three-line Heavenly Saint-level experts were shocked when they saw this scene, but they ignored Feng You and the other two and raised the bone staff above their heads. The vortex surged several times in an instant. The


 vortex circulated, sucking everyone into the vortex, including Long Chen.

 "Long Chen..."

 Hu Xiaoyu and Feng You screamed, but they were imprisoned by Long Chen's power and could not move. They could only watch the huge vortex shrink and disappear.


 After the two people were sent out, the talismans behind them lit up at the same time. The two people disappeared on the spot and were teleported out again.

 When the space stabilized, Feng You and Hu Xiaoyu had been teleported far away and could no longer see their original places.

 "Brother Long Chen..." Hu Xiaoyu cried loudly: "I hurt you."

 Feng You was calmer. She helped Hu Xiaoyu up and said: "Long Chen didn't die so easily. Maybe he was just trapped. We Hurry to the core and use the sky fire to become immortal. Maybe you can save him in time."

 Hu Xiaoyu then wiped away his tears and flew towards the core with Feng You.