
Chapter 5065: Desire to die


 a big head was smashed by Long Chen with a stick.

 "Oh, I'll go."

 In Long Chen's mind, the voices of Dragon Bone Evil Moon and Qiankun Ding came at the same time. It was obvious that both of them couldn't stand it anymore. Long Chen was such a loser.

 Outside the ring, the strong men of the Golden Crow clan were furious with anger. Countless people were shouting curses, while Bai Yingxue and others were looking at each other with weird expressions on their faces.

 They all knew about Long Chen's strength and had seen the scenes of him killing the strong men of the Minglong clan. To be honest, Long Chen was already a bit bullying when he entered the ring with them.

 What's even more outrageous is that they clearly want to kill each other, but they still want to kill each other. Seeing the strong men of the Golden Crow clan furious and gnashing their teeth, they suddenly felt that the Golden Crow clan was a little pitiful.


 the headless corpses of Long Chen and the powerful men of the Golden Crow clan were teleported out.

 "That's right, the Golden Crow clan is nothing more than that."

 Long Chen's sarcasm completely made the powerful people of the Golden Crow clan explode. They roared and rushed towards Long Chen, as if they wanted to fight Long Chen desperately, which immediately made the White Dragon clan This side became alert and set up a formation.

 "Quiet, quiet, on the ring, the sword has no eyes, life and death are determined by destiny." Seeing that the Golden Crow clan and the White Dragon clan were showing signs of fighting again, the old man from Dangu hurriedly shouted loudly.

 At this time, the deputy chief of the Golden Crow clan also hurriedly stepped forward to control the situation, ordering the senior officials to suppress the disciples and tell them not to be so impulsive.

 "I'm here to meet you!"

 A destined son of the Golden Crow clan shouted coldly and jumped onto the ring, but Long Chen shook his head and said:

 "I don't want to fight you, I can't beat you."

 "You... "

 The Destined Son of the Golden Crow Clan almost vomited blood. Among the Destined Sons of the Golden Crow Clan, he was barely ranked in the top 100, but Long Chen didn't dare to fight him.

 "You coward, you shame on the White Dragon Clan." The destined son of the Golden Crow Clan stood on the ring and roared.

 "It's okay if you want me to fight you. Cut off your hands and feet first, and then I'll fight you." Long Chen looked at him sideways for a while and said.

 "Why?" The destined son of the Golden Crow clan sneered.

 "I have already fought two thrilling life-and-death battles, and my physical strength has been greatly reduced. Do you want to take advantage? You cut off your own hands and feet. It is only fair that we compete again." Long Chen said.

 "You call this a 'thrilling'? A 'life-and-death battle'? Do you want to laugh me to death?" The destined son of the Golden Crow clan was almost so angry that he vomited blood.

 "Cut the nonsense, either compete or get out. If you don't get out, I'm leaving. Anyway, I have won two games, so I won't lose today." Long Chen waved the golden crow coiled dragon stick in his hand, pretending to return to the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest. , now the Golden Crow clan is in a hurry.

 "Hey, I'm here to fight with you." At this time, another Son of Destiny from the Golden Crow clan stood up. This man had a beard on his face. Although his aura was weaker than the previous one, this man was a little insidious and deliberately suppressed him. Aura, I thought Long Chen couldn't see it.

 Long Chen glanced at him and shook his head: "You're too ugly."

 "You..." The man almost spurted blood. Is this a reason?

 "Then let me come and meet you."

 At this time, a Son of Destiny from the Golden Crow clan came from a distance. Only then did Long Chen realize that this Son of Destiny was not here, but had just come from a distance. .

 In other words, not all the destined sons of the Golden Crow clan have arrived, and some of them should be in seclusion in the Hantian Territory.

 &nbbsp;Long Chen understood clearly in his heart, no wonder he looked at all the Sons of Destiny of the Golden Crow clan, the strongest ones, that is, Zhao Qingtian and Ye Lingxiao, and did not see any stronger existence. This is somewhat unreasonable. .

 After all, the Golden Crow clan is so huge, there must be some super strong people. Seeing this person running towards them, I figured this out.

 "You came all the way to die, I'm a little embarrassed to do it!" Long Chen looked at the man and said.


 The man came up and rushed into the ring without saying a word. After entering the ring, he immediately summoned the vision, holding a weapon in his hand, and shouted sternly:

 "Quickly come down and die."

 "Since you are in such a hurry. If you want to reincarnate, then I have no choice but to help you." Long Chen shook his head helplessly and rushed into the ring.

 Entering the arena, Long Chen punched the ground with the golden black dragon stick in his hand. There was an


 , and the divine image of Fuso Gumu lit up the entire arena. At that moment, the eyes of all the disciples of the Golden Crow clan who were watching the battle almost bulged out. This time, they could clearly see such a huge divine figure. Figure, only ancient hibiscus trees that are tens of millions of years old can be condensed.

 The divine map summoned by Long Chen was actually a terrifying technique, but Long Chen didn't seem to know how to use it. He could only summon the divine map, but he didn't know how to use it to attack.

 You know, the Golden Crow clan has a terrifying summoning technique, which is similar to a leadership technique. It uses the blood of the Golden Crow in conjunction with Mu Xin to summon ancient heroic spirits to fight together.

 The stronger the tree heart is, the more powerful the heroic spirits it summons. Seeing that Long Chen can summon such a huge divine map, not to mention those disciples, even the deputy palace master of the Golden Crow clan is jealous.

 You know, even if he is the deputy palace master, the divine map that his wooden heart can summon is less than one-tenth of Long Chen's. He doesn't know how many times he wants to grab it directly.

 Long Chen punched the wooden stick, and the divine map appeared and disappeared quickly. Long Chen looked behind the disciple of the Golden Crow clan again and said:

 "Be careful behind you."

 The destined son of the Golden Crow clan laughed loudly: "This kind of trick of yours, At all..."


 However, amidst the exclamations of countless people, a Long Chen appeared silently from behind the Golden Crow disciple, hit him on the head with a stick, and directly smashed his head.


 the body of the disciple of the Golden Crow clan fell to the ground. Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. Two identical Long Chens actually appeared on the stage.


 However, the Long Chen who took action suddenly scattered into flame runes all over the sky and disappeared. Only then did people realize that it was just a clone.

 "Haha, I got another one!"

 In the chaotic space, Huo Ling'er was holding a long stick, jumping and laughing excitedly.

 It turns out that Huo Ling'er also got a hibiscus wood heart. Anyway, as long as the Golden Crow is given to them, they can recover quickly.

 Ever since, Huo Ling'er pretended to be Long Chen's clone, knocked the opponent to death with a stick, and then turned into flame runes and scattered them. The two cooperated perfectly and deceived everyone present, even the strong men of Brahma Pill Valley. Didn't see any flaws.

 "The Golden Crow clan, that's all, let's forget it. I don't have a single general under my command, so I feel a little embarrassed to bully you." Long Chen shook his head and sighed, and was about to walk back.

 "Stop, there are countless good men in our Golden Crow clan. We are not afraid of you killing them. If you have the guts to continue, you are not your father's son. If you dare not continue, you are not your father's son." The strong man of the Golden Crow clan yelled.

 Hearing the curse, Long Chen's expression suddenly turned gloomy. Since you all want to die, I will help you.