
Chapter 4942: Human eyes look down on dogs

 Long Chen followed the others, and as soon as he went out, he was surrounded by a group of people. The other party had already displayed their weapons, as if they were about to take action.

 Long Chen glanced at the people on the opposite side. There were more than forty people in total. They seemed to be a lot of people, but their strength was average. If they really fought, this group of people would not be their opponents at all.

 Fang Liude was furious and was about to explode when the leader on the opposite side immediately said with a playful smile: "Oh, isn't this the Sixth Brother? I'm so sorry that I recognized the wrong person and didn't quickly put away my weapons."

 Following the man's order. , the group of people immediately put away their weapons, and Long Chen immediately understood that they either recognized the wrong person, or were here to deliberately cause trouble.

 "Ma Qi, what do you mean?" Fang Liude said angrily.

 "As I said, you admitted the wrong person. Brother Six, you should be busy." The man smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

 "If you have the ability to stir up trouble, but if you don't have the ability to stand out, a coward like you will be beaten to death sooner or later." A strong man behind Fang Liude who was carrying a long bow sneered.

 "Hehe, the so-called thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river, even if I am a villain and am willing to be someone else's dog, what can you do to me?" The man chuckled, not angry at all.

 "I can't tell, you really have the potential to be a dog." A woman next to Long Chen said. There are only two women in the entire team, one is Yuying, and the other is her.

 "You can't tell, it's just because you think the dog is inferior." As soon as the woman finished speaking, Long Chen couldn't help but say.

 As a result, everyone in the team laughed at Long Chen's interface. Long Chen's words were so perfect.

 "Who are you?" The man suddenly became furious when he saw that Long Chen was a stranger.

 "I want to say that I am your father, but seeing as you look like this, forget it. I can't let you take advantage of me." Long Chen shook his head.

 Long Chen always spoke expressionlessly, without any anger, but what he said was both annoying and funny.

 Originally, Fang Liude and others were very angry after being provoked, but with a few words from Long Chen, they laughed so much that most of their anger disappeared.

 The man was furious: "You..."

 "Go away!"

 Fang Liude's face suddenly darkened, and he shouted coldly: "Don't want to open a dyeing shop just because I don't give you three points of honor. I will seriously kill you, and others may not stand up for you. If you want to die, just say something. "

 This guy had some troubles with them before. Later, he joined a powerful mercenary group and started to cause trouble in an attempt to provoke a war between the two mercenary groups. Avenge yourself through the hands of others.

 However, it is obvious that he is not strong enough. Although he has his own mercenary team, the team has just been established. Although there are many people, they are knowledgeable but not refined, mixed but not pure. Their strength is far behind Fang Liude and others, so they dare not If you fight hard, you just dare to disgust them.

 Now that he saw that the other party was angry, he really didn't dare to continue to provoke them. He could only step aside and watch them leave. However, Long Chen didn't even look at these people from beginning to end, which made them gnash their teeth.

 "Little brother, your cultivation level is not high, but your skills as a talker are amazing. With just two words, you almost beat that guy to death. It was so enjoyable." The man with the long bow on his back couldn't help but approach Long Chen. The face was full of admiration.

 Usually, they were the ones who were half-dead angry. Today, Long Chen's two words made the guy's face turn black with anger. They saw it, not to mention how happy they were.

 Although there are eighteen people here, most of them are not good at talking. Yuying is the most talkative among them, but compared with an expert in bickering like Long Chen, there is no comparison at all.

 As for Brother Song, who looked honest and honest, he didn't know how to express his admiration. After thinking for a long time, he gave Long Chen a thumbs up sign.

 "It's really amazing."

 Everyone couldn't help but sigh. Long Chen didn't expect that he would be praised for just saying a few sarcastic words, and he suddenly felt dumbfounded.

 What he doesn't know is how painful and depressing quarrels are for those who are stupid. They would rather use swords and guns with each other than argue with others, because they can't fight at all. This ability is innate.

 "You're all welcome. My cultivation level is low. For so many years, I have mainly relied on this mouth to survive." Long Chen had no choice but to start talking nonsense again.

 In fact, in this team, the one with the lowest cultivation level is the fifth-level heaven, and the one with the highest cultivation level, Fang Liude, is only at the seventh-level heaven. In fact, their strength is relatively average.

 And Long Chen only has the third level of cultivation, and he is indeed the bottom one here. When Long Chen said this, Fang Liude waved his hands and said:

 "That's not a problem. If you are willing, come with us on a few more missions. Let's take a look at your strength and expertise, and see if we can form a team together."

 Fang Liude didn't like Long Chen at first, because in his eyes, Long Chen was a pretty boy with thin skin and tender flesh, and he didn't look like that. The hard-working young master is just a burden to carry around.

 But they couldn't bear for such a novice to be hacked, and this mission was not too difficult for them. Apart from taking a little time, it didn't pose much danger, so they took Long Chen with them.

 On the other hand, it is also because of Yuying's face. Yuying and his wife are both kind. If they don't take Long Chen with them, Yuying and his wife may have other ideas. As the captain, he needs to take care of everyone's emotions. This is the most basic thing as a captain. .

 However, now that he said this, it showed that Long Chen's magical skill of talking had made him a little excited, because for a relatively dull team, a strong-mouthed king was needed.

 Who is Long Chen? He could tell Fang Liude's thoughts at a glance. For a moment, he couldn't laugh or cry. He just told a joke, but these people all took it seriously. Does it mean that the dignified dean of Lingxiao Academy needs to rely on talk to make a living?

 The team set off, and the journey was not short. After leaving the mercenary city, Fang Liude summoned a demon bird, which was his mount. Everyone rode on the demon bird and flew straight out.

 Half an hour later, Long Chen looked into the distance and saw a huge city, which was hundreds of times larger than the Mercenary City. The entire city was resplendent with tall buildings, which was completely different from the Mercenary City.

 "That's one of the eighteen outer cities in Tianhuang Territory. It's mighty and majestic. Only when you see the inner city will you know what true majesty is.

 Hehe, but when you see Wanlong City where the Long family is located, these You don't even care about the city," a strong man said to Long Chen.

 Long Chen discovered that their route bypassed the city, and couldn't help but ask: "Why don't we start from this city?"

 "There are free ones, who will pay for them? Are they being taken advantage of?" The strong man endured it. He couldn't help but give Long Chen a blank look.


 just as everyone was talking, suddenly a chariot painted with dragon patterns roared towards them and crashed directly into them, making everyone scream in shock.