
Chapter 4911

 The demon corpse shook its arms, and Long Chen, Mo Nian, the masked man, and the demon strongman flew out at the same time. Mo Nian and the demonic strongman spurted blood at the same time, and under the silver mask of the masked man, there were also Blood was flowing, and it was obvious that he was also shocked and vomited blood.

 "A bunch of idiots are trying to get their hands on the remains of my ancestors. Go ahead and dream. Damn the human race. You will eventually face endless slaughter."

 The powerful demon race spurted blood, but still had a sinister smile on his face.


 the demon corpse's wings suddenly flapped, and the air waves rolled and spewed out. Before Long Chen and the others could stabilize their bodies, they were shocked and flew out again.

 The demon corpse broke away from its control and began to awaken its self-consciousness. All the runes bound to it were constantly exploding, gradually turning into powder and burning into nothingness.

 The demonic runes around it changed from dark to flickering, and finally began to burn. The vast imperial power was surging, and a visible ripple of the imperial path covered the world.

 When the ripples covered the heads of Long Chen and others, Long Chen's body trembled violently, his soul trembled, and under the raging demonic power, Long Chen seemed to be pressed by a universe, feeling like he was about to be crushed.

 "Damn it, if they hadn't caused trouble, this demon corpse would have been my puppet." Mo Nian looked at the demon corpse with unwillingness in his eyes.

 "You idiots, you are all ruining my good deeds."

 When Mo Nian shouted, the masked man also roared. Likewise, he was extremely unwilling. He had the same purpose as Mo Nian, which was to control this demon. corpse.

 But unlike Mo Nian, it took the efforts of three generations for the masked man to have today's opportunity. Now that all his efforts have been in vain, he is even more unwilling than Mo Nian.


 Only the powerful demon clan was laughing up to the sky, as if he was crazy:

 "When our ancestors are resurrected, they will massacre your human race as soon as possible. Your human race will soon have mountains of bones and rivers of blood."


 Suddenly, The demon corpse slowly turned its body. When it turned to a certain angle, it suddenly stopped. Suddenly it stepped on the ground, took a step forward, and rushed away in one direction. The huge figure turned into a stream of light, and it was far away in an instant. go.

 Long Chen's heart sank: "That direction..."

 Mo Nian gritted his teeth and said, "It's the entrance to Tianmu Mountain..."

 Long Chen took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down, and said to Mo Nian: "Demon The corpse is completely out of control. Now it must go to Demon-Conquering City to retrieve its head. Let's go there and see if there is any chance of saving it."

 Mo Nian nodded, that was all he could do. He messed up the matter and he was depressed to death. It was the first time in many years that he was so useless.


 Long Chen and Mo Nian immediately set off, but as soon as the two of them moved, the masked man sneered: "It's all your fault. Remember, if the demon corpse kills someone, those innocent lives will be demanded from you." Life."


 Mo Nian was furious. At this time, this guy even made sarcastic remarks and passed the responsibility to them.

 You know, after this guy took control of the demon corpse, his first goal was to kill with the demon corpse, but now he threw the blame on them. It was the first time that Mo Nian had such a strong murderous intention towards a person.

 Long Chen grabbed Mo Nian. He had no time to talk nonsense with him now. Long Chen looked at the masked man coldly:

 "Listen carefully, if someone dies because of the demon corpse, no matter whether it is in heaven or on earth, I will protect him." They will kill you, no one can protect you." Long Chen dropped a word and pulled Mo Nian away quickly.

 The two left, and there was an explosion behind them, and then they heard the screams of the strong demon clan. It must be the masked man who attacked the strong demon clan.

 I don't know if the masked man has been preserving his strength. After the two left, they immediately attacked the strong demon clan and severely injured the strong demon clan with one blow.

 The strong demon's aura quickly disappeared, and he obviously suffered a big loss and fled away. However, when he left, the masked man also disappeared. I wonder if he can escape the pursuit of the masked man.

 "That masked man has an unusual origin and is very sinister. I was fooled by him." Mo Nian said through gritted teeth as he flew forward.

 "It's not like you were fooled. The three-generation plan took action countless years earlier than you. Don't take this matter too seriously. What we have to do now is to find a way to kill the demon corpse." Long Chen said solemnly.

 Mo Nian gritted his teeth and said nothing. What was supposed to be a foolproof thing was messed up by him. At this time, he was so angry that he had long lost his previous calmness and couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

 The same is true for Long Chen. Things are developing in the worst direction, and they are getting worse. Even if Long Chen is resourceful, it will not help.

 Both of them knew in their hearts that it was impossible to catch up with the demonic corpse. Once the demonic corpse rushed out of Tianmu Mountain, it would immediately rush to the Demon-Conquering City and fuse with its head.

 And Fang Tianyin has also been infected by demonic energy. If the demon heads are no longer suppressed and they are allowed to fuse, then Fumo City will inevitably face a catastrophe, and even the entire human race will usher in a huge disaster.

 Both of them were unparalleled talents, but at this time they felt that they were so incompetent. The two of them ran all the way without saying a word. When the fluctuations in the surrounding space were no longer so violent, Long Chen immediately took out the array disk.

 The two of them did not fly in the direction in which the demonic corpse was attacking, but ran sideways, escaping from the demonic corpse's fluctuations as quickly as possible, causing chaos in the field. Only in this way could the teleportation array be used.

 When using the teleportation array, you cannot fly in a straight line, but need to make a circle. Otherwise, if you hit the running route of the demon corpse, the teleportation will be interrupted, and you will easily be involved in the turbulence of space, and you will not know what will be involved. The place has gone.


 Long Chen and Mo Nian stepped onto the teleportation array and teleported. After the first teleportation, they immediately started the second teleportation.

 Long Chen was responsible for teleportation, and Mo Nian was responsible for calculating the teleportation point and trying to save time. After dozens of teleportations, when the two of them were dizzy by the endless pull of space, the sky appeared in front of them.

 When they saw the sky, their hearts suddenly tightened. They teleported all the way and finally arrived at the entrance. They originally had a glimmer of hope, thinking that they could catch up with the demon corpse.

 But when they saw a huge hole above the sky, they knew that it was still a step too late. The demon corpse had already rushed out of Tianmu Mountain.

 At this time, the barrier of Tianmu Mountain has completely lost its meaning after being hit by the demon corpse. The remaining demonic energy above the huge hole is constantly destroying the power of the barrier. At this time, the laws inside and outside the barrier In circulation, it won't be long before this place becomes a place of free entry and exit.

 When Long Chen and Mo Nian rushed to the edge of the barrier, Long Chen's eyes suddenly lit up: "It just ran out, let's chase it."


 The two of them just rushed out of the barrier, and there was a loud noise in front of them, and then Long Chen He Mo Nian saw a large purple-gold seal covering the sky, and the purple-gold divine light shrouded it, trapping the demonic corpse.

 "It's Brother Wujiang"

 Long Chen and Mo Nian shouted excitedly and rushed in that direction immediately.