
Chapter 4822: Becoming Famous for a Time

 Long Chen and Mo Nian quietly left the academy. Mo Nian took out two hidden breath talismans. The seals of these two talismans had turned yellow, and they had the atmosphere of ancient times. At first glance, they were not products of modern times. Needless to say, this thing Mo Nian dug it out from somewhere again.

 Mo Nian introduced that this hidden breath talisman can not only hide the breath, but also shield the perception of heaven and luck, so that the two of them can avoid the prying eyes of the Brahma Pill Valley.

 "Brother, I'm not telling you, you're not doing well now? As soon as you entered the Emperor's Heaven, you were targeted in various ways. You didn't kill a corpse in front of the Nine Heavens Gate. Isn't this your style? "The two of them chatted while walking. Mo Nian still had to heal his injuries, so he couldn't walk quickly.

 After Mo Nian was cursed, he immediately thought of Long Chen. Originally, he wanted to go to Lingxiao Academy to find Long Chen. Fortunately, Long Chen had already arrived at the Emperor's Heaven. If Long Chen hadn't been in the Emperor's Heaven, Huang Tian and Mo Nian didn't know if they could hold on until they saw Long Chen.

 After Mo Nian was cursed, he was running all the way and heard someone mention Long Chen's name. However, upon questioning, he found out that the other person was the person who targeted Long Chen.

 Mo Nian was immediately rude and searched for souls directly. Only then did he learn that Long Chen had arrived at the Emperor's Heaven. After asking around, he learned about the location of Lingxiao Academy. As a result, when he arrived at the location, Long Chen and others had arrived at the New Emperor's Heaven. stronghold.

 Chasing Mo Nian along the way was extremely hard. Fortunately, he arrived at Long Chen when he was in poor health.

 "You also think that's not my style?" Long Chen was stunned.

 "Of course. Think back then, our brothers were invincible across the Tianwu Continent, killing people and killing gods. How arrogant was it?

 I don't understand. You obviously have the opportunity to kill, but you seem to have any scruples. Everywhere "Leave some room, this is really not your style back then.

 I remember you said before that you will not let go of anyone who wants your life, no matter if he is a good person or a bad person."

 "Did I say that?" Long Chen asked.

 "Of course, have you forgotten? You said that no matter who he is, good or bad, he can't deprive me of my full strength to survive. The only person in this world who can control my life is myself." Mo Nian stared and said:

 " What's going on? Have you forgotten about this? Are you kidnapped? Hey, hey, let me ask you, where did we first meet?"

 "Okay, that's nonsense.

 " He said authentically: "If I was taken away, I would risk my life to save you. Why? Just because of your big face?"

 "That's true."

 Mo Nian nodded, and then said angrily: "What do you mean I'm like this? Big face? This is a handsome and handsome face, okay?"

 Mo Nian doesn't care about anything else, but if someone says he has a big face, he will be very upset. After all, his face is indeed a bit big.

 "Mo Nian, to tell you the truth, I am trapped by my inner demon now." Long Chen couldn't help but sigh.

 This is Long Chen's secret. Long Chen has never told anyone else about this secret, but for Mo Nian, he told it. It's not that he doesn't trust other people, but that others are unable to help him share the burden, but will let them do it for themselves. Worry.

 But Mo Nian was different. Long Chen had absolute trust in Mo Nian, and he also had an inexplicable confidence in Mo Nian.

 "Inner demon?" Mo Nian was surprised. He never thought that someone as powerful as Long Chen would also have inner demons.

 Long Chen didn't hide anything, and told Mo Nian in detail about the various entanglements he had with his inner demons. After speaking, Long Chen felt a sense of relief, and his whole person seemed to feel much more relaxed.

 Sometimes I hold secrets in my heart and cannot share them with others. Only I can understand the painful feeling.

 "Let me go, is that guy so strong?" Mo Nian said with a shocked look on his face.

 "It's so strong, but I still don't know how his power increased." Long Chen said with great annoyance.

 "Oh, I understand!"

 Mo Nian said with a look of sudden realization: "No wonder you no longer have the sharpness you used to have, and your feelings are tortured by inner demons.

 In fact, this thing is very simple, just do it. What? If you are destined to be strong, it should be him who is worried.

 If you are not strong enough, you will be swallowed up by him sooner or later, and there is no point in worrying about it.

 And the inner demon is just one of your thousands of enemies, even if you are Now that you have defeated your inner demons, can you guarantee that you will defeat every enemy in the future?

 Even if you can defeat every enemy, can you guarantee that you will never face death or failure? Life is like fireworks, we just need to put all our efforts into blooming. "Who cares when will it end?"

 Mo Nian's words shocked Long Chen's heart. Mo Nian's words were what he had said before. At that moment, he felt like he was in a state of enlightenment. The shackles were opened in an instant.

 "Hahaha..." Long Chen looked up to the sky and laughed.

 There is self-mockery in the laughter, but also relief. People can persuade others, but they cannot persuade themselves. What they know, but they need others to point out. Perhaps this is the reason why the authorities are blind to the clarity of others.

 No matter how strong the inner demon is, can it be stronger than Brahma? Brahma can't make himself afraid, so why can a demon in his heart torture him to such an extent? What a funny thing.

 "I feel much better after talking to you. It's great to have a brother like you!" Long Chen patted Mo Nian on the shoulder and said excitedly.

 "Hey, who makes us the best bad friends? However, your inner demon makes me very curious. If you have the opportunity, let me see him.

 If his personality is similar to mine, I wouldn't mind being a brother with him . , Hahaha!" Mo Nian laughed.

 If Mo Nian said this before, Long Chen might be very unhappy, but now Long Chen's knot has been resolved and he doesn't care about this joke at all.

 "By the way, when did you come here?" Long Chen asked.

 Mo Nian flexed his fingers and said, "I can't remember the specifics, because I spent most of my time underground, and the flow of time is different in some places, so there's no way to calculate it. Anyway, it's a little more than half a year, less than a year." "

 I'll go, you are really dedicated." Long Chen was speechless for a while.

 "There is no other way. A person must have a beginning and an end. Do what you do and love what you do. Now that you have chosen it, you must do it to the extreme.

 However, don't underestimate me. I am no longer the person I used to be. Now I am in the Emperor's Heaven. , he can be considered a number one person, although he dare not say that he is all-powerful, but he is also famous for a while," Mo Nian said with a proud expression.


 As the two of them were talking, Mo Nian suddenly put away the talismans on their bodies and recovered from the invisible state. Unknowingly, the two of them had arrived at an ancient city.

 When the two people just appeared, someone saw Mo Nian in front of the city gate with a look of horror on his face, obviously recognizing Mo Nian.

 "I can't help it. It's hard for me to keep a low profile now." Mo Nian spread his hands to express his helplessness.

 "Mo Nian, the one who killed a thousand swords, you wicked bastard who smokes, you will die!"

 After the man was frightened, his murderous intention suddenly surged into the sky, he drew his weapon and started to kill Mo Nian. Long Chen's originally envious expression suddenly changed. He instantly turned into astonishment:

 "Is this what you call instant fame?"