
Chapter 4820 Cursed Arrow


 The endless thunder entangled Long Chen, and black air rolled and stuck to the thunder, like ink or plaster.

 "Brother Long Chen, this curse is so annoying, it's hard for me to remove it." Lei Ling'er shouted angrily.

 Long Chen had helped Mo Nian clear corpse energy before and thought that this curse was also based on corpse energy, so it shouldn't be too difficult to clean up.

 But in reality, there is a huge gap between the two. Corpse Qi is like water and turns into Qi when exposed to thunder. However, this curse is like oil glue that sticks to all Long Chen's visions, making it extremely difficult to clean up.

 "My good sister, stop complaining. There's nothing we can do about it. We can't just ignore it.

 Don't be afraid. When this guy wakes up, let's kill him with something good. Otherwise, we're so sorry for all the trouble. I spent my life saving him again," Long Chen gritted his teeth.

 Long Chen wanted to kick Mo Nian a few times. What kind of guy did this guy provoke to be infected with such a terrifying curse?

 However, this guy's life is really tough. He has incurred such a terrifying curse and still managed to come here to seek help from him. He is really strong.

 "Chi chi chi..."

 Lei Ling'er exploded with all his strength, and billions of thunder runes enveloped Long Chen's body, pulling out the curses from Long Chen's body bit by bit.

 Even if the curse was removed, the resentment and ferocious aura still lingered around Long Chen, as if waiting for Lei Ling'er's power to weaken before returning to Long Chen's body.

 They were like a group of ferocious ghosts, staring at Long Chen. Fortunately, after Lei Ling'er pulled them out, Huo Ling'er took over the next task and burned them directly with the fire of the sun.

 But while it was burning, Huo Ling'er felt something was wrong:

 "Brother Long Chen, look!"

 From the fire of the sun, Long Chen saw tadpoles with big heads and long tails, like tadpoles, but Weird runes full of sharp teeth.

 When Lei Ling'er pulled out the traces of curse power and refined it through Huo Ling'er, only these runes were left. These runes were as small as hair, but the curse power contained in them was shocking. tingling.

 When Huo Ling'er burned away the power of the curse, what was left were these vicious runes. No matter how hard Huo Ling'er tried, he could not burn these runes. After burning for a long time, there was no trace of loss.

 The most frightening thing is that they don't run away and always stare at Long Chen, seeming to have transferred their hatred to him.

 "Xie Yue, do you want this thing?" Long Chen's scalp felt numb and he quickly asked for help from Dragon Bone Xie Yue.

 "This thing is so disgusting, what do I want it for?" Dragon Bone Evil Moon refused decisively.

 "You can absorb it and attach it to..." Long Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

 "I don't want this disgusting thing, don't make such a joke with me." Dragon Bone Evil Moon said with some annoyance.

 "Hey, hey, Xie Yue, do you have any secret method to inject them into weapons?" Long Chen had an idea and asked hurriedly.

 "Wait a minute, I'll look through it." Dragon Bone Evil Moon responded.

 "Looking through it? What are you looking for?"

 "Of course I'm looking through my memory. I've devoured so many dragon souls. Let me see if there is such a method in their memories." Dragon Bone Evil Moon said angrily.

 It turns out that although Dragon Bone Evil Moon has devoured countless dragon souls, each dragon soul has a huge memory. Dragon Bone Evil Moon cannot integrate so many memories, so it sealed them and can look at them at any time.

 "Don't tell me, there really is. This is called the Evil Dragon Curse. One of the sections is to inject the power of the curse into the dragon's claws.

 But this is a secret method of the dragon clan. I don't know if it can be injected into weapons, let alone whether you can use it." Dragon Bone Evil Moon Path.

 "No matter what, it's time, you have to give it a try."

 Long Chen asked Dragon Bone Evil Moon to directly pass on the secret method to him. This is the magical power of the Dragon Clan, but it is not difficult for Long Chen who is fused with the blood of the Dragon God.

 Soon Long Chen mastered the trick. Long Chen rummaged through his inventory and found that all the magic weapons he had obtained were given to Guo Ran and Xia Chen for research, and he kept none of them.

 In desperation, Long Chen could only use a secret method to notify Guo Ran and send a batch of the best arrows. Guo Ran got the news and rushed there as soon as possible. When he saw that Long Chen's whole body was surrounded by black energy, the power of the curse, even A big hole was carved out of the sky, and I almost peeed in fear.


 "I'm fine, don't come here, just put your things down." Long Chen said quickly. At this time, even when Long Chen spoke, he was spitting out black air, which looked extremely scary.

 After Guo Ran left, Long Chen opened the box left by Guo Ran. Inside were colorful arrows the size of a palm.

 "Good guy, this kid is very diligent. He has made so many explosive arrows in such a short period of time." Long Chen took a look and saw that there were thousands of arrows. This kid was too lazy to practice, but he was very good at casting. It's really hard work.

 These arrows are made of divine materials produced in the Emperor's Heaven. The runes are integrated with the laws of the Emperor's Heaven, making them even more terrifying.


 When Long Chen picked up an arrow, the arrow quickly grew in size. It was as tall as a normal person. When it left the box, it showed its true size.

 The divine light was flowing on the arrow, the runes were surging, and the pressure was astonishing. Long Chen couldn't help but secretly thought:

 "I guess it is this guy's secret weapon. Unfortunately, it didn't come in handy in the last battle. This kid must be feeling very uncomfortable."

 The energy in this arrow is astonishing. If it explodes, the human saint will definitely not be able to stop it. Even the strong earth saint will be able to drink a pot if the arrow hits his vitals.

 Unfortunately, whether it was the battle at the Nine Heavens Gate or the battle against the Demon Saint, Guo Ran had no chance to use it. If Long Chen hadn't named him the best arrow, he would have been reluctant to take it out.


 Huo Ling'er pressed his hands on the arrow, and the flames flowed around him, driving the curse runes towards the arrow.

 However, those runes were extremely resistant and refused to pass. Huo Ling'er tried his best to force them into the arrow, but they swam on the arrow and never merged with it.

 "Brother, this can't be done. We can't brand them on it." Huo Ling'er said angrily. She couldn't do anything with these curse runes.

 Long Chen's heart moved, and he suddenly flicked his finger, and a drop of blood fell on the arrow. When Long Chen's blood merged into the arrow, those runes suddenly seemed to have gone crazy, without any need to drive them away, and poured directly into Long Chen's blood, and then Blended with blood on top of the arrow.

 There were more blood lines on the colorful arrows, and there were black lines on the blood lines, and the entire arrow suddenly filled with an endless aura of death.

 "Get it done"

 Long Chen was overjoyed, and then continued to expel the cursed air from his body. The cursed air was refined by Huo Ling'er and formed a cursed rune. Then Long Chen dripped blood and introduced the rune into the arrow.

 When more than thirty arrows were covered with curse runes, the power of the curse on Long Chen was finally cleared away. However, the power of the curse in Mo Nian's body was still strong, and Long Chen had to absorb it a second time.

 After such a cycle, Long Chen extracted the power of the curse from Mo Nian's body ten times before finally clearing the curse from Mo Nian's body.

 And Long Chen also had more than 300 cursed arrows. Long Chen finally breathed a long sigh of relief. Just when he was about to sit down and take a rest, Mo Nian suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw Long Chen, he immediately He shouted excitedly:

 "Brother, I will take you to do something big."?