
The burning black stone Mountain

"What? it's obviously over 40 degrees, but you still have to wear a training suit." Sun Xiaosheng mumbled to herself. She was really cute when she was cute, but she was also really mean when she was mean ...

She tied her short hair into a small braid and slipped out from her mouth behind the training hat.

The group of four was indeed the first to arrive. Baldy Hu did not follow the direction sun Xiaosheng had pointed out. Both of them were locals, so they could not fool each other.

His beloved teacher huhu didn't even follow the route given by the navigation system. The speed at which they reached the training point was extremely fast.

At this moment, they were in a military camp on a Hill outside the capital city.

The dimensional space of the Black Rock Mountain was obviously well-developed. In terms of the external facilities, it was the most perfect training ground that Jiang Xiao had ever seen.