
Return of Wu Wen

Strange ball, Baihua forest tribe, clan leader's cave.

"Thank you, my friend." The chief of the Barbarian tribe, blue, stretched out his huge palm and took the White Ghoul fur cloak that canglan handed over.

Compared to the barbarians, canglan's craftsmanship was obviously more exquisite.

It was already winter on the alien planet, and the savages were all wearing thick ape Ghoul fur coats. However, the workmanship of the ape Ghoul coats was like heaven and earth compared to canglan 's.

The white birch forest was a paradise that stood aloof from worldly affairs, and no white ghouls had ever entered it.

The rarer something was, the more expensive it would be. Therefore, this was of the same quality as the ape Ghoul's fur, but the color was pure white. It was simply a symbol of status.