
1165 full level Star Slots!

Add more chapters for Xuanyuan Hongyu, the Alliance master of lzx.


At night, after Jiang Xiao absorbed 999 diamond ruins of calamity star beads, he did not dare to absorb the last one directly. Instead, he adjusted it.

First, he sent Wei Yu and the others back to rest. Then, he went to the ancient demon Island in North America. In the middle of the night, he woke up the 'entire village'.

In the world of calamity and shadows, there were baits placed by Jiang Xiao in the birch tree forest, the dance Soul City, and the Phoenix ancient tower. He could tell the creatures in them what to take note of.

On the other hand, some of the chess pieces of the new chess board Army were hidden underground. However, it did not matter. They were all stone men anyway, and their defense was so strong ...