
Nine Lives Book 1

A normal boy name Ethan Huxley is a ordinary guy and Fuyumi is a mythical beast they will work together just to beat Helmer.

ToToRuDesu · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Start of the Adventure

2 months have been past since my mom got killed by Helmer, Me and Fuyumi walking on a winter storm I was freezing and my body can't handle the cold temperature, Fuyumi give some winter clothes to me and I wear it.

Thank you Fuyumi, for I say to her for giving me some winter clothes to survive the winter storm, until four hours of traveling during the winter storm we encountered a beast that has 50 lion heads and a dragon tail, I tried to fight it using my knife and I run towards it until my eyes start to bleed and my vision started to see some veins and the heart of the beast.

What's Happening To My Eyes!!!, I shout in despair because my eyes are in pain like a eternal burn until I slash the veins of the beast and dies after the attack and I feel something in my head and got knock out, when I wake up I was at the bed and I see Fuyumi cooking something like a stew and I started to walk towards her but my legs won't respond so I tripped myself at the floor and Fuyumi rushes towards me.

Are you okay Ethan, she walk to me and she's worried about my conditions so she put me at the bed to heal my body and she kissed my forehead and she definitely forgot her stew is boiling already so she rushing towards it and get the stew, we eat the stew and after eating the stew we just rest for about an hour until I saw my dream that there's a mysterious man walking towards me and he says.

Hey your name is Ethan right?, Why does he know my name so I answered him, yeah that's me, he's looking at me and started talking about my powers and I was clueless to know it but he saids that my power was called a "Divine Eyes of Condition" the power to make your body limit into a God Level Condition and not only it can enhance your body condition, he says that it has the ability to know how your opponent's body functions and their weaknesses, and it has can kill anyone even if they are that metapotent or nigh-omnipotent or they're absolutely immortal, so after he talks about my power he waves his hand towards me and I immediately wake up and I saw Fuyumi sitting in my body and whispering to me.

Hey wake up it's already morning, she stands up to pack up our things and it's time to go some another journey.

To be Continued