
Nine Kingdoms

In the peaceful Kingdom of Christonfer King Gustav is determined to get his son Prince Elliott married to a proper wife. Elliott is only interested in hunting and has no desire to marry. This all changes when a failed assassination brings him into the care of Eloise, a peasant girl with a kind heart. Elliott is taken by Eloise's compassion and gentleness and falls in love with her. The lovers are torn apart when the King is murdered by his brother Prince Franco and Elliott is blamed. Elliott entrusts Eloise's safety to a mysterious orphan named Rain. Eloise will journey farther than she has ever gone and find courage and strength she has never known she possessed to bring peace to a kingdom on the verge of war and be reunited with her true love

Kate_Cottone · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The Eleven Islands

No one knew of the islands existence. It could not be found on any chart for those who had once lived there had never spoken of it. Franco, King of Nespool, had discovered it, quite by accident. He'd been a young man then, seeking to find his place and make his mark on this world. He was never content with where he was. His kingdom was strong and his armies mighty, but it was not enough for him. He craved to know what else lay out in the big blue sea. He had gathered followers who desired adventure as much as he and they had set out to seek it. They had traveled from one end of the earth to other. By the time he was twenty-one years old there was no one who knew more about the Nine Kingdoms, and the smaller islands that surrounded them, than he. Each Kingdom has its own strengths and resources. Each of the Nine relied on the other to survive. Nine Kingdoms, with nine Kings, all who existed together in harmony.

It made him sick!

It was here on this island that she had found him. His ship had been sunk in a storm, his crew all drowned. Only by clinging to a broken piece of the mast had he managed to stay above the waves. He had been nearly dead from hunger and thirst when she had found him on the beach and dragged him back to her hut. When he had opened his eyes to see her face staring down at him in concern he thought he had been saved by a goddess. Melis, with long tresses the color of a roaring flame and eyes as blue as the sea. She had stayed by his side day and night until his while his wounds healed regaling him with tales of the great days when the kings of old had ruled Umbar. He nourished his soul on her tales of these great men of power who had lived so long ago. Surely, he was descended from these great kings, these men who had ruled over a powerful land sure of themselves and their claim to power. When he had regained enough of his strength she had shown him the island where she had lived her entire life. Like him she yearned for a greater fate than that which had been thrust upon her. She believed that the gods themselves had spared him because he was destined for greatness. He believed that he was destined to find her.

"Your highness." Franco turned from where he stood at the bow of the ship watching as the island came out of the mist.

"Captain," he addressed the captain of his vessel.

"We shall be close enough to drop anchor within thirty minutes sir. The men will take you to shore on the long boat."

"Be about it then," Franco ordered.

"Yes your highness." The captain had been in his service for nearly ten years now. He was a good man to have at your side. He served Franco loyally and asked no more than he needed to know. The men who crewed his ship he had not known for as long but for the price he had paid them he trusted they would keep silent about their endeavor. He turned back to watch the island appear. She was waiting for him. A year it had been since they had last met. The ship anchored and a long boat lowered. Five men were sent a shore with him. His fingers tapped impatiently on the side of the boat as they drew closer and closer. He drew his cloak closer. He leapt from the boat as it was pulled up onto the sand.

"I make this trip alone," he told the men. "Guard the perimeter."

"Yes my king," they answered. He strode into the trees, a man with a purpose. She waited for him by the runes. Stone pillars formed a circle surrounding the large stone basin. This place pulsed with power and strength. It was here that his destiny had been revealed to him.

"My love," Melis greeted him. A feral grin spread across his face as he stalked toward her. He seized her around the waist and hungrily devoured her mouth in a fiery kiss.

"I've missed you," he snarled in her ear.

"In good time my love," she said placing a finger over his lips. Together they stepped up to the basin. Melis took a small pouch from her belt and placed the contents into the basin. With one long, slender finger she thoughtfully stirred the water. A feral grin formed across her lips.

"What do you see?

"The time is right," she said. "We must act now." Franco grinned. This was the news he had been waiting for.


"Christonfer," Melisande said dreamily. Franco's lips curled into a grin. Christonfer. One of the largest of the Nine Kingdoms. Ruled over by Gustav, his half-brother by his mother's first marriage. After the death of King Laurent, Gustav had assumed the throne of Christonfer at the age of fifteen. Not long after her husband's death Queen Napora had remarried King Frayne of Nespool. Frayne and Laurent had been friends in their youth and Frayne encouraged Napora to visit her son in Christonfer as much as she could, often accompanied by her second son. He'd only been a child of ten the first time he'd seen Christonfer but he'd been old enough to know that Nespool was nothing compared to the rich land his half brother ruled.

"Indeed," he said. "What more fitting beginning to my reign than the destruction of my perfect half-brother."

"Patience my love," Melisande placed her hand on his chest. "You must handle this matter delicately. Gustav, for all his slovenly barbarism is much beloved by his people. A direct assault against him would only unite those you desire to rule against you."

"Surely, you cannot expect me to leave him alive."

"For now," Melisande said. "Listen to me, my love. Gustav is not the obstacle that blocks your path. It is his son that stands in the way of your throne."

"Elliott," Franco scoffed. "The boy is no threat to me. He's a young fool."

"Which is why you must strike against him now. Without Elliott the throne of Christonfer is vulnerable. You must eliminate the boy before he marries and produces and heir. My sources tell me that this will happen soon. Gustav is arranging a match for his son as we speak."

"Elliott shall not live to produce an heir!" Franco declared with new determination. "He shall be eliminated before the next full moon. I know just the man to do it. He'll get rid of Elliott and make sure it looks like an accident."

"You are wise indeed my love," Melis said. "Once you are in control of Christonfer, the other eight kingdoms will fall in line right behind you."

"Yes," Franco said. "Once Elliott is out of the picture Gustav will have no choice but to name me his heir. He will not live long enough to make another son. I'll make sure of that! Brookharrow will have no choice but to join the fold once that cousin of mine is wed to their princess...."

"Shh...." Melis whispered in his ear. "One step at a time my love. One step at a time."