
Nine Heavens

Lenin was reincarnated into a cultivation world by a mysterious voice. From birth, lenin discovered that something mysterious was going on with his reincarnation. He was a natural-born genius that astonished others. His genius didn't come free and it is up to Lenin to find out what the price actually was.

Jupitter · Eastern
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12 Chs

Time Skip

Outside the Sky Village, a little boy around the age of 10 could be seen walking. Every step he took was light and carefree like nothing in this world could bother him. The little boy was evening humming a little tune.

Behind him, a gigantic ape which was many times bigger than a man could be seen. The ape had no hostility against the boy at all in fact, if one pay attention they would see the fear in the ape's eyes. Behind the ape, it was dragging the carcass of an ox which was almost as big as itself.

Soon the odd duo reached the entrance of the village. Everyone in the vicinity stopped what they were doing and quickly formed a crowd in front of the boy. "Little Falis what did you hunt this time around." an Auntie asked. The other villagers perked up their ears as they ignore the giant app completely.

"Tonight we are going to feast on a Furry Great Ox," Lenin said proudly as he gave a signal to the ape. The giant app helplessly dragged the ox to the front displaying its mighty carcass.

"Are you sure you didn't make that name up? Last month you caught a Green Horned Deer and the month before that you hunted a Gray Giant Wolf." A brawny villager asked. Lenin sheepishly smiled and looked away pretending like he never heard him.

"Little ancestor you have done it again...," An old man said helplessly. This old man was Fredid the village chief.

Lenin was now 10 years old and five years have passed since he accepted Togen as his master. Within these five years, Lenin has broken so many records that if any strong cultivator we're to witness it they would beg him to be their disciple.

After a few months after Togen left lenin finally broke the 15th barrier and broke through to the qi refining realm. To think that lenin had to break through the 15 layers it was simply unheard of. The body defining realm is considered the absolute beginning yet it had a significant role. It served as the body's foundation to handle qi in the later realms. The better the foundation the better you are at handling qi.

When lenin was at the 15th barrier he was already able to fight Owen and best him in pure strength. The only disadvantage he had was the utilization of qi. It took lenin a few months just to break that last barrier which was the longest it took for the previous ones.

Being on the qi refinement realm was completely different compared to the body foundation realm. This wasn't just a matter of an increase in strength, it was a qualitative leap from being just a mortal. For lenin, it brought another amazing improvement, his dantain was many times bigger than Owen and Fredid. The qi refinement meant being able to manifest qi physically.

Along with this breakthrough, lenin was able to access the spatial ring. Inside the Spatial ring, lenin found many items most of them were books but there was also a shiny sword and a few crystals about the size of a golf ball. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the crystals were compact with pure qi. There was also a slightly bigger crystal which was completely different from the rest. It had no qi and once he touched it, it released a bright light.

When the light faded Lenin found out that there was foreign knowledge in his head. One of them was about a cultivation manual titled Heaven Sword Manual. This was the core manual of the Divine Sword sect. The other knowledge pertains to Sword arts.

The books weren't cultivation manuals or Battle Arts but they were just as important to lenin. They were knowledge of the world he was living in. From the books, he learned that the world he was living in was called Grand Vars. The world had 7 continent but most of the world was still covered in endless oceans.

The continent he was currently on was called Tain continent which was one of the bigger continents compare to the majority. Lenin also found out that the Divine Sword sect was a major power on the continent. this made him quite proud of himself and also more hardworking.

From that day onwards lenins cultivation was very quick and in the span a year he managed to reach the peak of qi refinement realm. This made Owen and Fredid helplessly sigh at how unfair life was for them. It took him another three months to breakthrough to the qi condensing realm.

This time breakthroughs were incredibly slow for lenin. Having a gigantic tank was good and all until you had to fill it. Lenin felt like he was trying to fill a lake but he only had a cup of water every day to fill it.

Lenin was also allowed to venture into the forest again and this time he was ready. He 'Spared' with many demonic beasts and practiced the Sword arts with them all the time. This was also how he 'befriended' the ape from earlier.

Unknowingly years passed and the time has arrived for him to leave the village.