
Nine Flames Sovereign

Traveling through other worlds, carrying the Nine Flame Skyfire Tower, Han Feng began his journey of power! Practicing the Nine Flames and Different Fire Art, burn the true essence, break the true crystal, eliminate the domain, and destroy the law! Let’s look at how young Han Feng soared into the sky among the great talents of other worlds, stepped through the sky, and achieved supreme status!

Akhand_Bharat · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Yu Lao Appears

Lin Tao grinned and grinned: "It's a pity, if it's an ordinary person with a twelve-star cultivation base without a low-grade spiritual weapon for self-defense, you might actually be killed by you."

   "However, as the elder of Lin's family, the old man has the superior and inferior spirit tools given by his family, and he has the power to compete with the ordinary one-star early masters."

   Lin Qingshan stared at Lin Tao blankly.

   Even though she might die and her heart is full of unwillingness, he still won't show despair and weakness in front of the enemy.

   Because it will only make the enemy happy.


   Lin Tao raised the low-grade spiritual weapon long sword in his hand and was about to attack.

   "Skyfire combat body, condensed!!"

   "Xuanyan Chain!!!"

   The flames condensed on the mysterious flame chain, and the two red chains broke through the air.


   Lin Tao was taken aback, never expected that the kid just came back.

   Lin Tao coldly snorted: "You are dead."

   Lin Qingshan's complexion is extremely complex. On the one hand, she is very moved. On the other hand, she can't wait to kick Han Feng a few feet. After finally leaving, she comes back again. Do you like to find death so much?


   Han Feng's True Qi cultivation base was at the beginning of the second-star human rank, plus the mysterious flame chain attached to the sky-fire battle body and the middle-rank mortal fire.

   It is a pity that Han Feng is facing a human-level twelve-star master.


   Lin Tao gave a low shout, and the two chains that shot towards Lin Tao were so stagnant in the air, then they seemed to be shattered by an invisible force.

   "Dead!" Lin Tao spit out these words coldly and pointed out.

   Zhen Qi waved and shot away.


   Han Feng vomited blood again and again, and flew away.

The effect of the    sky fire fighting body instantly dissipated, changing from a tall and stout fireman to a normal state.

   Although vomiting blood, Han Feng still yelled: "Sister Lin, take advantage of this time!"

   "The purple dragon thunderous!!"

   Lin Qingshan really grasped the opportunity given by Han Feng, and Zilong roared out again.

   "Oops!" Lin Tao realized that it was not good, and quickly urged the lower-grade spirit weapon in his hand.

   "Sky Cong Huo Yun Slash!!"

   However, this move was only launched in a hurry, and it did not exert the full power of Sky Cong Fire Cloud Slash, and it was only half of the sky.

   In this way, the battle between Crimson and Ziguang, but Crimson fell into a disadvantage.

   The purple dragon was weakened by the red color, and became less than one-third of its heyday, and suddenly hit Lin Tao.

   directly slammed Lin Tao against a mountain wall behind, Lin Tao sank in.

   rumbling! !

   The aftermath was still shaking, this time Han Feng was close, and he was injured, and he passed out immediately.


"Little brother!"

   Lin Qingshan was so scared that she ran over immediately, and after searching, she was relieved to find that Han Feng had just passed out.

   Soon, Lin Qingshan's complexion turned red.

   After the transformation of the sky-fire combat body, Han Feng's clothes have long been torn. At this moment, it can be described as naked in front of Lin Qingshan.

   The 'Little Han Feng' is naturally exposed.

   Lin Qingshan glanced curiously, and whispered to herself: "It turns out that he has just developed, and he said he was a 'big' man before!"

   "Hehe, but it's pretty cute too."

   Han Feng who was in a coma naturally couldn't hear Lin Qingshan's words. If he knew, God would know if Han Feng would become angry.

   is a man, and I hope that the place is praised by women as majestic, cute and so on, so save it.


   "Damn, you all damn!"

   An angry roar sounded, Lin Qingshan's expression changed, and she stood up suddenly: "You are all right!"

   Lin Qingshan looked at Lin Tao incredulously.

   Lin Tao removed the broken clothes, revealing the soft armor inside.

   Lin Qingshan gritted her teeth: "Low-grade spirit weapon defense soft armor!"

  Like martial arts, in the same level, the value of defensive weapons is more than that of attack weapons.

   Lin Tao touched the soft armor, and also tore it off: "The inferior low-grade spiritual weapon soft armor is indeed a waste product, but somehow it also played a role and did not cause the old man to be severely injured."

  Like the spirit stone, the inferior level of the spirit weapon is just a waste product of the same level.

   Just like inferior low-grade spirit stones, unless they are really 'poor', warriors seldom use such level of spirit stones for cultivation.

   The improvement is minimal.


   Lin Qingshan's complexion became dignified, because of the soft armor, Lin Tao suffered only minor injuries. This way, it would not affect the performance of much combat power at all.

   Lin Qingshan intercepted in front of Han Feng, and now Han Feng has passed out and is easily affected by the battle and died.

   Lin Tao grinned: "This kid is brave enough, and the only two stars of the human rank dare to intervene in the old man's battle. When I kill you, I will not spare this kid."

   Click, click, click...

   Lin Tao clenched his fists and made a clicking sound. It was obvious that Lin Tao was extremely angry in his heart.

   Lin Qingshan dare not care.

   "Huh, just the Lin family, you dare to hurt my young master, you are bold enough!"

   Just when Lin Tao and Lin Qingshan were confronting each other, deafening sounds came from all directions.

   The ground vibrated.


   Lin Tao was horrified, and the ground shook with a single sound. This kind of strength has long surpassed the human rank, and even an ordinary mysterious rank master does not necessarily have such strength.

   How could such a strong person suddenly appear here.

and many more...

   Lin Tao's eyes widened heard this voice, the young master, could it be...

   Lin Tao couldn't help but fall on Han Feng who was lying on the ground in a coma, and he involuntarily stepped back a few steps, leaving a cold sweat instantly: "No...no."

   At this moment, Lin Tao's heart was filled with anger, all of which was replaced by panic.

   Lin Qingshan was also surprised, looking at Han Feng with weird eyes. Isn't this kid from the Han family? The Han family doesn't seem to be a master above the human level.

   Thinking of this, Lin Qingshan's heart that had just let go of it came up again, the owner of this voice might have lied to confuse her.

   "Little girl, I'm very alert."

   The voice of appreciation sounded, and a figure appeared beside Lin Qingshan at some unknown time.

   Lin Qingshan couldn't help taking a few steps back, her expression nervous.

   "It's horrible, I don't even know when this old guy came to me, even ordinary Profound Stage masters can't do it, is it the late Profound Stage? Or the top of the Profound Stage? Or..."

  The more I thought about it, Lin Qingshan became more nervous.

   The old man smiled and touched his beard: "Little girl, don't be so nervous, the old man is here to thank you for taking care of my young master."

   "How do you call the senior?" Sensing that the old man is really not malicious, Lin Qingshan has lowered her vigilance, but she is not completely trusting, but the other party has forced Lin Qingshan too much, and Lin Qingshan has to press down and ask respectfully.

   "How do you call it? Well, the young master generally refers to the old as Yulao. Since you are called by my young master to be your sister, you can also call me Yulao." Yu Lao said with a smile.  
