
Chapter 2: The Deal

The next day, the guard came back to Charlie's cell. The first guards body was gone. The second guard started to overthink. He didn't know who or what got his friend.

                                Charlie bangs on her cell door. 

                                 "Jesus Christ, Charlie you scared the crap out of me!" The second guard yells.

                              Maybe next   time," Charlie replied, "ANSWER ME when I call you, mmk?"

                                   "Yes ma'am." The guard said, the he said, "What if it doesn't work, ma'am?

                                       "What?" Charlie asked, brandishing the knife she had, just yesterday, killed the first guard with, "My foolproof plan that won't be postponed any longer? That one?" 

                                         "Never mind, ma'am. It will work, boss. Promise. I'll fulfill my side of the deal so you can fulfill yours." The guard said.

                                        "Thank you, Tyler Roberts, for all of your help." Charlie said crookedly, even though Tyler never stated his name. 

                                         "Wait how do you know my name?" The guard said with a look of concern on his face. 

                                           "Because I know everyone, and everything. Including you." She said with a grin forming on her face. 

                                             Right when Tyler (the second guard) was going to say something the police came in and said "Tyler, a word."

                                              Tyler's face turned white. He didn't know what the police were going to ask or talk to him about. He felt a ball of mixed emotions. He felt guilty, sad, anger, and lonely. All these years he had nothing. No one to talk to. Until the first guard (Micheal) signed up to be a guard. And Charlie had killed him. So he decided to tell the truth once he got in the room with only him and the police. 

                                             "Guys Charlie has been paying me to keep my mouth shut. She made a deal with me and Micheal. She hired us to keep our mouth shut. One day we over heard her talking about how she was going to kill the judge. Charlie also killed Micheal. I think the execution shall be by the electric chair." 

                    "Sir, you have confessed to a crime. You will have to go to court. The lady judge will have to tell you how many years you have to stay." The police officer said. He looked disappointed and disgusted in the sentences he just heard. 

                   "Sir, it's not what you think." Tyler said as he looked up. 

                   "Oh yea then what is it?" The guard said making direct eye contact with Tyler.

                   "She threatened to kill me." Tyler said while thinking about Micheal. 

                    Looking at the police officer Tyler said "she killed my best and only friend. I'm not just going to sit here and take it."

                    "Yes sir." The police said with a sign of respect. "I'm proud of you Tyler. You're a good man." The police officer left the room.

                      Tyler was so confused. That was the most weird thing he has ever experienced. 

                     The door locked.  Tyler sprinted to the door and banged on the door. "WHO LOCKED ME IN? LET ME OUT!"