
Nine Continents Immortal Martial Records

I am an ordinary human, yet I cultivate the Dao. Since I have embarked on the path of cultivation, I am destined to defy the heavens! A soul traverses to the Nine Continents, only to discover that the qigong learned on Earth is actually the pinnacle cultivation method in this continent, intricately connected to the legendary cultivation. Thus, the protagonist begins an adventurous journey in this foreign land.

eFly · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 24: Credit Missions

Hua Shirong scheduled his time to the fullest and diligently executed his daily tasks.

His body was slowly recovering. Although he didn't become strong, he no longer appeared as emaciated as when he first came out of solitary confinement. He looked much more energetic.

In less than ten days, Hua Shirong felt that his body and mind had adjusted to their optimal state. He was ready to go to the mission hall to receive his credit missions.

Life without credits was truly difficult.

To be honest, following Hua Zhao every day, asking her to buy two servings of food while enduring the disdainful gazes of numerous students, required a strong heart.

During these ten days, Hua Shirong had encountered Ling family disciples several times. Although no conflicts had arisen, the anger they harbored was clearly visible on their faces. They controlled themselves well, restraining from erupting.

This puzzled Hua Shirong. Normally, the nature of young people was hot-blooded and competitive. It was contrary to reason for the most powerful local family to remain low-key in the face of humiliation.

Something unusual was afoot!

Hua Shirong didn't believe that the Ling family would let him off so easily.

On this day, Hua Shirong arrived at the "Mission Hall" of the academy, ready to accept credit missions for external training.

The mission hall was located on the ground floor of the building directly facing the academy's main gate.

The six-story structure, made of blue bricks and red tiles, had a magnificent presence. At the top stood a sculpture of a soaring bird with a large body, red beak, and black feathers, overlooking the entire city.

The mission hall was divided into three smaller halls: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Students entered and exited continuously, either alone, in pairs, or in groups. After accepting their missions, they would leave the hall one after another.

In the center of the hall, there was a large illuminated screen similar to the book collection pavilion, but bigger. It continuously scrolled, displaying credit missions of varying difficulty.

Hua Shirong glanced at it and saw that the credit missions for external training mostly involved collecting spiritual herbs or obtaining various materials from magical beasts.

Based on the difficulty, a certain amount of credits was given as a reward.

It seemed that these consumables were quite popular within the academy.

That made sense. Pharmaceutics, artifact forging, and talisman drawing students consumed large quantities of materials daily, which were acquired from the mission hall.

The faster the consumption, the greater the demand, resulting in more missions being posted.

Hua Shirong skipped the beginner missions directly.

The beginner missions mainly involved tasks such as loosening soil, watering, weeding, and fertilizing in gardens, vegetable plots, courtyards, and the like. They had relatively low labor intensity and lower credit rewards, but they took quite some time.

These types of missions were most suitable for students aged seven to ten. They had no danger involved but could enhance their execution skills.

Although it might seem like a simple task, such as delivering a letter within the town, the time was calculated based on the location. If the time limit was exceeded, the mission would be considered a failure, and no credits would be given!

In short, these missions allowed you to complete the task but wouldn't easily earn you credits. It was about cultivating independence and the spirit of hard work from an early age.

Intermediate missions, relatively speaking, carried a higher level of danger.

For example, hunting for the skull of a first-level magical beast or obtaining claws, inner cores, fur, and so on from low-level magical beasts. These items had to be searched for in the surrounding mountains near Yishui Town, which increased the unknown dangers.

If you were wealthy, you could also buy the required items from the corresponding shops to fulfill the mission.

The academy had no obligation to verify whether the mission items were obtained or purchased by the students themselves.

After all, credit missions were a reflection of individual abilities in disguise. If you wanted to be lazy and avoid training, you could only blame yourself.

Hua Shirong accepted several missions, including collecting low-level spiritual herbs and obtaining sharp claws and bones from low-level magical beasts. He didn't know what these items were used for; as long as they gave him credits, it was enough.

The most surprising thing was receiving a credit reward of three hundred for the skin of a first-level magical beast called the Golden Tiger Leopard.

After accepting the missions, Hua Shirong left the academy.

Generally, students were not allowed to leave the academy without permission, and even if they did, strict requirements were in place. However, it was different for those going on missions. Everything was recorded on their nameplates, and there were records to refer to.

When leaving the academy, they would lightly touch the black jade stone on the large iron gate with their nameplates, which would indicate whether they were going on a mission or just going out without any specific purpose.

Xiaofeng Ridge was one of the many small peaks in the Yifeng Mountains, adjacent to the Qianli Plains. It was a relatively small peak on the outskirts of Yishui Town and rarely had high-level magical beasts appearing.

These low-level magical beasts posed no threat to ordinary warriors but were the best targets for martial student training.

Xiaofeng Ridge was not high, around two thousand meters in height, with a radius of tens of miles.

Hua Shirong looked at Xiaofeng Ridge from a distance and couldn't help but sigh.

With a height of over two thousand meters, this mountain peak could be considered high on Earth, but on the Nine Continents Continent, such peaks were everywhere, like ordinary mounds in the eyes of ordinary people.

At the foot of the mountain, a winding path curved and extended, disappearing into the forest.

This was a path frequently traversed by those who ventured into the mountains to gather herbs or hunt magical beasts.

Hua Shirong walked along the path, breathing the fresher and more vibrant air compared to that inside the city, exhaling the stagnant breath in his chest.

The air carried a thick essence of heaven and earth, which comforted him as he inhaled and exhaled.

"Perhaps I should cultivate in the forest. The essence of heaven and earth here is significantly richer than in the academy."

He shook his head with a bitter smile. Even if he could leave the academy, the dangers in this forest were unpredictable.

Hua Shirong couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder people on this continent can cultivate formidable powers while Earth cannot. It's all because of the different environments we are in."

All living beings on the Nine Continents Continent breathed in the vibrant essence of heaven and earth, tempering their bodies, improving their physical fitness. Through the combination of internal cultivation techniques, mental methods, and martial skills, it was not surprising that powerful warriors and magical beasts were cultivated!

In such an environment filled with abundant essence of heaven and earth, it was common to see tall and robust ancient trees, thriving with lush branches that reached into the sky.

Hua Shirong stepped into the jungle, feeling the tranquility of the forest, silently admiring the power of nature and the wonders of this continent.

In comparison, humans seemed so small!

Hua Shirong's credit mission this time was not just about accumulating credits; it was mainly for training and experience.

He wanted to improve his physical combat and coordination abilities. In other words, he wanted to experience real battles.

His previous self was lacking in this aspect, lacking any experience in battling magical beasts. How could someone who had not been baptized by blood and fire truly become strong?

This also prompted Hua Shirong to make a silent vow not to use "Thunder Strike Technique" or "Fireball Technique" unless it was a critical moment. Otherwise, he would not achieve the desired effect of training.

Not long after entering the forest, Hua Shirong noticed several low-level spiritual herbs.

In his past life, he couldn't judge the age of medicinal herbs with his attitude towards pharmaceuticals and refining tools.

But Hua Shirong didn't care about that now. He took out his medicine hoe, dug out the herbs along with the soil, trying his best not to damage the roots, and placed them in his treasure bag.

As Hua Shirong continued on his journey, he delved deeper into the forest and collected more than a hundred spiritual herbs, but he had yet to encounter any low-level magical beasts.

Perhaps this area was still on the outskirts of the forest, and low-level magical beasts were not commonly seen here.

However, he did come across numerous unidentified birds flying through the forest, but these birds were small in size and did not launch any attacks against Hua Shirong.

Finally, Hua Shirong found a first-level Crimson-Tailed Wolf by a water pool, the very prey he was searching for to earn credits.

This Crimson-Tailed Wolf was about ten feet tall, with a large and majestic stature. Its golden fur shone with a silver gleam, and its long red tail was particularly eye-catching, blazing like a burning flame.

The claws of the Crimson-Tailed Wolf were tough and sharp, making them valuable materials for refining weapons.

They say that wolves are social animals, so Hua Shirong concealed himself in the forest and observed his surroundings. He did not see any other Crimson-Tailed Wolves nor any signs of other magical beasts in the distance, which eased his mind slightly.

Hua Shirong adjusted his breath, held his steel knife, and charged towards the Crimson-Tailed Wolf.

With his sudden charge, Hua Shirong made no attempt to conceal himself, naturally alerting the Crimson-Tailed Wolf. It raised its head vigilantly, glanced at Hua Shirong, and then lowered its head to continue drinking peacefully.

It completely ignored Hua Shirong's attack.

Are you looking down on me, Hua Shirong?

Hua Shirong felt unhappy in his heart. How much of a failure must he be if even a magical beast doesn't give him a second glance?

If you won't take me seriously, then I'll show you how formidable I can be!

Hua Shirong suddenly exerted force and rushed forward.

Just as he approached the Crimson-Tailed Wolf, it turned around, raised its massive head, and let out a furious roar towards Hua Shirong.

The sound was like a resounding bell, buzzing and echoing, carrying the force of thunder and wind, as if the heavens and earth were splitting apart. It shook Hua Shirong's mind, causing his energy and blood to surge.

With just one roar, Hua Shirong's breath became chaotic, his hands and feet turned cold, and he abruptly stopped in his tracks.

The Crimson-Tailed Wolf stood up on its hind legs, raising its sharp right claw and swiping it downward, its claw tip gleaming with a cold light.

Hua Shirong's reaction was not slow either.

Taking a deep breath and casting aside his fear, he swung his right hand, and his steel knife traced a graceful arc as it fiercely struck towards the Crimson-Tailed Wolf's right claw.


The steel knife collided with the sharp claw, producing a crisp, resonant sound and sparking scattered flames. It was evident that both forces were equally strong.