
Nine Continents Immortal Martial Records

I am an ordinary human, yet I cultivate the Dao. Since I have embarked on the path of cultivation, I am destined to defy the heavens! A soul traverses to the Nine Continents, only to discover that the qigong learned on Earth is actually the pinnacle cultivation method in this continent, intricately connected to the legendary cultivation. Thus, the protagonist begins an adventurous journey in this foreign land.

eFly · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 22 A Powerful Sensation

Now, what Flower Shirong needs to do is to slowly guide the surging inner energy to collide with the meridians, expanding them gradually and not rushing the process.

As the meridians widen, the stored inner energy within them naturally increases. Flower Shirong remains calm and composed, proceeding step by step to avoid overwhelming and catching others off guard.

According to the Mortal Art, a meridian must undergo three expansions to reach a perfect state, capable of bearing the maximum load of inner energy.

However, Flower Shirong is unaware of what exactly constitutes this perfect state.

According to the information shared by Old Li, the Mortal Art has four levels: the first level involves opening the Governing Vessel, followed by the Conception Vessel, Thrusting Vessel, and Girdle Vessel in sequence.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively easier to open the Conception and Governing Vessels, and Flower Shirong has already achieved that effortlessly.

Although Flower Shirong is a Qigong enthusiast, their knowledge of the body's meridians is limited to the Conception and Governing Vessels and a few major acupoints.

As for the Thrusting and Girdle Vessels, including their starting and ending points, the body parts they pass through, and their pathways, Flower Shirong has no knowledge of any of it, let alone how to guide the Qi to traverse these meridians.

Currently, Flower Shirong's task is to activate and circulate the inner energy through the Conception and Governing Vessels that have already been opened, filling them to accomplish the goal of expanding these two meridians.

Only after that will Flower Shirong consider allowing the abundant inner energy to naturally seek the pathways of the Thrusting and Girdle Vessels.

The occurrence of the spontaneous surging of inner energy when Flower Shirong was crossing the road was the result of the Qi autonomously rushing through the acupoints after it had filled up.

At that time, Flower Shirong didn't deliberately guide the inner energy.

Since the Mortal Art has the capability for the inner energy to autonomously search for and open the meridians, there is no need to rush. Diligent practice and patient waiting are sufficient.

For Flower Shirong, who still has a limited understanding of what meridians truly are, this is undoubtedly the safest and most reliable approach. It is far better than acting like a headless fly, randomly rushing around, which could lead to meridian disorder or even demonic cultivation.

Now, Flower Shirong simply needs to diligently cultivate according to the methods and principles of the Mortal Art.

As the saying goes, "When the water reaches the channel, success is assured."

Expanding the meridians is not something that can be accomplished in an instant; it is a gradual process that takes time.

Starting from the beginning of the meridians and extending to their endpoints, point by point, the expansion progresses gradually through compression, resembling the continuous pushing of waves onto the shore, persistent and unwavering.

The compression of inner energy requires a subsequent follow-up of inner energy to sustain the process, which is why cultivation must not cease.

Once the conversion of inner energy reaches a certain level and the inner energy within the meridians is already abundant, under Flower Shirong's guidance, it begins to compress towards the Governing Vessel from the lower dantian.

The first acupoint is the "Huiyin" point, which serves as both the starting point of the Governing Vessel and the connecting node with the lower dantian, making it crucial.

Flower Shirong proceeds with great caution, guiding the process slowly. However, due to the overflowing inner energy, even a slight guidance causes it to surge toward the "Huiyin" point like a tidal wave.

This rapidness is astonishing, and Flower Shirong almost breaks into a sweat from the surprise.

The compression of inner energy stimulates the expansion of the meridians, a situation akin to dancers and martial artists stretching their tendons. It requires persistent and unwavering effort over an extended period to avoid injury.

Flower Shirong's current situation is like someone who is just beginning to learn the stroke "一" and suddenly has their shoulder forcefully pressed. The pain is unforgettable for those who have experienced it.

Before Flower Shirong can even make a sound, they are already drenched in sweat, on the verge of fainting from the pain.

In such circumstances, they cannot afford to stop. If they halt the process, not only will their previous efforts be wasted, but the next "Qi Ying Chong Mai" will also subject them to the same agonizing pain. Unless they give up on their dream of becoming stronger.

How could Flower Shirong give up for the sake of their adult martial arts dream?

Fortunately, the four months of solitary confinement and a life of hunger have further tempered their character, instilling a greater resilience within them. The relentless cultivation of the Mortal Art during these four months has greatly enhanced the flexibility of their meridians.

It was already approaching evening, and as the sky darkened, the tall trees with their lush foliage blocked out the light, making the forest even more dimly lit.

The forest was cool and quiet, with few students venturing in to disturb Flower Shirong, allowing them to stay focused.

As the cultivation progressed, the abundant inner energy continued to impact and compress the "Huiyin" acupoint, finally expanding the surrounding meridians.

The progress of inner energy was like squeezing toothpaste bit by bit.

The excruciating pain accompanied the advancement of inner energy, causing Flower Shirong to tremble in agony, drenched in sweat, their clothes soaked through.

Flower Shirong gritted their teeth and persevered, but as time passed, their endurance for pain reached its limit. At any moment, they could collapse.

All Flower Shirong could do was to keep their consciousness clear and prevent themselves from stopping.

Now, their consciousness turns inward, quietly sensing the expansion of the meridians and the entirely new experiences it brings to their body.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, until the Governing Vessel had been fully expanded and filled with even more inner energy, Flower Shirong finally heaved a sigh of relief and stopped their practice.

Feeling groggy in the head and somewhat exhausted in the body, these were the aftereffects of enduring prolonged pain. After adjusting their state, these sensations would slowly disappear.

As the Mortal Art ceased its operation, the excruciating agony that had been piercing their mind completely vanished, replaced by an overwhelming sense of relief surging from deep within. It was akin to stepping from a scorching hot furnace into a cool and comfortable air-conditioned room, eliciting a gratifying moan from the depths of their being.

Flower Shirong clenched their fist and felt the abundant inner energy coursing through every muscle, a powerful force ready to burst forth from their body.

Unable to contain themselves, Flower Shirong swiftly struck a tree trunk with a diameter of about the width of a bowl.

Their punch was as swift as lightning, accompanied by a sharp gust of wind.

With a thunderous sound, the tree trunk violently shook, shedding numerous leaves as it swayed, until it finally snapped with a crisp "crack" after a few more intense tremors.

Flower Shirong was shocked by the scene before their eyes, still in disbelief as they glanced at their own fist and then at the broken tree. They remained speechless for a long while.

In that moment just now, Flower Shirong felt as though they possessed a tremendous power to control everything.

This was the power of a warrior!

A feeling of immense strength far surpassing that of an ordinary person!

After a while, Flower Shirong finally snapped out of their astonishment, unable to believe it, murmuring to themselves, "Wasn't that punch at least close to nine hundred kilograms of force?"

On the Nine Continents, one of the standards for assessing a warrior's realm was strength. If one could deliver a punch with a force of nine hundred kilograms, they would be considered to have reached the ninth stage of a Martial Disciple.

Of course, there were other standards, such as battle prowess and overall capabilities.

At least in terms of strength, Flower Shirong had already met the standard of a ninth-stage Martial Disciple.

"By this calculation, have I already entered the ninth stage of a Martial Disciple? But my realm clearly remains at the fifth stage, and there hasn't been any advancement at all."

As Flower Shirong emerged from the forest, the sky had brightened, and it was already late morning on the second day.

It took an entire night for the "Governing Vessel Filled with Qi" process to complete, and Flower Shirong was amazed at their ability to endure the tormenting pain throughout the night without giving up.

There were very few pedestrians on the road, and it was quiet, indicating that they were probably all attending classes in the classrooms.

Upon returning to the dormitory, Flower Shirong found Flower Shicong inside.

"You didn't go to class?" Flower Shirong asked.

"Can you understand?" Flower Shicong rolled their eyes at Flower Shirong.

Flower Shirong chuckled and noticed some pre-packaged food on the table. Feeling hungry, they didn't hesitate to pick it up and start eating.

"Xiaozhao was looking for you early in the morning. She couldn't find you anywhere and was afraid you would go hungry, so she packed some food for me to bring back. Where were you last night?" Flower Shicong asked.

"Practicing cultivation," Flower Shirong truthfully replied, devouring the entire plate of food without hesitation. Only then did they let out a long breath, feeling satisfied.

Flower Shicong looked at Flower Shirong in surprise. "Were you that hungry?"

Flower Shirong was indeed hungry. They had sweated profusely throughout the night, expending a lot of energy. Their body was now sticky and uncomfortable.

As a thought suddenly occurred to Flower Shirong, they raised their sleeve and sniffed, only to be greeted by a strong sour and foul smell that made them feel nauseous.

At that moment, Flower Shicong also furrowed their brow and looked around, saying, "Why is there a strange smell in the room?"

Suddenly, Flower Shirong rushed into the bathroom, leaving Flower Shicong bewildered. It seemed like a whole new world had been discovered, and the expression on Flower Shirong's face was peculiar.

"Shirong, what were you doing all night? You've made yourself smell so bad. Did you fall into a stinky drain or something?" Flower Shicong said with a gleeful expression, while the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom.

Throughout the night, Flower Shirong had been resisting the pain caused by the "Governing Vessel Filled with Qi" process. The sweat, impurities, and filth from their meridians seeped out through their pores, all absorbed by their clothes.

Lost in the joy of breaking the tree with a single punch, Flower Shirong had forgotten to clean themselves or change their clothes.

Half an hour later, Flower Shirong finally emerged from the bathroom, wearing fresh clothes. They looked revitalized, refreshed, and full of energy.

As soon as Flower Shirong came out, Flower Shicong bombarded them with questions.

"What were you doing all night? Why do you smell of sweat? Could it be... you had a rendezvous with that junior girl from the intermediate department? Ha, you're blushing! Ever since you became famous, I knew this day would come."

Flower Shicong caught up to Flower Shirong and continued, "Tell me, did you willingly embrace her, or was it a forceful move? It damages your reputation as a celebrity, you know..."

"I already told you, I was cultivating," Flower Shirong explained weakly.

"I know, but do you have to sweat that much while cultivating?" Flower Shicong smirked, reveling in their mischievousness, particularly emphasizing the word "cultivating."

Flower Shirong sat at the table, pondering for a moment before looking up at Flower Shicong.

"I haven't asked you yet. We have less than two years left before we leave the academy. What are your plans?" Flower Shirong asked.

Flower Shicong chuckled, "Me? I'll decide when the time comes. Perhaps the family's martial guards? And you, Shirong?"

"The Phoenix Academy!" Flower Shirong's words were firm and resolute.

"Just you?" Flower Shicong laughed.

"I'm serious!" Flower Shirong asserted.

Flower Shirong stared at Flower Shicong with a serious expression and repeated, "I'm serious."

Flower Shicong's smile faded, and they adopted a serious demeanor, looking earnest.

"I can tell, since you've returned from your injury, you've changed completely. The person who rarely touched books has started delving into the library. The one who disliked hardship and fatigue is now focused on cultivation. The timid and weak you have begun to challenge higher-level opponents. Before the confinement, you were at the fourth stage of the Martial Disciple realm, but now you're already at the fifth stage. The speed of your progress and the magnitude of your changes... it makes me damn well want to go into confinement too."

A thought stirred in Flower Shirong's mind. Indeed, even subtle changes like these would be noticed by those close to them.

Without explaining further, Flower Shirong nodded repeatedly in agreement. "You should definitely go into confinement as well. Not only will it help you advance in cultivation, but it will also have miraculous effects on weight loss!"

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