
Nihility Trinity: The First

Former Title: Extra in the Long Forgotten Novel. Will upload a new Synopsis and sry for late uploads.

M1st · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: Hidden Dungeon (4) Aurora Araceli

When I was a child, I always gave trouble to my parents. I would go outside of my village to play in the wilderness even when my parents and elders back in the village forbade me to.

At first, I was scared, but over time I became bold. I fought some animals near our village and even killed them, but I always kept quiet about it, fully knowing that I would be scolded for doing something like that.

They always warned me about the strange deaths happening around the village, which I ignored, thinking that they found the animals which I killed, and I continued to go out of the village.

One time, my mother slapped me and said that next I would be beaten badly if I went out of the village. Honestly, in my whole 12 years of life at that time, I was never slapped by my parents. I became angry and went out of the village in the middle of the night and lost my way in the woods.

I swear, I never lost my way, yet at that time, I was completely lost.

I became scared, terrified. I screamed at the top of my lungs, not caring about the wild animals near our village. I thanked the god, something which I still regret, that I was found by the guard of the village.

He brought me back to the village, to my parents, where my father slapped me and my mother cried in relief, yet she was angry at me as well.

I kept apologizing and vowed to never get out of the village under any circumstances.

I was afraid, terrified over the fact that I lost my way. When I told them about what happened, they grew terrified as well. Much to my confusion, they prepared to get out of the village to the nearest city, The Fantastic West City.

Our village was not big, just housing 15 families of 3 to 4 along with a guard commissioned by the city lord of the West Fantastic City.

That was a mistake.

A horrible mistake.

A mistake which cost each and every one of us our freedom and life.

On our way to the city, we lost our way, and much to our horror, we found the holy artifact broken. It was given to us to ward off any kind of evil influence, yet mysteriously it was broken.

How did it break?

Who broke it?

But was anyone among us capable of breaking an artifact like that?

Yes, there was.

The guard was the only one who could break it, but another question arose: how did he break it?

We didn't know. Heck, at that time, for some reason, we didn't even question the guard. Heck, we forgot about him.

A childish mistake.

We kept walking and found ourselves near a very big building. We thought to seek refuge there when we should've been suspicious of everything.

We asked for help, and the individuals in white coats provided it, albeit fake.

One person came towards us, saying she would treat us for the confusion spell cast on us, and we happily agreed. Truly, how did she know we were affected by a spell, and not to mention a mind spell?

But does it matter? No, for we became her slave, mind slaves who will forever follow her without question.

My memory of that time is foggy; I think my brain automatically deleted it after that hateful god messed up my mind. Still, I can remember only one thing.


Unimaginable pain.

Endless pain.

And immeasurable hatred.

I can remember it as surely as how living beings breathe, that before those hellish days, I was normal.

Yet there, I became a monster.

A monster who grew too strong.

A monster which they created.

A monster who became the symbol of destruction.

A monster who is meant to be the final boss to the chosen one.

A monster chosen to suffer only to be the final boss in the game of the gods.

A monster who only knows destruction and is meant to be destroyed.

Oh Fate, oh Destiny, I know you like to play a lot. I know you love to control others. I know you relish in others' suffering. But I do not have anyone to turn to, except you, the one whom I always hated. Please save me from this impulse of destruction, for I will truly become one of those. I will become just like them if I am not stopped.

They do not know what they did, for the sake of their games.

They do not know about the creatures of destruction created by destiny itself to be the end of all.

I plead to you, please do not make me the end of the world which my parents loved. I will continue to plead until the day I lose my will, until the day I am meant to play my true role, until the day you grant me salvation.

Oh, Daughter of ***, your plea cannot be answered by the one who crafted your destiny. Ask her, the one whom destiny fears, plead to her, and hope for the one who manages all to take your plea to her. For throughout the times, she never knew anyone like you. For her curiosity, she will truly answer your plea, and fear not. She may be someone who is feared because of her prowess, but she is loved as well, as she is irresistible to any and all.

Then I can only plead to her, plead to it…


[Plea of the Child of *** is heard]


[Rejoice, oh Child of ***, for she has taken an interest in you]



It hurts…

Mom, Dad, it hurts…

I-I promise I won't ever go out of the village.

Please save me.

Mom, Dad, it hurts…

[Commencing infusion of the ability serum in Subject #231489]


It hurts…

It feels as if something in me is changing.


[Subject #231489 is showing an anomaly]


It hurts…

I feel myself burning and freezing.


[Subject #231489 is showing signs of failure]


It hurts…

I feel as if everything about me is changing, and it is continuously changing.


I feel…



[Subject #231489 has successfully manifested an ability.

Analyzing ability.

Shapeshifter: Ability to change the shape of any body part according to the will of the user.

Analyzing Soul Capacity.

Ability Infusion possible.

Requesting permission for another ability infusion.

Request Granted.

Commencing infusion of the ability serum in Subject #231489]







[Subject #231489 is showing signs of instability.

Injecting calming potion.

Injecting Sensory Distortion Serum.

Subject #231489 is showing positive results.

Estimating time for another ability manifestation…

Estimated time seven days.]


What is this?

I feel something inside me.

I… feel like… it is precious to me.

But why can't I reach it?


[Ability Infusion Failure.

Subject #231489 is deemed as failure.]


Who Am I?

Where Am I?

Why can't I see?

Huh? What does 'see' means?

What am I thinking?

What is 'thinking'?

It hurts…


[Memory of Subject #231489 is completely erased.

Transplanting fake memory in Subject #231489.

Transplantation successful.]

I am Amanda Seigfried.

And my master's name is Emma Seigfried.

I follow her all orders.


Huh? Who is she?

Wait, that's Master.

Hmm? A mission?

But I am tired, Master. Can I rest?

No? Okay, Master, whatever you say.

But why do I feel that I should ignore whatever you say?

I feel that I should not tell her.

Will she be angry if I hide it from her?

I hope not.

M-Master, I-I don't want to kill even more.

Please don't give me those types of missions anymore.

What? If I do not do it, then I will be disposed?

Okay, then I will do it.

Master, see, now I don't feel anything even if I kill anyone.

Huh? Then am I a monster?

Should I be a monster?

Hee-hee, thank you, Master, for praising me.

But, Master, why do I feel this hot feeling towards you?

It wants to burn you.

I think I shouldn't say it to her; I fear she will discard me like Sylvie.

Master, what is status?

Hmm? I should never think about it?


But, Master, why do I feel like I should say it and seek it?

I… feel that if I do not say it, then I would regret it forever.

Aaahhh, Master.

It hurts, Master, please do not beat me.

Huh? A mission?

Yes, I would do it; just don't kill me.

Hmm? I have to kill these two and say that I hate them?


Not okay, I wanted to say, but I don't want to die.

I don't want to kill these two.


Hmm? Who is Aurora?

Why are these two crying?

Why are they saying to check her status?

My name? It is Amanda Seigfried.

Hmmm? I should say, "System, show me my Status."

Huh? What is this hologram?

Why can I see this?

What is written in it?


Name: Aurora Araceli.



Aurora Araceli



Edward Araceli

Emma Araceli

My… Father is… Edward Araceli

My… Mother is… Emma Araceli

She, Emma Seigfried is not my Master…

I am Aurora Araceli.

M-Mom? D-Dad?

Huh? Hiik I-I N-No, STOOOP

Why did you kill these two?



I feel it.




I feel hatred towards her.




I will kill her, kill them.


[Subject #231489 is unstable, forcefully cutting off her consciousness.]


[Rejoice, oh Child of ***, for she has taken an interest in you]

[You have one chance, make her like you, make her take you as her pet]

[Connecting your consciousness with the recreated you]

[Connection Established]

[All the Best, Aurora Araceli, hoping to see you in her journey]

I thank you for granting me this chance; I will survive.

I will live, for that was my mother and father's last wish.

Word Count: 1661

I pity her.

She suffered all because of a game.

In future they will suffer.

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