
E6: Vs his Electrified hand...

As the Blüdhaven police chief Delmore redhorn prepares to chow down on his Matar paneer that he cooked himself, a voice he never wanted to hear from again came out of nowhere, because it'd mean his police department's failed Blockbuster. He knows the last thing he wants is to upset Blockbuster.

"Tonight's the night, is everything organized and the recipe's followed like we've planned?" Electrocutioner asked, giving Redhorn a jumpscare, also making him extremely nervous.

"Yeah, it took me 45 minutes to make this dish but I followed the recipe perfectly!" Chief Redhorn replied letting out a small chuckle afterwards, "Right, it was the bigger guy who wasn't allergic to jokes, anyway I still don't think this kid is worth it, my guys will eventually make this guys attempt short." Chief Redhorn finished getting out of his seat and standing up straight. 

"Your men has been more lost than an old man struggling with Alzheimer's, this corrupt Detective I know who does have it would have a far better chance by himself than any of them clowns. This is why Blockbuster keeps you around, you're not the brightest at any precinct. We do the plan, and we do it every night until Nightwing's dead, until he's not giving his pathetic hope to anyone, Blockbuster demands it." 

Later that night, 15 of the best officers meet with Electrocutioner and Chief Redhorn, personally hand picked by the Chief himself and among them were Nightwing's police contact Amy Rohrbach to discuss Electrocutioner's plan for that and every night the plan may fail for whatever reason. 

"You guys are here because we've got a menace on our hands, we've got a vigilante pest running around out there at night in his blue tight jammies. He's sending the city's beloved cops to hospitals every night but tonight he'll be stopped. We have footage of him in possession of firearms!" Chief Redhorn speeches before he showed them video of Nightwing shooting from a city camera, "This gives us authority legally to exercise lethal force, we've yet to see him kill on undeniable video but we're not letting his reckless behavior escalate and even begin to evolve into the murders of our civilians or fellow brothers and sisters of Blüdhaven's finest! Who stands with Me?" He finished before raising his gun up in the air and everyone cheered and rallied. 

Amy rohrbach was in the back of the team with the communication device Nightwing gave to her and she could only think of two things after this rallying speech. Nightwing hopefully received the information and was listening and that none of these dirtbags present needed a speech disguised as inspiring for the good of the people and he could've said what he really meant. She despises Chief Redhorn deeply and passionately for how two-faced he truly is not so far underneath. 

"Look out tonight men, I've dispatched 5 teams of 15 of the best of us equipped with the best gear, this Nightwing character is officially at a critical threat level so do not under any circumstances miss or hold your shots tonight. He won't be pulling punches himself and he's no joke besides him looking goofy." This was the last warning and order he gave them during the briefing, after this Electrocutioner, Chief Redhorn and the 14 other police officers in the leading squad set out and as ordered by the chief to every other squad, use any means necessary to take out the vigilante, follow any lead, answer any calls or reports of anyone in Blue. 

The leading squad with the Electrocutioner began their search in downtown Blüdhaven with all of the casinos, they checked everything casino since most crimes take place near a populated area like that in the city but there was no boy scout in black and blue around, not a single trace besides unconscious thugs that were roughed up. They initially took that as a good sign, that they might've been getting close and he has no clue until– the chief got a report on his police radio from a fellow officer with a feeble voice relaying "We… didn't… see him coming, sticks, fast, shot and blood." Before going radio silent. 

"Damn it, did this guy just—??" Police chief Redhorn couldn't even finish his sentence and question as he totally bemused by the thought, "He did and he'll continue but this guy doesn't kill so he'll have to give all of us brain damage for this to end, we need to stay focused and keep moving, our asses are on the lines." Electrocutioner responds with authority and confidence in his tone, even more baffled by the fact he doesn't kill, it still gave Chief Redhorn some ease. 

"You're right, alright men, let's move out and keep this going, if we fall tonight we still have tomorrow and the next night, let's go! Go! Go!" Chief Redhorn rallied his troops of corruption and together they stayed and searched in a formation that watched all of their backs. 

The squad continued to search, continued to search for another hour with zero leads and multiple dead ends as to Nightwing's whereabouts, zero reports until 12:30 AM hit and he struck again and like previously one officer left conscious radio in and reported.

"Sir, we were lead to an abandoned hotel at Parkthorne avenue, he came out of nowhere and completely vanished, we really didn't see the guy!" 

"He's trying to spread fear, make us scared ain't he?" An officer listening in asked, the police chief looked at him in silence with worry on his face. 

"This guy was able to tell us where they are and what they were doing, this is the biggest lead tonight so let's go and don't let him make you afraid, this guy isn't Batman and Robin." Electrocutioner replied to the officer before he started taking the lead. 

On the way to Parkthorne avenue, a few blocks down they discover another squad out for the count, some were roped up and hanging and others had signs of blunt trauma like a metal pipe hitting them in the head strong enough to OHKO them. 

One Detective on the team noticed they were in positions like they were ambushed and the alleyway was dark, very dark that led to another street which makes them all realize he's been onto them and were prepared but Electrocutioner says they have no time to worry about a mole. 

They get to their destination but there were no leads, at this point everybody was beyond frustrated then the cherry on top came, they got a report from a Redhorn trusted officer named Katherine Riordan reported in with a faint voice as well, "Chief--he…" But before she could finish saying what she was going to, they were all notified, everyone carrying their phone and subscribed to Blüdhaven's official news site, a live video was ongoing, without any hesitation as soon as the same Detective noticed the background, they rushed over immediately.

"Y'know, for the longest this was a massive criminal overlord called Blockbuster's city? This is Mason Arnot, he's got zero policing skills and zero sense of justice, as a matter of fact he received some of the lowest scores I've seen on a police test. He did terribly in the academy according to official records but was hired because of his criminal past as a loyal, money hungry thug who listens to other bigger criminals with a badge. These are your police Blüdhaven and there's way too many exactly like him on the force but now that I'm here– I'm going to make sure to rid the force of these kinds of dishonest and conniving men. This city deserves genuine cops. I know you're hearing me… Police Chief Redhorn!" Nightwing broadcasted and when he was finished, he had a satisfied grin on his face towards the end.

Some of the citizens who were watching began cheering and were getting put in a buoyant mood, he broadcasted it on most of every screen and advertising billboards in the city. What he said was heard by more than the officers the threatening part was meant for, the inspiring message was heard by the right citizens he was referring to, who deserved freedom, who can't just move out of the city for reasons, who has to worry about walking the streets day and night, harassed by gangs who committed atrocities and were let go because of Blockbuster.