
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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63 Chs

Twenty: In my line of sight

Twenty: In my line of sight

Ezekiel walked outside to the black Bentley that was parked in the midst of other of its kind. The bodyguard that was waiting on him opened the car door for him to enter. Ezekiel raised his legs and was going to enter but paused in between his steps and looked behind his shoulder.

Monalissa was still standing at the spot that Ezekiel had left her at. She was waiting for him to leave before she would board her own car. It was of great importance that they move separately so that they won't be spotted. They were avoiding every possible detriment on their side and Monalissa of course didn't want such mishaps as this was another mission she's taking after a long time. Moreso, coupled with her crippled nature, she knew better not to attract her enemies before she even began the mission.

While she was perusing over these things in her mind, she saw Ezekiel turn his head over his shoulder in her direction. Embarrassment shrouded her face as she remembered what had just happened between them. She didn't know what happened but she blamed it all on the devil, cursing him for coming close to her. She gave a slight bow at him her face as straight as she had tried to keep it. Then his voice echoed through the entrance and into her ears.

"Don't stray away. Stay in my line of sight".

She wanted to say something but Ezekiel gave her no chance to speak. She sighed with her head tilted. She didn't quite understand his words but shrugged the words off as she was led to her own car.

The Fords's mansion was quite crowded as people from all walks of life came to see the heiress of the family. That was the line that veiled their real intentions for coming to the party. It was the norm for parties like this. Nobody would ever say their real intentions but everybody knew each other's intention. It was like an open secret to everyone.

Reporters brimmed the entrance their shutters snapping heartlessly at the various individuals that alighted their luxurious cars. Their eyes were ferociously open to catch even the tiniest fly that might blow a blunder tonight.

A lot of prestigious men and women pulled up and were escorted into the mansion. The reporters didn't dare miss any of them

However, they were waiting for the man of the hour. Soon, a convoy of black Bentleys pulled up in front of the building. It was quite eye-catching as they were all in a row. One of the car doors opened and a bodyguard alighted, his steps fast but steady as he walked to one of the Bentleys. With practiced but elegant movements, he pulled the car door open and stood at the side.

A pair of silver shiny sandals were seen at first followed by a slender hand that held onto the car door. A head popped out stealing gasps from the reporters who didn't miss the chance to turn their shutters on. The woman that was clad in that red dress was especially eye-catching more than the other females that had passed the threshold.

Monalissa was a bit flustered at the cameras that were aiming at her. This was the first time that she was being to a place like this. She was used to being in the dark; working in the dark with no eyes and light on her. But now...it was so overwhelming. She only had the devil that had cursed her fate to thank.

While in her sea of thoughts, the bodyguard that had acted as her chaperone came forward. Monalissa took it as her cue and stepped forward into the building. The cameras didn't even pause on her. Her hair were all on end till a shout was heard. Everyone's attention was diverted as another person arrived.

"It's Mr Don!", one of the reporters screamed. Monalissa breathed in relief. Looking behind her shoulder, she caught a glimpse of him. She didn't know if it was an illusion but he seemed to be looking at her. Facing front, she straightened her back and walked into the hall.

Unknown to her, a certain eye had seen her and was determined not to let her go tonight.

So sorry for the late postings. The festive period has got me quite busy. I hope u enjoy the novel.

compliments of the season pals

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