
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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63 Chs

Thirty-eight. Because you're here.

Thirty-eight. Because you're here.

She's awake?! Kayla screamed in her mind. How dare she?! She clenched her fists in anger.

"Get me the doctor!", Ezekiel shouted, almost startling Kayla. She didn't move. She still stood there in unbelief.

Ezekiel looked at her. "Kayla! What the hell do you think you are doing?! Get me the doctor!"

"Yes Zeke", she said and scampered out. She grabbed the first doctor she saw at the lobby.

"Doctor, the patient is waking up", she said, not believing what she had just heard.

The doctor followed her, and called two other nurses to go with him. They walked into the ward and met Ezekiel looking at her intently, his gaze never leaving her. This scene looked so lovely. Kayla couldn't contain what she felt at that moment, and stormed out of the ward. She had to think of what her next move should be. She picked up her cellphone and dialed a number.

Monalissa's eyes was fixed on the face of the man whom she opened her eyes to see. Her eyes hurt from the bright light and she furrowed her brows reflexively. Ezekiel was alarmed.

"Hey Walker, you good? Are you hurt anywhere?", he asked frantically. He wondered why he was misbehaving.

"Why are you here?", she asked,her voice weak.

Ezekiel cursed her in his heart. Was that supposed to be her first reaction?! It was a given for her to wake up to the sight of him and instead of her to rejoice about it, she's asking him his reason of being here?!

However, he had to be calm as he didn't want to blow the cover. He had told the doctors that he was her husband. What if they found out? That would be a lot of hassle.

"I'm here because you're here".

The doctor and nurses nearly swooned. So sweet!

"Oh...", was the only thing she said. She was quite tired from all the trouble she has been through. Ezekiel secretly heaved a sigh of relief when she didn't speak further.

The doctor came forward and began examining her. He checked her vitals and made sure they were stable. In the process, he was going to check her heartbeat which was around her breast area. When he did that, Ezekiel's fists clenched. He didn't know what came over him, since the moment Monalissa went to that party with him.

"Mind where you are touching!", he warned in that menacing voice of his. Monalissa cast him a glance and wondered why he was misbehaving.

The doctor maintained a safe distance as he understood what Ezekiel meant. Not all men like seeing their wife being touched by male doctors. After he was done, he gave some instructions to him and left.

Ezekiel walked to the bed and sat on the chair next to it. "Walker, what's your plan?"

Monalissa scoffed. Now, she was very comfortable. "What plan?"

"Is this your idea of running away from me?"

"Not at all. If I wanted to, I would have".

Yes! That was the arrogant Walker he knew. How he had missed that arrogance.

"You were poisoned", he said.

Monalissa sighed.

"We've caught the poisoner. It's Sarah ".

Monalissa heaved another sigh and smiled. "I know she hates me. But she can't poison me".

Ezekiel arched a brow. "How can you say that?"

"She's powerless after Mr Kaiser left. She's been doing a lot of work after I cut off her wings".

Ezekiel looked at her for a while. He wanted to smile but held it in. "So you're saying..."

"This is a normal trick by someone who wants me out. Someone much more powerful than Sarah. She has no power to kill me and no money too. She was propelled by a force".

Ezekiel nodded. "You're a keen one Walker".

She smiled weakly before she continued. "Also, though I haven't been at the factory for sometime, I know she leaves the factory. Hanabi can attest to that".

"You have quite some spies".

"Didn't mean to. Hanabi was just looking out for me".

"What of Luke?", he blurted. His heart suddenly thumped when he asked that.

"He's also good to me. He treats me well", she said with a smile. This earned a scowl from Ezekiel but he still remained calm. As though she had remembered something, she said, "Master, I will tell you something when I get discharged".

Ezekiel arched a brow. "Ok", he replied without asking. "Rest up. You need it".

Monalissa obeyed and lay back on the bed. His behavior at the moment was a stark contrast to when she had opened her eyes after a year.

Kayla paled when the person at the other end of the line picked the call. It was none other than Kim. Ezekiel's assistant. How come?! How did she end up in this deep shit?!