
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Intro: Walker

Intro: Walker

She looked coldly at the corpse of the man who lay on the bed in his pool of blood. She dipped her hand in his blood and drew a 'W' sign on the window of his room. Then, she left the room.

It was pouring down heavily when she got out of the mansion. Just then, she heard hurried footsteps and commands following it. A smirk crept unto her face as she ran away from that spot. She ran all the way into the mountains, since the mansion was close to it. Her pursuers caught up with her and surrounded her.

A cold chuckle was heard. The men that surrounded her were so angry. She had infiltrated the mansion with such ease. What does that make them?

"Welcome into the trap. I won't walk you out".

One of them scoffed and lunged forward. The girl that was dressed in black didn't even move. She just stood there and watched as the man closed in their gap. The man sneered at her.

So now you know how to be afraid, he said in his mind. But to his horrific surprise, she disappeared from his sight just when he was already in front of her. Before he could comprehend, he felt a sharp and life draining pain on his neck. He didn't even react. He just fell and died.

When his fellow comrades witnessed this scene unfold before them, they were stupified. Was this person even human? But, they couldn't just sit and watch their friend die like that. Even if they would die, it would still be good to fight. With that, they dived her.

Series of wails rented the air , suppressing the loud sound of the heavy downpour. The last of the group crouched on his knees begging for his life. He knew that it was already the end as he had come face to face with this famous killing machine. He looked at the nozzle of the gun that was pointed at his forehead. He lowered his gaze and tried to think up something. He wouldn't let her kill him. Maybe he could trick her and run away.

He felt the heavy metal object leave his forehead. He looked up at her. Her face was hidden under the mask so he couldn't see her expression.

"Run", she said. The man trembled. Run? Did he hear her right? Was she letting him leave.

"You don't want to? Then...", she clicked some part of the gun making a sound.

"I will. Please".

She made way for him and the man stood.

"Keep running. No matter what I do to you. Got it?"

" Excuse me? "

She smirked. " Hurry ".

The man turned and began his race of life. And at that moment, she raised the gun and aimed for his leg, behind his knees.


The man fell. He wanted to turn but he remembered what she said. Keep running.

He tried to run but another bullet went into his other leg. He fell on both knees. Grimacing, he began crawling on his belly.

The girl smirked as she watched this scene. Humans! So weak! She enjoyed the scene and sauntered towards him.

Her phone beeped and she pressed the ear pod on her ear.


"Walker! Come home! It's a wreck".

The voice was anxious and sounded a bit scared.

"Okay. I'm coming"

The call ended and the girl released two shots at the dying man.

With that, she turned on her heels and left for home.