
Nightwalker Diaries

After being attacked the night before the school young sixteen year old Marcel Jackson's life turns upside down, when he discovers some changes and discover what actually bit him that night.

Authentic_Author · Fantasy
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2 Chs


None of this made sense to Marcel how could one person disappear into thin air and no one saw or remembered him, he tried hard to think but the music and the people dancing were pretty loud so it didn't do him any good or justice.

He went to catch a breath outside, it was nightfall already the moon was out lighting the way of a really dark site, the clouds were looming all over it wasn't certain whether the stars were out or what. It was so quiet and peaceful outside, you could barely even hear the loud music and the screaming teenagers.

"Noah! Noah are you here?!" Marcel called.

He looked for Noah almost everywhere he rounded the whole place maybe four to five times just to make sure that he didn't miss anything, still Noah is nowhere to be found.

Marcel was on a verge of giving up when he heard something rattling in the bushes not far from him, thou it was pretty much dark he swore that he saw something just run off, he was certain that was Noah. So he followed.

The person he was following surely did sell the accurate version of Noah from the height to the physical appearance not sure how he could be so sure that was him, but he was certain out of desperation. This person wore the same clothes that Noah wore the last time he saw him, he was wearing blue denim pants, his shoes were white with a little line in black color and a black leather jacket.

So in all this to him was really Noah, he kept running after him who by the way didn't make it easy for him this person was so fast one minute he's catching up to him, the next minute this person is gone and then the next he's behind him. This was like some kind of hide and seek.

"Come on man, can you hold on for a minute?" Marcel trying so hard to catch up with him.

"Where's the fun in that?" Noah was standing behind the bushes hidden, the only thing Marcel could make out was half of his face. The other half hid in the shadow, he reversed back and disappeared totally.

"Seriously?!" Marcel getting pissed.

"Oh come on Marcellus don't tire just yet, you are almost there, see" Noah shows off his hand and calls him.

Marcel followed the trail the same person he was talking with just now and was pretty sure that he is near has now disappeared again, all Marcel heard were bushes rattling and teasing laughs that echoed everywhere.

They kept this chase for quite some time until they were totally secluded from everyone, deep into the dark and scary woods. Now Marcel was all alone. Something rattles in the bushes, he stops and silences his steps by taking of his shoes, he sneaks and jumps.

"Got you!" A young teenage girl screams.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else please continue" Marcel embarrassed he steps away slowly from the girl who was doing her business.

"Pervert" the young girl came out, she was pretty much drunk. Then walked away.

There was something standing behind Marcel, something in a shadow figure. Nothing could be spotted in this thing but a freaky smile with sharp canine teeth. Of course Marcel didn't see or notice any of that but when he turned around there was nothing there.

This wasn't fun anymore for Marcel it was starting to creep him out, he was now even deeper into the woods he couldn't spot a car driving by the road if he wanted too. It's safe to say that he was now lost.

He had no choice but to keep going forward after all who was going to help him he was all alone and no one was there to help him, something rattled in the bushes again after his experience. He wasn't sure what to do so he picked a branch stick and clenched it so tight his palms turned red. Then he walked towards the rattling sound.

To his surprise what came out was Dolph Lunger a senior and football captain, walking with his girlfriend Neli Summers. Lucky enough Marcel stopped his waving stick halfway.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Dolph blocked.

"Jesus Christ Dolph I almost hit you!" As soon as he realized who was this.

"Do you know where I can find the bathroom?" Dolph so wasted.

"Really what were you doing there?" Marcel asked.

"You don't want to know" Neli fixing herself.

"Oh right" Marcel got the message loud and clear.

Something else rattles in the bushes behind them this time it's different it's not like the first two times, something was growling and something came out of those bushes. It wasn't clear what it was because of the dark, but it was huge and hairless. The only thing that they saw was it's glowing big red eyes and sharp teeth, drooling with saliva.

"W-w-whats's that?" Dolph stuttered.

"Run!" Marcel screamed.

The three ran as fast as they could the beast ran after them, Marcel was taking the lead and Dolph and Neli were behind, the beast caught Neli and dragged her who was holding on to Dolph.

"Let go of me damnit!" Dolph loosen Neli's tight hand and the beast dragged her.

Dolph ran so fast he managed to outrun Marcel who was running ahead of him, just as he was running for his life something snatched him in the air.

Now all alone again and the sole survivor Marcel didn't know what to do, he was running out of air he paused. A low growl not too far behind him, just as he is about to run it bit him on his shoulder. He managed to escape.

But the beast didn't stop it ran after him, whatever that bite was it had some effects on him. Marcel was started to get a little woozy and tired, he could barely see where he was going. He stepped out in the middle of the road running and the beast was still after him though he managed to outrun it.

Bright lights blinded Marcel, he covered his eyes to his surprise when he looked again a truck was inches from him and it hit him.