

"I look in the mirror, and I don't even know who is staring back. A soldier? A kid? An experiment? A scientist? I don't know who I am. I just know what is expected of me." -NightStorm Earth died in 2146. With its death came silence between all its daughter planets. In the time of silence, each planet grew independent, developing its own way of living. When communications returned, the inhabitants of each planet refused to change and work under one government. This mindset changed in 2235, during the first alien attack. The humans learned that there was an alien group set on wiping out humanity for good. They also learned of an underground project called the Legendary program. A program that uses children to make super-soldiers. It was because of the super-soldiers that humanity survived the first attack. But in the following years, the Legends are dying. It becomes clear that the human's need to end this war or face extinction. At the same time, people are starting to question the products of these human experiments. Jade Ryder, aka NightStorm, is the product of a human experiment. The original test performed by her mother before she was born. Jade spent her entire life fighting to be accepted and taken seriously. She follows every order given - all except for one. Jade refuses to work in a team. When Jade is forced into a partnership with the last type of person she wanted, a Legendary Soldier, she is forced to face her hidden fears. Jade learns that there is more to this war than she was taught, making her question if she should follow her orders blindly or open her eyes. At the same time, an old childhood illness arises, forcing Jade to reevaluate what's truly important to her. Now, in 2261, Jade is forced to fight against the discrimination experimental upbringing while trying to find a way to end the war that took so much from her. With everything against her, Jade begins to question everything she once knew.

Flameryder88 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 4 [Human]

Capricorn 10 / 2261 5:25

"I'm shocked you showed up," Jermia admitted as I walked into his office. Standing by the desk was a Legend in full grey armour. His grey mirrored visor made it impossible for me to see his face. He was tall, though. So tall, he made Jermia look short. Human tanks were the perfect description for them, especially in their armour. I couldn't help but admire the design. Fully enclosed, thick metal plates. Even I was nervous around them.

"You gave an order." I crossed my arms at Jermia. I turned away from him and looked at the Legend. I tilted my head back to met his mirrored gaze. "This is Ethan?"

"Yes, Ethan, this is Special ops NightStorm. Storm, this is Legend Ethan-008" Jermia introduced us. I stared at the Legend in silence.

"He doesn't look special." I turned to Jermia. Jermia inclined his head. His eyes flashed a silent warning. "Why did you choose him?"

"I didn't." Jermia sat on his chair. He leaned back and watched me. I paused, shooting Jermia a questioning glance.

"Then who did?" I asked. I glanced at the Legend before jerking my gaze back to the older admiral. Jermia only smiled. I rolled my eyes and dropped my hands to my sides. "Do you at least have a mission for me."

"You need a hobby," Jermia muttered as he opened a screen. "Other than annoying your mother and me."

"Yes or no?" I asked. Jermia nodded. I fought the smile that threatened to overtake my lips. "What is it?"

"Collection." Jermia answer. My giddiness vanished.

"Collection? Serious?" I asked. Jermia met my gaze for a second before bringing up the file. He tapped the right corner, which sent it to my bracelet.

"Yes, Collection," Jermia repeated. I glanced out the window at the green hills beyond the tall grey walls. Collection missions are collecting someone that should be in jail. Also known as missions for cadets, not special ops.

"This better be someone important," I warned as I tapped on my bracelet. The metal band expanded the length of my forearm before turning on and projecting a holo-screen.

"Leo Greflin. The leader of the Heretics." Jermia said. Heretics, people that believed that humans should team up with the very aliens that are trying to kill us. Idiots. But I knew the group. And the name. Greflin. Leo Greflin.

"Greflin," I asked. Jermia nodded. I glanced up and noticed him staring at me intently. "Where is he?"

Disappointment flash through his eyes. I recognized the name, but not enough to remember who it was.

"Minerva. It's a Legion planet now, which is why I'm sending you—" Jermia started.

"No probl—"

"And Ethan." Jermia finished. I stopped midword.

"Problem." I tapped the screen close and frowned at the Jermia. "I can get through the Legion on my own no problem, but with him? It is not exactly easy to sneak around with a giant following me."

"Storm." Jermia sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"I don't care if he is a Legend. Let me go by myself, I'll be back with Greflin in a week."

"Storm," Jermia repeated.

"I don't work with others. Pair him with someone else, I don't care. I work alone."

"NightStorm!" Jermia shouted. I froze and stared at Jermia. He never yelled at me, not in my entire life. My eyes turned wide, and I took a step back. His voice dropped to a low hiss. "You are a team, accept it."

I gritted my teeth and glared at the ground. I closed my eyes. 'No... no. I can't.' I can't let another person die under my command. Fear hummed in my veins before turning into anger. I glared at Jermia. He turned to Ethan and ignored me.

"Be patient with her," Jermia said, only adding to my anger. I turned and glared out of the window again. In the distance, I could see a group of kids playing war. "Your ship leaves in twenty minutes."

"Yes, sir," I growled. Jermia flinched and closed his eyes. I only called him sir when I was really mad at him.

"You'll thank me later," Jermia stated.

"Sure." I turned and headed to my room. I heard the Legend follow a few steps behind me. I stopped and turned to face him. "I don't care what your bloody orders are, stay out of my way and don't try to help me."

I spun on my heel and stormed to the lift.

Here is some clarification.

|||| Dreams ||||

{ Remembering }

" Talking "

' Thinking '

[ Writing/ Reading ]

I typically just change the font but I can't figure out how on this platform yet.

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