
The Lost and Forgotten

Cameras and a large crowd adorned the steps of an antiquated library in a downtown town in California. The throng was there to support or try and understand the Senator's year long sorrow and search for his only daughter.

" Senator Chambers ," the reporter questioned . " Have you had any luck in finding , Jenny?"

Joshua Chambers was a man in his early forties who looked definitely worse for wear after the passing of a year. Brown short cropped hair bespectacled with random gray sprouts. His glasses almost seemed to fall from his gaunt frame. His suit was impeccable however and he had a magnificent golden tie and cufflinks.

" Honestly I am not fully sure , but there may have been a breakthrough in the search for her. " he said with actual hope that no one had heard from him in a little over a year. He conveyed a look now that he was a little more confident than he had been even up to a few seconds ago. " I hope you get her back! " screamed out someone in the crowd and the rest chimed in with a cheer and some condolences as well.

You see Mr. Chambers had been a senator for four years so far and he blazed a trail through his campaign like no other before him. Joshua kept up on at least half of the promises that were made which was more than most. He had even been featured in many new cutting edge magazines at the time.

" Thank each and every one of you for showing support in my darkest time. I truly appreciate it and couldn't ask for more. We have secured information that could lead to Jennifer's return. I am just thankful that there are still leads and nothing worse." The senator said with an actual bit of relief.

Joshua looked over at a particular man in the group . The man had squinted bright green eyes and long stringy black hair. A long brown overcoat adorned his frame not giving away much underneath it . Though a definite distinguishing feature was his tall frame that stood about six feet and seven inches.

A well known gonzo journalist by the name of Henry Beach spoke up ." What about the allegations of you putting through bills for the DELPHYNE Foundation profits that harm the environment and squeeze more money from everyday people?" A hush fell over the crowd. There was some rumors and gossip mongering and Joshua's extra charicular activities and back alley deals.

The senator looked right at Beach with gritted teeth. " Those are all unfounded . It is true I once helped them to procure a piece of land for a factory put there . That was to help get people some work here and no one else was even trying to purchase the property. Other than that the rumors are all unfounded. You of all should know better the amazing job I have done for this city , state , and country in particular."

Beach didn't back down and glared right back at the Senator. " There are also the reports of a bunch of missing and forgotten children in this area and through the country and I have good and secret sources that say some of your colleagues are a part of that. I will also say I am sorry for your loss daughter , but if you know anything about the other missing children it would benefit to let the world know of the scandals and corruption going on wouldn't it?"

" I assure you that I have no idea on those unfounded rumors and if I did know about it I would definitely do something to stop it. My daughter is missing too , you know . And it is disturbing that you would even suggest such a thing at me during this conference." Joshua said not holding back some anger. He was more calm than most would be , but the question raised his hackles just a bit. Beach nodded some and understood as the crowd began to jeer him for the audacity of his questioning.

After the conference the large man with the ever bright green eyes made his way to the senator and they both left in a limousine.