
Nightmares Edge

As an otherworldly creature materializes in the sky, reality unravels at breakneck speed, plunging humanity into chaos. Ayid's life is forever changed as he watches as the world transforms into a hellish realm infested with unspeakable creatures - Nightmares. In this desolate landscape, humanity's last hope lies in Soul Binding, a mysterious supernatural gift, which can not only harm Nightmares but kill them. Fueled by a burning desire for retribution, Ayid embarks on a quest to kill every single Nightmares and unravel the mysteries of the enigmatic force driving the chaos. His ultimate goal: To save humanity and restore hope once more *** Join my discord https://discord.com/invite/jkVQmZGA

Inkknight · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Clash Of Opposites

Just as the building's crumbling facade came crashing down on the car beside him, a strong hand shoved Officer Gerard forcefully out of harm's way, sending him stumbling backward to the ground safely.

Officer Gerard's eyes fluttered open to find his partner, Officer Chase, shaking him awake. "Hey, easy does it, sir. You've been out for a minute," Chase said, helping Gerard sit up.

Gerard struggled to his feet, still dazed, but Chase held him firm. "Sir, we can't send anyone  into that building. It's a death trap. We need to call for backup, and fast."

Gerard nodded reluctantly, and Chase pulled out his phone to dial for help. But as he did, he sensed a strange, choking aura behind him. He spun around, gun drawn, and found himself face to face with Captain Levy, who was still enjoying his ice cream.

Chase lowered his weapon, relieved. "Sorry, Captain. I didn't realize you were...ah...here."

Captain Levy waved cheerfully at the surrounding officers, who stared back in confusion. "Hello, hello!"

One of them stepped forward, eyeing Levy warily. "Are you...a member of the Nightcore?"

Levy nodded, his smile still in place. "The one and only."

Captain Gerard approached him, his expression stern. "I thought dealing with Nightmares was your jurisdiction, Levy. How did one end up in our city?"

Levy's expression turned puzzled. "What do you mean?

Gerard's eyes narrowed. "You're telling me you didn't know about the Nightmare in the building?"

Levy's confusion deepened.

Officer Chase quickly filled Captain Levy in on the situation, his words tumbling out in a rush. By the time he finished, he was breathing heavily, and Captain Levy had nearly finished his ice cream.

Captain Levy nodded thoughtfully, then turned to face the crumbling building. "I'll go check it out," he said, strolling towards the entrance with his hands still in his pockets.

One of the officers turned to the others, concern etched on his face. "Do you think he'll be okay going in there alone?"

Officer Chase smiled reassuringly. "Captain Levy isn't just any Nightcore. He's part of the World Order, the strongest elite group within the Nightcore. And rumor has it, he might be the most powerful Nightcore of all."

The officers exchanged uneasy glances, but Chase's confidence was infectious. They watched in silence as Captain Levy disappeared into the building's wreckage.

The AI system's announcement echoed through the stadium, "Contender 1 - Erich Kruger, please step forth." The crowd fell silent, as if death itself had passed through, as a tall, lean figure emerged from the crowd. His long black flowing cape billowed behind him, complementing his confident stride. Ayid's eyes widened, sensing the weight of the moment. When Erich reached the arena, he adjusted his glasses slightly, his piercing gaze scanning the crowd.

Ayid wondered, "How strong is he?" The AI's next announcement only added to the mystery, "Contender 2, Karma Doin, please step forth into the arena." Ayid had never heard of Karma, and his curiosity was piqued.

The instructor's words echoed in his mind, "Each of your opponents will be closely matched in strength." Ayid couldn't help but wonder if Karma was on equal footing with Erich. As he watched, a muscular man with a low fade haircut and golden eyes emerged, carrying a massive staff adorned with golden ornaments. Though shorter than Erich, he exuded a powerful presence.

Ayid's thoughts raced, "How can this person be matched with Erich? Who is this guy exactly?" All he could do was watch and wait for the battle to unfold.

Captain Grey, seated at the edge, turned to Commander Thane with a questioning gaze. "I heard Erich Kruger's son passed every test .

But why is his opponent a shirtless, muscle-bound man? It doesn't add up. I mean, Erich's reputation precedes him, and his son's skills are likely top-notch. But his opponent..... How can this be a fair match?"

Commander Thane exhaled, defesionsg the system's decision. "Captain, this pairing wasn't my doing. The system carefully analyzed each participant's capabilities and calculated compatible matches. It's not just about physical strength or test scores; it's about strategy, adaptability, and mental toughness. Trust me, Karma Doin has his own unique strengths that will be revealed in due time."

Captain Grey's skepticism lingered. "So, what's this guy's story? He seems overconfident despite being at a disadvantage. What makes him think he can take on Erich's son?" Captain Diane, seated nearby, chuckled. "Gray, you're doubting him without even seeing him in action. Or are you worried about him?" Gray rubbed his forehead, leaning back in his chair. "Am I the only one who thinks this match is unfair? 

Commander Thane's gaze returned to the arena, where the two participants were about to begin. "Everyone here hopes to become a Nightcore, so let's not doubt their efforts. Please, just watch. You might be surprised at what unfolds." Gray's dry tone persisted. "Well, this should be interesting. I just hope it's not a total bloodbath."

As Karma stepped into the arena, the AI system announced, "Force field activated!" Instantly, a blue holographic structure enveloped the arena, initially casting a blue hue over the ring. However, the force field quickly became clearer, revealing its almost invincible nature, though its presence remained palpable.

With Karma face to face with Erich, the crowd expected him to be nervous or intimidated. Instead, he exuded composure, effortlessly rolling his staff with a natural, trained motion before assuming a fighting stance. His powerful physique was poised and ready for battle, leaving Ayid intrigued by his confident demeanor.

Erich offered a friendly smile, "Hello, Karma—"

But Karma's stern face cut him off, his tone firm and commanding, "I'd appreciate it if you treated me as your enemy and took this fight seriously. Let's be clear: I don't care about your status, and I don't respect it."

Erich's smile never wavered, "I see. As you wish. Don't expect me to go easy on you" He adjusted his glasses, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement.

As the two contenders locked eyes, the weight of the challenge hung heavy in the air. Only one could emerge victorious, and both were determined to give it their all. Ayid watched with rapt attention, fascinated by the stark contrast between the sophisticated, rich protege and the powerful built, unknown, unpredictable man.