
Nightmare the unkillable soldier

LordOcind3r · War
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3 Chs

Nothing's Impossible





bmmmmm sik crkcrkcrk pofff... booom!!

Getting off the jeep I cant help but feel terrifed. Trenches, gunmen, tanks, even airstrikes. The carnage the destruction it can only be one thing... war.

THE HELL ARE YOU GET DOWN GET MOVE!! Before I can turn around im shoved down to the ground and while falling an explosion appears where I was just at. Blinded by the light I feel my body feeling weightless for a bit before falling down hard. Kraaaaaaah! Feeling a leg dislocated and a rib breaking, I scream in pain. Blood flowing from my mouth I start chocking *cough cough* spitting out the blood I still feel pain but try to get up. Looking for who saved me i see a middle aged man lying on the ground not too far from me on the right. Left half of his face burned hair singed almost gone, left of his torso missing, leggs only attached py the pelvis and spine. *Sigh* guess he didnt make it. Reaching for my weapon attached to the side of my backpack i feel nothing. Removing my straps i look at it realising its shedded and completely useless it looks like a rag with straps. All my supplies gone i get up, and jump into a trench close to me. Somehow stabilizing myself in the muddy trench. I look around. "W-why is my luck so bad?!"

All infront if me are eneny soldiers with backs turned to me. Feeling relief I try to go the opposite way before they notice me. Will walking I feel pain in my left leg. Barley holing my yelp in i look at what stabbed me. Its a knife? Taking a quick look behind me and seeing that there isnt anyone. I realise its my knife i completely forgot about it. Grabbing the handle and pulling it out. It hurts sooo much i scream internally. luckily it wast too deep otherwise it would have been to painful to pull out. Looking at the knife in my hand and forward wherw enemies are and back at my knife. Contemplate whether I should kill them or not in my condition.

Remembering this is war and they are the enemies i stop thinking. I walk/limp to the closest one with his back to me. luckily for me he us reloading. I close in and head lock him with my left arm reverse grip my knife and stab him straight through the right eye dying instantly and silently. Im too weak and incapable of setting him down gently he falls to the ground with thud at the feet of another soldier seeing his comrade dead the soldier turns gun pointed at me. Knowing im too far to use a melee attack i throw the knife at him. Somehow it sliced his neck and the knife as well as the soldier fell with clang. Holding in my dissatisfaction for my terrible knife throwing accuracy I bend down to pick up the knife and the pistol as well as a few extra ammo from the soldier corpses i climb out of the trench. standing upseing the intestines, brain matter, and gore as well as the deep pits formed from artillery. I run around killing as many enemies as i can. Slashing throat after throat or stabbing people in the eyes are stabbing them in the back i moved through the battlefield. Already tired and knowing thay ill die as soon as i cant move any longer i use the rest of my strength to attack a heavy armored captain in front of me in the eye. Three...two... poom from the corner of my eye i see a spark of light with the bullet ripping the air apart going in my direction. I catch a glimpse of it two millimeters away from touch my forehead...bof-krrrsht... It drilled a hole through the middle of my head.