
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 43 (Part 1) Illjako and Gramanos (5)

The next day, Jason Haon Illjako entered the premises of Gramanos Almaganom's residence. He noticed there were almost no guards this time round and he smiled to himself as he helped down his companion.

"You think she's ready for it?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Let's see."

Jason Haon Illjako and Jillia Haon took steps until they arrived at the front doors. It was opened from the inside and both Sprites strode through in confidence.

The Half Leopard Sphinx was at the top of the stairs, her eyes feral as ever. She wore the same thing as last time and the leading Sprite chuckled softly.

"Gramanos Almaganom, an honor to be in your presence."

"Jason Haon Illjako, speak my name with more respect."

"Apologies, Royal Noble, not my intention to offend."

She wondered how things would play out tonight and started by walking away.


The Sprite smiled, as last time, he had been taken to a room on the lower floor.

Was her heart finally less… uptight?

He walked on the stairs and watched his footsteps leaving their imprints as he knew his details and every piece of DNA he left her would be kept in a database.

By the time he was at the top of the stairs, he sensed an open door and stepped into a room with a table too grand for friendly talk and also too extensive for disrespect.

The candelabras were in different shapes and sizes. Stacks of paper were in different areas of the table, on one of its sides, a Fairy of Earth was compiling same as she stepped towards him. Her edges were smooth and rounded or flat and straight like her square jaws.

"I won't give you my name," her beauty was the only thing he knew to be greater than Gramanos Almaganom's. At least outside of his companion, the memories of when he was a play boy or nights when he had been lonely and money had helped him with companionship. "But I will be professional."

Or other Nobles, Royals or Royal Nobles he had ogled about.

He swallowed and the Sphinx's brows flickered before readjusting themselves.

"Here are terms of agreement stating that you will not go back on your word."

He grabbed the papers… and then passed them to Jillia Haon.

"You seem to be okay with me?"

She smiled but it made her look dangerous, especially in the flickering candlelight. "I don't trust you, but I have been given an assignment."

"This feels too… Mechanical. I want something a bit more organic."

She laughed, "are you saying that you would delay this meeting because I did not act to your content?"

"I can prove it to you." He instantly appeared before her and kissed her, his tongue escaping his own lips and searching for her own.

The Royal Noble opened her eyes in shock before he slammed into the wall as though he had always been there through all his years.

"See," he slide down the wall after cautioning Jillia Haon to stand down through their shared mental link. "Too mechanical; for you it is something that must be done and over with."

He stood up as her rage was close to making her fail a mission that the Queen Mother had given to her.

A mission that its success could change her life.

Thinking in that helped her to withdraw her claws and dispel the Ko-jin that twisted the air as if it was dough in the process of being kneaded.

"I want something that feels real, even if it is solely business."

He bowed and turned to leave.

"Your audacity…" Her heat actually sped up and she felt a little scared because of that. Was she excited and afraid that she was actually excited. Had she expected him to be so brazen? No but.. was this actually what people called fear? She had known him to repeatedly act irregular so why was she feeling… some type of way. "…you have not yet signed."

"No, I'll give you some time to think about it." He smiled at her as though he did not feel his body repairing itself. "I want it to feel organic, a connection, a bond, passion born from love."

He then shrugged and continued.

"Or maybe this is not worth your pride. Mull over it. Sorry to disturb. Have a good night."

He left using all the speed he could muster and the Fairy of Earth still had her mouth open.

Even when she had lost her family members, she had not shown a single emotion outwardly apart from almost bleed herself to a state of near death. And that was the last time she stopped showing her feelings.

But this?

If the Royal Noble decided to take this up, his entire family could be condemned. 9 generations of his condemned to death or servitude. His Noble title could be stripped.

His life could end.

But… He did it.

The Fairy turned to the Royal Noble Cat slowly, hoping the Sphinx would not transfer the anger to her.

"What do you think."


As a lawyer and a legal consultant, she had never stammered before even learning how to communicate to people effectively and persuasively.

"Exactly," the Sphinx's chest was still rising and falling. "What do we make of this?"


MHalf a week had gone by and it was only 10 more Aluminum Mineral Stones left. Kazu Nini was expectant, because even though she was not break through to the next stage any time soon, she felt the rapid spreading of Ko-jin veins about her body.

Of course, the pain of doing this was another matter.

But with the BodyWeight Suite, the Mineral Stones, the Practice Bot that had not yet arrived, not forgetting EquilibriumPotions, the new Cultivation Haven Terrain Rooms that she could use and the method of cultivation that the Pixie had cross-checked with the alchemist… Kazu Nini knew that victory was more than jus hope to her.

Though, to be realistic, it might not be an easy one.

Uniah Gramanos probably grew up on treatments like this, since she was borne. In fact the Kitten probably had to take some time off Potent Artefacts not too damage her foundation and her future. Mineral Stones, Practice Bots, and other Potent Artefacts must have always been at her fing… claw tips.

Maybe she should have not agreed to us8ng Potent Artefacts.

But she somehow knew that the Royal Noble would not allow her pride to be tarnished by using a Potent Artefact while Kazu Nini did not.

Or, maybe she would till use one and Kazu Nini shrugged to that because her clay dolls could act as her weapons.

In fact, they were.

She told herself to remember texting Jinja Kaliope this time as she truly had been too busy. The had not finished a single conversation this month.

Kazu Nini sighed as she knew that she might only get more busy. So, maybe she would remind herself to text before going to bed and after waking up.

Or automated messages.

Resting on both hands, she stood straight up and was ready to leave this old cultivation room then tried something that was as crazy as jumping into the sun itself.

She set the BodyWeight Suite to the same setting as the room.

Kazu Nini woke up and realized she might not be ready for it yet, but surprisingly her head felt lighter and the pressure from the pressure on almost every inch of her being – body, soul and spirit – was still there but practically nonexistent.

She shot to her feet.

Yes, her thoughts were slower than what she was used to. And the weird feeling of knowing her mind was slower than her body was something she was particularly sure of due to her Mental Energy as being a Pixie.

Yes, her will felt as though every decision she made took her intentions a while to rev up. Lile the kicking of a troublesome car.

Yes, her emotions about Jinja Kaliope were still existent even though she was trying to settle on marveling at her current state.

Yes, her skeleton felt as if weights were strapped to it.

Yes, her organs pulsed as if they would explode he next instant.

Yes, her blood vessels squirmed as if they danced in irregular motion.

Yes, her muscles lay somewhere between atrophied and energized.

Yes, her skin felt like bags of water.

Her nails rattled like her teeth.

But she was fine.

She was alright!

Kazu Nini nearly jumped, but decided that the sudden motion might push her body too far.

She snorted as she might actually be able to finish her preparations for the new Cultivation Haven Terrain room by the end of the week.

When she had walked from the Room, Ruthany Jasmine saw her and gasped at the vibrating Pixie who saw her, weakly smiled and continued her slow pace of walk.

The Troll was considering banning the Pixie… But what if Kazu Nini actually won.

There were many stories of when a cultivator pushed themselves too hard and then broke heir minds, or their bodies or both.

Either way, Ruthany Jasmine could not bear to end the relationship with a girl who seemed to be carried so many hopes.

Even if her conscience did not kill her, then the people that were spreading news and hopes because of the upcoming match would take her life first.

Sighing, she reluctantly pulled her hands away from the Telewatch and turned her head away.

Kazu Nini reached her door to see yet another Package and she thought she was seeing things until her feet bumped into the box.

Chuckling, she steeped towards the door that opened itself and she once more saw hem cultivating jist like her.

"How… was… class?"

The Goblin opened her eyes. "Same old."

"My… notes?"

"All copied."

"We posted it for the New Universe members and hey made a game out of it." She had also long noticed the Fairy's presence.


She turned to the right and her Councilor had placed food on the table.

For once, Kazu Nini wished that she could also wield food and not only glass.