
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 38 (Part 2) Fawning and Mako Nini Again (3)

 Kazu Nini remembered her deal with the Headmaster, so after facing them she waited till they got close.

 "Watch where you are going!"

 "Blind bat!"

 The boys approached her and when they were done rubbing their eyes, they saw her beauty and her anger.

 Next to Zlai Dfon, Kazu Nini knew she might not stand out. But alone, even another person that she subconsciously thought might measure up to Zlai Dfon - Shapha Rinmon - would have to admit that their Boss had her own type of sharp beauty. Not just because of the angular points of a Pixie's elbows or shoulders, but because of her face. She would not say she was abundantly endowed, but she could see the amazement in the boy on the right.

 The one on the left snapped out of shock too. "I know you!"

 "You do?" The one on the right laughed. "And you did not tell me, your closest friend."

 "Do you not know of the latest news?" He frowned at his friend like the other was a fool.

 "Tell me, tell me." He turned his face towards his comrade but his eyes were still on her.

 "The one who had a run in with the nobles."

 "Oh whose aunt was.. Mako... Nonu?"

 "No, you dumbo. Mako Nini."

 His eyebrows jumped and he laughed. "She is not a noble, then why did you seem so frightened?"

 "Their family has been at odds with the nobles."

 "Oh, the boy's eyed widened." And he bowed at the waist. "Pardon my rude remarks. Please, may I know you name."

 His friend slapped his lowered scalp. "She is the leader of the New Universe!"

 At this point, Kazu Nini began walking away. Apart from cultivation, she needed to get some more things done on the morrow.

 "Hey, wait!" The infatuated boy jogged to her brisk pace. "Let me join, please."

 She walked to her dorm as if she had heard nothing.

 "I told my father about you and he said to wish you the best. For all of us."

 Kazu Nini paused.

 "Tell him, I have not even started."

 Kazu Nini greeted her roommates when she entered her room and would have gone directly into her personal space if Isimaila Fginja did not holler at her.


 "So, what's the next step?"

 "We will do some auctioning. And then sell what we can."

 "Wait with what?" Jagonu Nanhor gloded out of her own room.

 Isimaila Fginja's eyes scrunched. "You can't mean the bracelets and all of that, right?"

 "All of it."

 Jagonu Nanhor looked her at her after looking at the ceiling. "Why, though? Why not just use it and save time?

 "I won't use what is noble touched."

 "But would it not be Epic to use what they gave you to wipe the smiles off their faces?"

 "The bets for the match, when I win it, we would not need to do the same."

 "Hmmm, so you don't care if we use what is noble touched?"

 "I'm your leader, not your god."

 "Do you guarantee you can get yourself strong enough in time?"

 "Thanks for the worry, but it is not needed."

 "Okay, as long as you know what you are doing."

 "Even if didn't, I can just make it an order not to worry about me."

 Isimaila Fginja knew she was going through, after watching the horrific video. So, she understood and saluted.

 Jagonu Nanhor instead let out a sound that bubbled a joyous emotion in the Goblin.

 Even Kazu Nini had wanted to add a smile but it did not come to her face.

 "I'll have to bother you guys with teaching me how to step for the next few months."

 "Oh, is that an order?" The Goblin asked in mock fury. "I'll rather get fired."

 Kazu Nini looked at her and wanted to laugh but it did not come. Instead, she just nodded her head and went into her room. Jagonu Nanhor looked at the Goblin who desperately wanted to know if their Boss was truly angry or not.

 But even the Spirit could not hold herself anymore and decided to play along by halting Isimaila Fginja from approaching the door with her next words.

 "I don't think she wants to be disturbed."

 The Goblin fell on her butt and left her mouth hanging.

 "Was she kicked out of the New Universe… just like this?"

 She slapped herself several times and the Spirit had to go to her room to hide her laughter.


 Mako Nini would have waited for night, but the only person she had captured was working the day shift. So, she had to wait for him to finish with work first.

 She had imagined going to the place Ko-jin blazing, but maybe she would settle for incognito this time.

 Sighing, she remembered her cousin and his wife and how they had been happy together...

 "This is for your daughter."

 Taking a step forward, she enclosed herself in a glass that blocked senses, wavelengths, sounds and Ko-jin. Hovering till she was several blocks away, she stepped out of an alley and walked to the front of the building.

 The rectangular skyscraper was all black. Outside of the white lines that dictated the levels which the building had or the blue ones for curtain windows, it was only a tint of red where the rooftop had a gazebo of the same color inside what resembled a mini golf course. The place even had a bar, chairs and waitresses.

 Back down on the ground, guards saw Arom Jillon who looked flustered.

 "Your shift is over, go home and sleep."

 They both laughed and her hurried expression told her that the man was usually picked on. She had even seen glimpses yesterday and had not focused on it but she might have to play the wimp.

 "I forgot my Identification Card!"

 "Well, come back tomorrow for it, then."

 They laughed again and he started thinking of how to end them.

 "Please, I'll be in and out real quick."

 "Let him go, so that he does not wet his pants."


 Arom Jillon quickly ran in, and then combing through his memories, he waited for them to go into their building and buzz him in.

 "You are going to pay me for this!"

 "Sure, sure. Please, hurry."

 "Better change that tone of yours!"

 "Sorry, sorry. Please forgive me."

 "Weakling! Haha."

 What had appeared to be opaque black slid apart to reveal brilliant amethyst purple pillars, golden railings that allowed views of the upper floors, one of many tubes which ferried people from floor to floor and a flurry of people walking about.

 Between this crowd for the day shift, and the one for the night shift, there was a break of 2 hour. She had to reach her office before the cleaners began their work 30 minutes soon.

 Perfectly adapting his walking pose, she added haste to it and entered a tube to reach his office. The 13th door on the 11th floor led to his workplace. And she found the pace tidy. A Computer screen with its keyboard and mouse on the desk beside a window, a few stacked papers, a chair with armrest and wheels, a Television up top, diagonally against the wall and ceiling, and an air conditioner.

 Even if they were latest models, using creations from the Human Continent showed how low his station was, as the feud with them had not lessened yet. Even 5,000 years after the Great War. So, the PC, the air conditioner and Television showed that he was bottom class in the workplace like his memories agreed with, but she has expected more suppression seeing as he was working for a noble.

 Maybe he was a lesser noble.

 Either way, Mako Nini blocked her door with glass in the spaces between the frame and the wall before putting a last one diagonally against I and propped against the floor.

 Remembering his password from his memories, she keyed them in after the booting screen had showed up and browsed about the PC's interface.

 Accessing the company's website, she looked for the blueprints and saw a note that stopped her.


 Breathing out, she knew she could no longer keep things quiet. So she raised her hands into the air for some time.

 "Mr. Arom Jillon, we need to enter the space and clean it up."

 She had ignored them pulling the door handle and knocking until they had to speak.

 Now, hands of glass, at least 1,000 meters long formed themselves just where Hoyl's planet ended to begin the area called outer space.

 When they were fully formed and now blazing in a scarlet conflagration of Ruby Red Ko-jin, they shot down to the perimeter of the Building she was currently in.

 "Mr. Arom Jillon, we need to clean up s that we don't get fi-AAARGGGHHH."


 When the protective dome around the building had shattered like glass, the guards knew they were in trouble because the building had a DamageCompound all about it. And these, in earth terms, could survive a nuke. Now to break it open at once, is a force that was several of them. So, even the person who had noticed the incoming danger had not had time to alert anyone in the building. But he had been able to jump out of it. [1]



 Alas, when the hands dug into the ground that quaked the environment for at least 10 miles, they had caught the man who had thought to escape in their grasp.

 Mako Nini had correctly guessed that the building was as tall as it was deep, just like all the working buildings she had wrecked over the past few months. So, the 1,000 meter hands perfectly cradled it from luxurious rooftop to hidden foundation. She had not forgotten to hide the presence of these glass hands from wavelength, senses, Ko-jin and sound.

 The next thing anyone in the building knew, after the terrible tremor, was that they could not walk because they were being lifted back up.

 And up.

 And up.

 Now, by the time anyone could react, they were out in outer space. Luckily for them, Mako Nini had made the hands into a ball that covered everything.

 Now, she covered herself in a ball of glass and made a hand of glass to push her into the ground, level by level, until she had broken through 511 of them.


 She passed through the 10th floor to see people grabbing unto their desks or crawling under some. They only did not have televisions on his floor.


 On the 9th floor, there were no Televisions and Air Conditioners. The frightened citizens did not have time to look at her as they scurried in confusion.


 The 8th floor had a chair that had no armrests. The floating people here were definitely non cultivators.


 On the 7th the had to share desks. Two to a table with bean bags between themselves.


 The 6th floor was a bench with a large table.


 The 5th level had only benches.


 The 4th had stools.


 The 3rd had mats.


 The 2nd had no mats and only squares that circled where to seat


 The 1st did not even have any sense of decency.


 Now, she saw the staff on the ground floor who had not yet left before night shift was to start. She shook her head at the way the owner of this building treated its workers. She knew the amount of wealth that nobles commanded, why punish the common folk?





 Mako Nini purposely stopped at the 499th Underground Floor.

 She saw that when she had arrived they were quivering, not only because she fully displayed her aura. But because, they saw some of their objects floating about, which meant that they had been... building-napped.

 She then saw Trolls and Elves and Dark Elves and Pixies and Shapeshifters and many more stand before her, just as she was about to reach the tube that connected the last floor and this one.

 "Are you sure you want to do this?"

 "You are trespassing on priv-"

 "Shut up, when you made a move a year ago, did you not trespass on MY property!?" [2.]

 Swinging her arms, life liquid sprayed into the air like a waterfall in reverse.






Starting from top to bottom it gets tougher and tougher. I will explain these later.


Prologue 4 (Part 1)