
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 33 (Part 1) Introduction and Picking on Belthion Ijima

 Kazu Nini's woke up with a lot on her mind.


 She reminded herself that she would have to add more Reinforced Glass before the Inheritance Grounds were open.


 She told herself that she wanted to change her bulky move names… and maybe make all her moves have a similar foundation.


 To make a set that belonged to different cadres of her powers.

 She might not change the names, but at least she was sure she wanted them all to have a similar foundation, but also be versatile.

 Like sand.

 Her lips curled up as she remembered that she got some ideas from Uniah Gramanos's attacks and decided that it was not so bad to have another confrontation with her best friend in the world.


 She would rather use pills than have to encounter life and death situations.

 Like the time with the Sprites, where she felt it go up after she woke. Also, when she had a close shave with losing consciousness but fought her flickering will to make her body resume the task that she had intended for it.


 She slapped her head and wondered when the Potent Artefacts for measuring Soul Power will come.


 She knew that she could keep on asking Shapha Rinmon for money but she was not comfortable with that idea.


 She would start with her bots.

 Kazu Nini then pulled out one of the Soul Boxes she had and opened them up. Reaching out her hand, she grabbed one of the bots and held it in her hands. And when they were pulled out, they returned to normal size before she had even placed one on the ground.

 "Greetings, master. How are you today?"

 She saw its bottom plate on the ground and one day, she would make it hover. Most of the energy in its body was keeping the torso floating above the circular disk that acted as its anchor. The circular disk ensured that in a specified place, its torso could move about freely. So, it was not entirely mobile. But this strategy could help her market buy more.

 Thus far,

 Absorbing energy from the sun was no biggie, the only thing she had to do was make it absorb Lunar energy also. She also remembered that she had not discovered more purpose for what she could do with the Adaptable Mud that she had gotten for both Bots.

 So much to do, so much to do, so much to…

She rubbed her eyes and was considering just resting today.

 Oh, shoot!

 She jumped to her feet and then over the couch to see the Goblin still laying on it. Her dispirited eyes caught the Pixie's who was glad she had not left.

 "No worries, your pep talk cut through."

 She sighed in "relief, silly girl."

 She grabbed a drink from the fridge and threw it at her Goblin friend who caught it and stood up.

 "So, what's the plans?" The girls spirit still felt down, but at least she was not planning to run away anymore.

 Kazu Nini downed her drink until her cheeks were full, before wiping her lips. "We will use you as bait."

Her mesmerizing eyes that had a playful light did not lose its beauty even as she waggled her eyebrows.

 Isimaila Fginja squinted her eyes in response.


 On this afternoon - and after classes - Zlai Dfon, Jagonu Nnahor and Isimaila Fginja had been placed at different areas of the school compound under instruction from the Leader of the New Universe. And be it Zlai Dfon's cuteness, Jagonu Nanhor's presence or Isimails Fginja's Epic Beast, they all had cause to pull crowds wherever they went. But these crowd was not only here based on the aforementioned points; they were also here because of the match.

 It needed to be understood that there were countries where nobles ruled with an iron fist in a dictatorial system of government.

 And then, in some of these countries where slave trade was rampant, the Royals lived *above* even the nobles. So, standing up against them in a university was not news that was only heard in Chilkt state. Even Johklon began receiving some of it, a long, long time ago.

 Kazu Nini had been in a tree and had been clouding her presence by not only using glass to bend the light rays approaching her person but retracting all her Divine Energy into her core. It felt to her like she was holding a breath. But it was not a breath and had much weight to it. Ahead from her was an intersection on different sides. She was among a group of trees in this 30-meter circular patch of grass that had benches on it. A small fountain that looked natural but wasn't, was placed about 15 meters away from here and the people here were few and in between.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Hello people, sorry for nor doing this earlier. But we are going to introduce two new members of the team.

 MWMHarJaggedNajesty___VNV (Jagonu Nanhor): Your leader is strong.

 ***OxNinomoruas'GoblinxO*** (Isimaila Fginja): And she has a big heart.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: The first is a Spirit and would be a Counsellor. Her ability to convince emotions has led me to give her that position. And the second is a Goblin who I have given the role of Ambassador. Oh, and she has a Lindworm. So, picturing her with that would be good for team travel or announcing our messages after a flag can be tied to her Lindoworm… I think it has more perks, like traveling far distances. Plus, she nabbed this particular Epic Beast from the Nobles. I think an Ambassador for the New Universe should be able to do at least that much.

 Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shapha Rinmon): Hello there, nice to meet. My name is Shapha Rinmon.

MWMHarJaggedNajesty___VNV (Jagonu Nanhor): Nice to be here.

***OxNinomoruas'GoblinxO*** (Isimaila Fginja): Honored, knowing I am now a part of this.

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): Honor is felt on this end as well, I am Belthion Ijima.

 xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): Me is a Slime. Naro Meena

 Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Shapeshifter, here. Oh, and the world's sickest DJ. Elric Yjob at your service. I do rates for member shows different than those for others.

 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Sprite, Kivon.

 UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon) Sprite, Devon.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Jinja Kaliope, my babe's the boss. Yeah, I'm a Dark elf.

 ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp) Oh, shut up. Mine is Lowe Hagp. Gnome is what I am.

 MWMHarJaggedNajesty___VNV (Jagonu Nanhor): Hope to add to this organization to the best of my abilities.

 ***OxNinomoruas'GoblinxO*** (Isimaila Fginja): I was going to crack a joke, but I guess I'll have to be as serious as my fellow newcomer.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Good that it was settled quickly and appropriately. Second is that we are working on a project that we cannot go into details because of situation and timing at the current moment. Thirdly, we should become proactive regarding out noble… friends… And lastly, how are we all?

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Babe, your battle was AWESOME (ToT).

 ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp) Urgh! I shiver, man. Your PDA skills are *superb.* Sad to say, I agree with you, but only concerning our boss.

 Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shapha Rinmon) … and her awesomeness.


 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): You did well.

 UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon) So well, I could cry.

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): I am impressed. You said she was two levels above you, right?

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): So proud of you, babe.

 ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp) I see what they say about nightmares and them being darkest…

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope)" What is your problem, young Gnome? Why are you picking on m-

 xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena) We good, truly. I heard the news on the Skynet, I did not even need to go through the videos to know you won. But wow, it feels so great.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: She is still complete; the job was not well done.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): XD

 New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): You should have seen it in person, (even though I was not there in person). But it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!

 Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Lest I forget, though, how is you - Zlai Dfon - doing?

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Even better than before, after gaining a SpaceStabilizer as her reward from her bet for the fight.

 New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): True Dat. Back like brightest sun after the darkest night!

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): Fairy, you got us worried. This dragon almost cried.

 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Never pictured a dragon crying.

 UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon) True… are you a true dragon or a mixed breed?

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): Good one, now go back to your lamp so that I could throw you into the void.

 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I think Dragon's have a thing for feeling in charge. My, oh my… Belthion Ijima seems to be a dom

 UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Not that we judge you are anything, cause like maybe your entire race is full of doms.

 Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Ohhh… was that why he was worried about our Fairy?

 New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): Hold up! Are you guys talking about?...

 ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): I would have said hold your horses but I guess it's going to be; hold your flaming scales, tom.

 Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shapha Rinmon): Epic XD.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): …He has not actually refuted it.

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): When words are meaningless and empty, how can I reply to them? Vermin talk is doled out by vermin. Thus, my nonchalance.

 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon) '…how can I reply to them? Vermin talk is doled out by vermin…' dom talk in full throttle, guys.

 UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Proud of who he is. I suddenly grew respect for you, kid.

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): How can you call me a kid; I am older than your grandfather!!! And even if I wasn't, he would still have to kowtow every time I fart.

 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): My apologies, greatest of grandest of fathers, hope my reply did not injure your sub ego.

 UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): No, Kivon, I think you should apologize to the fart. It seems we were wrong and Dragon fart is actually the dom. Mr. Dragon Fart fetish, should I keep on saying sorry? Do I get a safe word.

 New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): I am too young to hear this. I am too young to be here. (OwO), ( TwT.)

 xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): Haha dkm.

 New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon) Whaaaaaaattttttttt?

 Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shapha Rinmon) LOL

 Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): XD XD XD

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Don't stop more, more. Bwahahahahah!.


 Kazu Nini was intently looking for her best friend in the entire world. So, when she looked at her Telewatch again, she nearly fell from the tree she had perched on from laughter, which she quickly cut off by closing her mouth and then making muffled noise into her cupped hand on her face. Luckily, the eyes of the crowd where on her other roommates and her Public Relations Manager. Meaning that, she was not seen. So, she could right herself back up before a student faced that direction.

 And even when the person's eyes glanced over there, Kazu Nini hid herself like she had hidden an attack during her fight with the Royal Cat.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Focus! We are running an operation here. Eyes up, senses spread out, do not forget the plan and stay sharp!

 xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): (In hushed whispers) DarkerThanBlackOwO, it looks like she is the one who is the dom. The way she gives orders, you would not suspect it - if you did not read in between the lines.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Well, trying new things should not be a problem. What do you think, babe?

 This time, Kazu Nini fell through the tree and on her back. And between the last time she had fallen which was since childhood, or the latter which she had not done since cultivation it made her blank out in pure embarrassment, not counting her mental energy that had never been rocked all her life.

 The shock, shocked her because of her amount of Mental Energy which she knew was above theirs. She was not sure if se should laugh or cry at the moment.

 She dusted her clothes as she heard camera's clicking from Telewatches that tried to all get a picture. Now, standing up so that she could clear dust off areas she could not reach on the floor, she inadvertently looked at her Telewatch to see that a message no read –

 MWMHarJaggedNajesty___VNV (Jagonu Nanhor): ALERT!! ALERT!!!

 ***OxNinomoruas'GoblinxO*** (Isimaila Fginja): Princess Obnoxious. Spirit has spotted the Royal **** Up ahead!