
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 18 (Part 2) Orientation Day (4) and A Familiar Face.

"Hey!" A wood fairy whose voice she clearly remembered called her attention as they headed to look at other buildings. "Boss, that was awesome."

Kazu Nini regarded Zlai Dfon for a second before bursting into smiles. "Yeah, some people need scolding because parents might have been at fault."

"Do not say that, not everyone had parents."

"True, I should soften my words appropriately and not judge only but sometime show pity."

The Sphinx flinched as they laughed in tandem, and was about to retort but her friends touched her shoulder, making her to follow them in broiling anger instead.

"I like her already," The Goblin smiled and looked up to Kazu Nini's Public Relations manager before extending a hand. "Isimaila Fginja."

She replied in kind, "Zlai Dfon, Public Relations Manager of the New Universe."

"Haven't heard of it."

"Yeah, we just started in Jhoklon."


Kazu Nini helped the stammering Spirit. "This is Jagonu Nanhor and they are both my roommates."

"Sick, I was wondering when I was going to get an update."

"I sent you guys a message, check your Telewatch."

"Right, okay."

The Goblin could not follow and is showed in her face so Kazu Nini answered her silent question. "Don't worry about it, it's personal stuff."

They came across a whole lot of other buildings as they chatted; 1ST Gym, Inheritance Grounds, 2nd Gym, Farms, Library, Sparring Arenas, Cultivation Haven Terrains 1 to 5, Seminar Halls, Activity Halls 1 to 9, Science Departments 1 to 3, Art Department 1 to 3, Humanities Department 1 to 3, Recreation Center, Tournament Arenas, Training Field 1- 100, Cultivation Rooms 1-1000, Enlightenment Rooms 1 to 10,000, Sport fields 1 – 100, Dormitory 1 – 1,000, Excursion Portals, Transportation offices and many more.

When they were done, the non-cultivators had long left their train either out of tiredness or hunger and decided to come for the next day, since there would be orientations and other fun school activities for the entire first week. Kazu Nini was going to suggest that Zlai Dfon be brought into the spare room that they had but having her away might have its own benefits so she said nothing about it during the orientation. That evening, they ate at the cafeteria on a four-sitter table, Jagonu Nanhor and Kazu Nini closest to the glass and facing themselves while the Goblin and the Elf were at each other's fronts.

"So, this New Universe thing, what is it about?"

Zlai Dfon was going to speak but she saw Kazu Nini's intent so she held back. "I was kidnapped and it made me open my eyes." She flexed her wrists, "feeling helpless is something I do not ever want to do again."

"Kidnapped?!" The Spirit gasped, "How?"

"I woke up chained, and I got frequently beaten." She closed her eyes then surprisingly smiled after a while of frowning. "I met a new… friend in there. He helped me."

"You never told me that." Zlai Dfon looked hurt.

"Did not matter at the time, do you want to make friends with him?"

"We need to encourage those who can help kidnapped victims."

"If I exposed that I knew him at the time, it could and still can destroy the meagre life that he is being blackmailed into."

She slapped her forehead in realization. "Ah, then that was wise indeed."

"The less people that know, the better."

Jagonu Nanhor suddenly phased through the table and hugged the Pixie, even Isimaila Fginja patted her back. Zlai Dfon was encouraged to join in when she felt left out and Kazu Nini let their embrace fade from awkward to warm and finally welcome.

"Enough, enough. Thank you."

"If you were not my Boss, I would call you ungrateful twat."

The Goblin giggled but the Spirit's countenance was grim. "Where they nobles?" Her voice sounded like one of those church organs in the middle of a stormy night and in an abandoned building.

"We kind of stirred the hornet's nest by poking at them so, one of the henchmen decided he wanted to lash out."

Jagonu Nanhor's mood was so stifling, and like their sudden euphoria of the night before when they all got heightening ecstasy at the match they were watching, they all felt her mood like a weight of solid lead was placed above all their heads, even the approaching waiter stumbled in his coming.

Their moods had become so heavy that thinking about anything else apart from the Anger and extreme indignation that poured out of Jagonu Nanhor like house breaking waves made their heads hurt and their bodies shake.

The Goblin struggled to kick where a knee would have been on her roommate's 'body'. "Th-the exams, o-on f-f-Friday. Are you ready?"

"Relax," Zlai Dfon had just experienced the mood swings that the Spirit had brought and had her eyes open in shock. She was grateful that her boss was trying to ease the situation. "It is okay and I am fine, let it go. It really made me stronger."

The Elf knew what her Boss was feeling as she was going through the same sensation at the moment but it was the Goblin who spoke next. "Ca-calm do-down."

Jagonu Nanhor took some deep breaths and the waiter approached them to tell them that fighting was prohibited and that they now had to leave.

"We are still talking." Zlai Dfon was about to throw her food in the man's face but the Pixie raised up an arm for her to relax. The Goblin herself already had one foot on the table and was readying her plate to cause chaos in hopes of not only seeing how this school would handle chaos but to allow Jagonu Nanhor to redirect her emotions when noticed Kazu Nini's gesture and they all eventually finally walked out amidst different sets and variances of gazes.

"The exams," Kazu Nini rolled her shoulders marveling at the potentials of Spirits. "I will be ready, do not worry. Are you guys coming too?"

"I did not apply."

"You will."

"I know it might be stressful but consider it; the more versatile we are the more opportunities will present themselves to us."

"Plus, there would be benefits." Isimaila Fginja tried to smile but she was still shaken up.

"S-sorry for that. Sometimes, I just lose control." The Spirits voice made them pity her immensely and Kazu Nini, like Zlai Dfon and the Goblin, guessed that the depth to their reaction in their hearts were not natural. However, they still huddled close as they found a bench under a tree.

"You guys should come to watch me."

"Do you need to know about the contents of the exam?"

"I thought it was an exam so that we would have to try, what is the purpose of knowing beforehand?"

Isimaila Fginja shrugged, "who cares."

"I will have to go with the Goblin on this one, Boss."

Kazu Nini and the girls talked into the night when she remembered that she did not have Mako Nini's contact because she had formatted her Telewatch in expectation of Naro Meena's upgrade to them.

"Public Relations, sleep well. I need to get to something."

They were within sight of the Dorms and after Kazu Nini bid her farewell, before everyone exchanged goodbyes as well. At her own room, after putting pasta noodles in boiling water, she sat down at the island in the shared Kitchen.

Display >

Appearance >

Language >

Purpose >

Time >

App List >

Tapping on 'App List' she saw another menu







File Manager>




Scanning Laser>


System Settings>

She saw the number one in super script on 'Skyline.'





Friend Requests>

Group Chats>

There was the number 19 in superscript on *Chats* and she went there.

Single Chat>

Group Chat>



There were a higher number on Group Cats, but she checked out Single Chats first.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Just saw what you did, I am impressed, please add me to the group chat for the New Universe and all the related chats.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): I told you so. Will add you in a bit.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): Have you seen it?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Have not, yet. How is Jhoklon?

She left the chat and went to the plus sign on the lower right of her screen. Long-pressing 777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon) and UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon) so that they were in one group together that she named 'Martial Teachers', she then sent a message to them.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I need you to get to my home and ask my guardian what her name on Skynet is.

Kazu Nini did not see a reply, so she sent the same message to Jinja Kaliope

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Evening, my busy lady.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Ew, gross. No.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): What do you mean, ew?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Not now, how fast can you get to my home?

He waited a while.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): How urgent is this?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: It could metaphorically save a life.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): My parents might not allow me to leave at this time.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I see why your parents were surprised that you had a girlfriend.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): You want to spur me into action? You should have better tricks up your sleeve…

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: LOL, good luck getting anything from me. Ever.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Chill, I was not that serious about it anyway.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: So…

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): So…?


DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Okay, just send me a picture of your lips.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I will send it AFTER you HELP me.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): I am rolling my eyes, like right now.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Are you going or not?

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): On my way rn.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: What is rn?

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): LOL rn means right now. How can you know Lol and not know rn?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I hate you rn.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Lol You wish.

Kazu Nini left there and saw a notification number on the Sprite group chat she had made.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): You know, with a group name like 'Martial Teacher's' I would think the very first task you would give us would be combat oriented.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Can you get on it, right now?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): We live quite far, you know.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Send one of your boys from Kings, Queens and Joker's or something.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I though you abolished it,

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Never said I did; you work under me but they can be under you.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I will do it myself for what you just said.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): I will come through, too.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Good, keep me updated.

She swiped left and saw a group chat named New Universe Staff before selecting it. Scrolling down, Kazu Nini was greeted with a long trail of chats and stopped before the last

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): She has started using gadgets. We should take this time to hold a moment of silence.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Do you want to get fired?

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): XD.

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Haha DKM.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Coming from you, I am not sure that is a joke.

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): True, as Admin Manager and all…

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): I am not that serious, but she might not take it well.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): Maybe he just has a bad sense of humor. We should hold a moment of silence for that instead.

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): I see that she has joined, but I do not see her saying anything.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): She might be holding the moment of silence for Jinja.

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): Haha.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope):…

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Hello, I sent a directive to those in Johklon. Assist Jinja and the twins, I need it done ASAP.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): She learns, I am proud of you, you know.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I am not ancient; I am just not tech savvy. Also, ASAP is not regulated to chatting with gadgets.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Guys, she did not know the meaning of rn. Haha.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): LOL XD

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Lol Means laughing out loud and XD is for amusement.

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): Ik already, (Ik means I know, for those who do not know.)

Kazu Nini saw a long trail of stickers and gif's that meant laughter before her Public Relations Manager chatted next

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): Hehe, DKM. (Dkm means do not kill me)

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Hehe is also a form of laughter.

Kazu Nini remembered that she was cooking something on the fire before saving her Spaghetti that had almost burnt from her negligence. Sighing, she realized that she had to start taking more advantage of all the mental energy that she had.

Adding oil to another pot, she removed pork chops from a frozen pack that she had purchased from downstairs when she was coming up to her room, and upended them unto the oil. Waiting for a while, she added salt, pepper, curry, maggi cubes and soy sauce before throwing the noodles into the pan after the spices had soaked into the pork chops. Mixing until she was satisfied, she returned to get back at her staff making jest of her.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I could just fire you all and then start a new, New Universe. I have already started meeting new people and am quite confident in gaining even more since I agreed to another bet with some obnoxious Sphinx.

Nobody spoke anymore, then she added.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Ask Zlai Dfon for more information, she was there.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Babe, we were just joking.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I will make mine a joke when you start doing what I asked you too. Also, how can I use an emoji that reflects sticking my tongue out at all of you?

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): You and DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope) are a match made in heaven.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Get to work. And ew.