
Nightmare's Awakening

Von, who has spent his life disinterested in everything, has been haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood. In his dreams, the world undergoes a radical transformation as angels descend to Earth, offering humanity a chance following a significant sacrifice. Now, Von's life takes an unexpected turn when elements from his nightmares start manifesting in reality. His disinterest is about to be challenged as he must confront the mysterious events that blur the line between dreams and reality.

Asyrie · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Twists and Toasts at The Tankard

Chapter 27: Twists and Toasts at The Tankard

Ren and Von stepped into The Tankard, greeted by a scene of numerous awakeners indulging in meals and conversations, exchanging tales of their exploits in the tower. The adaptability of humans to the changing world struck the duo, evident in the ease with which adventurers embraced the challenges and mysteries that unfolded in the evolving realm.

Ren, observing the bustling activity in The Tankard, remarked, "Whoa, so many awakeners. I guess this is our life now."

Von, glancing around the lively pub, asked Ren, "What? Do you miss being a college student preparing to graduate?"

Ren took a moment to reflect, his eyes wandering over the diverse crowd of awakeners immersed in their conversations and laughter. "I guess, I miss the simplicity of student life. The routine of classes, hanging out with friends and worrying about exams. Now, it's all about climbing towers, battling mystical creatures, and navigating through magical realms."

Von chuckled, "Quite the shift from textbooks to enchanted swords. But hey, at least our current curriculum comes with some epic loot."

Ren grinned, raising his drink in a mock toast. "To the unexpected turns in life and the adventures that come with them."

As they clinked their glasses, a drunk man approached their table.

"Hey, is this your first time here?" asked the drunk man.

Ren and Von looked at each other, finding the situation amusing as they faced the tipsy man. Though his words were a bit unclear due to his intoxication, there was a sincere curiosity in what he was saying.

"Yeah, just checking out the scene. The Tower has been keeping us busy, you know?" Ren replied with a broad smile.

The drunk man chuckled, a boisterous sound that drew the attention of nearby patrons. "Tower, eh? A lot of newcomers these days. What floor are you on?"

"We're gearing up for the climb. Just reached level 25," Von chimed in.

The drunk man commented, "You guys taking your time, huh? Many awakeners leveled up as fast as they could to climb the tower."

Ren chuckled, "Well, we believe in savoring the journey, not just rushing to the destination. What's the rush, right?

The drunk man shrugged, a lopsided grin on his face. "To each their own, I suppose. But mark my words, the higher you climb, the more intense it gets. Excitement and danger, all mixed up."

Von nodded in agreement, "We're prepared for it. By the way, any tips for climbers like us? Something you wish you knew when you started?"

The drunk man leaned in, his expression turning serious despite the lingering effects of alcohol. "Trust your instincts, stay close to your companions, and never underestimate the tower's ability to surprise you. Oh, and watch out for Floor 7. It's got a twist you won't see coming."

Ren and Von exchanged intrigued glances, absorbing the information. Ren raised his glass, "Thanks for the advice, friend. Here's to the journey, twists and all."

The lively atmosphere of The Tankard welcomed two women who joined the drunk man. One of them seemed confident and playful, while the other appeared more reserved but amused. The drunk man, unaware of their arrival, shifted his focus to the new additions.

"Tank! Stop bothering them" said the woman with long, vibrant violet hair, her eyes reflecting a mix of annoyance and affection as she addressed the drunk man. She sounded a bit annoyed but also caring like she was used to handling her companion's enthusiastic antics.

The assertive woman had an air of leadership about her as she reined in the exuberant drunk man, Tank. Ren and Von observed the scene with amusement, curious about the dynamics among the trio.

The drunk man, Tank, grinned sheepishly under the woman's stern gaze. "Alright, alright, I was just making friends. No harm done, right?"

The woman rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a fond smile. "You have a peculiar way of making friends, Tank. Apologies for any inconvenience," she said, addressing Ren and Von.

Ren chuckled, "No problem at all. We're here to make new acquaintances and share stories. I'm Ren, and this is Von."

Selena nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm Selena, the troublemaker here is Tank, and the quiet one is Luna."

Tank, with an unsteady grin, defended himself, "They're newbies, I was giving them some tips." His speech was a bit slurred, and it was evident that he had indulged in quite a few drinks, adding to the merriment of the evening.

Selena sighed, "Tank, your 'tips' sometimes sound more like wild theories after a few too many drinks."

Tank waved off her comment, dismissing it with a carefree attitude. "Eh, details, details. They'll figure it out, won't you, newbies?"

Ren and Von exchanged amused glances, appreciating the good-natured banter. "We'll take all the advice we can get, sober or otherwise," Ren replied.

Luna, the quiet companion, observed the interactions with a subtle smile. It seemed like she was used to Tank's antics and Selena's attempts to keep things in check.

Selena, one of the awakeners who had joined the group, squinted at Ren and Von, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "You know, you guys look familiar. Are you sure this is the first time you're climbing the tower?" Her tone held a hint of skepticism as if trying to unravel a mystery that intrigued her. Ren and Von exchanged puzzled glances, wondering what might have sparked Selena's sense of recognition.

Luna, the other woman in the group, chimed in, her voice carrying a casual air as she sipped her drink. "The four of us have crossed paths before in Professor Kim's class."

"What? Oh, wait. Your name is Ren? Ren Dwight, the kendo prodigy in our school?" Selena said.

Ren, a bit surprised by the recognition, nodded. "Yeah, that's me. Kendo prodigy might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I did love practicing it back in the normal world."

Selena's eyes widened with excitement. "I remember hearing about your matches. You were unbeatable. Never thought I'd meet the famous Ren Dwight in a place like this."

Tank, still in a jovial mood, added, "Well, well, we've got a celebrity in our midst. Who would've thought?"

Ren, feeling a mix of amusement and embarrassment, replied, "It was nothing. We're all just adventurers trying to make our way through."

"Then you're Von Azier, right? The mysterious and quiet one who is a friend of Ren." Selena said, smiling at Von.

"Now, I remember you. Selena Quinn, one of the popular girls in school." Von glanced at Luna. "Luna Grace, you're known at school as a genius," Von said.

Ren, surprised by the sudden recognition, chuckled. "Well, that's surprising, Von. I thought you didn't care about what was happening in school before."

"I don't care; it's just," Von glanced at Selena, "students like to gossip, so it's noisy when I'm trying to sleep in school," Von said.

Selena chuckled, "Fair enough, Von. School gossip can be relentless. But now, it looks like we have more exciting things to talk about than who's dating whom."

Ren raised an eyebrow playfully, "Oh, come on. You can't tell me you don't miss those gossip-filled days."

Von smirked, "Not even a little. I'd take battling mystical creatures over school drama any day."

Selena with a gleeful expression, "Speaking of battling creatures, how about we share some tips and experiences? We've been climbing the Tower for a while now. It might help you guys on your journey."

Luna nodded in agreement, "It's your first time climbing the tower, right? We're currently on the 17th floor, so maybe our experience can help you."

Von and Ren exchanged glances, appreciating the offer. "We'd be grateful for any advice you can give," Von said.

"I think you guys can manage up to the 10th floor, but be careful on the 7th floor. You two will get separated on that floor. Every group of awakeners gets separated there and meets again on the 10th floor. I can't share more about the quest there because of the tower's policy, but I think that much info will help you," Selena said.

"On the 10th floor, you just need to defeat the floor guardian. We can't discuss what kind of monster it is, but I can only say you'll need water," Luna said.

"Wait, you said you're already on the 17th floor, but now you're here on the 1st floor? How does that work?" Ren asked.

Selena grinned, "Ah, that's where the twist comes in. Until the 20th floor, the resting floor is the 1st floor, which is this town called the 'Town of New Beginning.' Then, when you reach the 21st floor up to the 24th floor, you can't go to other floors; you need to stay on that floor only. When you reach the 25th floor, there is another town where you can rest and enjoy, similar to the 1st floor."

As Ren and Von absorbed the information, the intricacies of the tower's design unfolded before them like a complex puzzle. The cyclical nature of the resting floors added a new layer of understanding to their journey. They exchanged appreciative glances, acknowledging the valuable insights shared by Selena, Tank, and Luna.

Tank, having regained some of his enthusiasm, interjected, "You guys are lucky to have met us. Selena and Luna here are practically walking encyclopedias on tower lore."

Selena nudged Tank playfully, "Ignore him; he tends to exaggerate. We're just experienced, that's all."

Luna, who had been mostly silent, added, "Feel free to ask if you have any specific questions. The tower can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers."

"Hey, how about we exchange contact information?" Selena suggested, breaking into the conversation. "You guys can contact us anytime if you need some help or just want to chat."

Ren and Von agreed, recognizing the practicality of staying connected with experienced climbers in the tower. The system has a friend list where you can add each other.

"I guess it's getting late; we need to go now," she remarked.

Tank, who had been engaged in an animated conversation, reluctantly stood up, swaying slightly from the effects of the drinks. "Well, it was a blast meeting you guys. Let's do this again sometime!"

Luna nodded in agreement, her expression warm and welcoming. "Safe travels, Ren and Von. May the tower's secrets unfold in your favor."

With exchanged contact information and well-wishes, the three of them left the pub and Ren and Von stayed.

"It feels strange at the same time feels great to meet someone you know before here in the tower," Von said.

"Small world, huh? Anyway, we need to meet the owner of this pub," Ren said.

"Yeah, let's ask the one at the counter," Von said

As Ren and Von finished their drinks, they made their way back to the counter where the man was still engaged in serving drinks and chatting with customers. The atmosphere at The Tankard seemed to intensify as more adventurers poured in, sharing tales and seeking refuge from the challenges of the Tower.