

The epic and legendary tale of an extraordinary young man rising up from the masses, traversing his life in the pursuit of quantity over quality. His inquisitive voice echoes infinitely through the hills of the immortal Academy: "I am one who would rather suffer an eternity of destined calamities than beg for solace from thy saints..."

Mao Ni · Eastern
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1118 Chs

The Waning Moon

Editor: Transn

Ye Su was saving himself by preaching in streets and alleys. He was leading folks to save themselves. The change might look tiny, considering how long Haotian Taoism had lasted in this world. However, it was revolutionary because the worship for Haotian had been replaced by the new doctrine, and the yearning for the Kingdom of God had been replaced by the love for living in the moment. That was what shocked Ning Que most.

Ye Su looked at Nin Que and said, "Preaching is the process of gathering the people's will, and uniting their faith. I am still trying to figure out the details. You can go to the Book Hall in the West-Hill Palace, if you are interested. There are many examples in Haotian Taoism Classics."