
Chapter 92: Concerns

“Why don’t you hold onto this for me?” I asked, holding it out to her when I was ready to leave. “You can give it to me the day of the Presentation Ceremony if you don’t mind.” I didn’t want anything to happen to the stone before the ceremony. With it being in the pack for centuries, I didn’t want to take a chance on losing it, even though I knew I wouldn’t.

Daphne’s lips curled into a small smile. “No problem. I’ll bring it to the Luna Presentation Ceremony.” She put it back into the box and slid it back into the drawer, and then turned to face me. “So, the next full moon begins tomorrow. We can do it on any of those days. If we don’t do it now, we’ll have to wait until next month.”

I nodded, suddenly nervous. “Which day would you like to do it?”

She shrugged. “Let’s do it the day after tomorrow. It will give us both enough time to prepare. Also, I’ll need to coordinate with Xander and Elias, as well.”