
Night Wolf Transformation

Nicole lives in a weird world with an emphasis on weird. Her family is made up of wolves and she is in the Silver Shine Pack. Although she is not yet a wolf herself, her best friend Julie is also in the Pack with her, she is already a wolf, a black one with white feet and white ears. There is a legend about a moon wolf

Mohamed_Mohamed_9350 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


'I'm Nicole I was from The Silver Shine Pack but I came here with my

girlfriend my girlfriend is the Mate of Ted your Beta ' I tell him he looks at me

painfully for a moment 'So you are that wolf' he says softly I look at him

painfully 'my father told me about you and your girlfriend He wanted to let

your girlfriend stay because she's Ted's

mate, but he wanted to either send you away or kill you in your sleep at night

' I'm shocked by his answer did he want to kill me? 'Oh,' I just manage to say

"But I won't let that happen!"

'Ehm, I have one more question No one else

understands me but do you have that eh can you also hear the Link from

other people?' He stammers My eyes get as big as saucers 'I'm not the only

one!' I shout happily and I hug him but just when I touch him a sheet of white

the light shines I try to see where it comes from but then I see it It comes from

us When it's gone, I and Julie stare at each other 'Wow' he manages to say Then

I see a wolf running towards us, he stops and growls I turn into my wolf and

growl back The wolf jumps on me We roll on the ground I try to push him away

but he is too strong 'Dad!' Julie suddenly shouts angrily The wolf gets off me

and changes the Alpha Oh shit 'Are you okay Jill?! Did she hurt you?! What was

that light!' Says the Alpha in his Alpha tone, 'Stop porridge, this is my Mate'

growls Julie I turn back and stare at the ground guiltily 'Oh' the Alpha looks

at me disapprovingly 'I'm sorry for you boy I thought you were going to have a

nice mate' and the Alpha spits just in front of me Julie angrily growls at his

father and shows his teeth 'go away and leave her alone dad' he growls

"Don't make such a tone to me boy!" Does the Alpha now say angrier 'Don't

you use such a tone to my Mate! Wouldn't you protect Mama too if someone

brushed her off! Maybe if you protected her better she wouldn't be dead now!'

Immediately after he screamed, I saw regret in his eyes The Alfa looks hurt at

Julie 'I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way' Julie tries again but the Alfa is

already running away 'Hey it'll be fine I try to comfort him 'I'm sorry for my

the father probably didn't mean it that way he says quickly ' Julie it

doesn't matter let's just go home' I sigh we quietly walk towards home but then

something moves in the bushes Two eyes can be seen from the bushes

Julie stands protectively in front of me aww! Then

a wolf comes out limping his paw blood profusely help me please the wolf beeps via Link Julie she asks for

help Julie nods

carefully I sit down 'come on' I say The wolf limps towards me and sits down I

look at her paw 'what happened?' I ask 'another wolf attacked me I could just

run away It was a brown one with a white back' she says when she has changed

that was the Alfa The girl has brown hair with blond tufts in between and

beautiful brown eyes I tear off a piece of my shirt and wrap it around her

ankle where the bite is visible "Which Pack is you from?" I ask 'the

White Rose Pack I got lost where am I?' They answer 'you are in the territory

of The Risen Nature Pack and that wolf you encountered was the Alpha you are

lucky you escaped him I think he is angry' I sigh and I look at Julie he looks

at me, a little hard ' Leave him he will have to accept it whether he likes it

or not' says Julie I give him a hug not thinking about the consequences and

sure enough, there is the bright light again I quickly tear myself free and the

the light disappears again 'Danny!' I say angry I can't even touch my Mate

"Wow is that normal?" The girl says I shrug my shoulders 'eh now more

about you who are you?' I ask 'I'm Emy from The White Rose Pack I'm the Beta

and I don't have a Mate I was lost after an argument about the Moon Wolf,"

she says She seems sad I grab her hand to calm her down but then an

excruciating pain goes through my body 'oh !!' I scream I pull my hand free 'Is

everything alright?!?' Julie and Emy ask at the same time I shake my head and

look at Emy's hand She's holding a rock' what is that thing!' Am I afraid to

say 'this? The Alpha gave it to every Beta he said it would keep the Moon

Wolf's powers away…" She speaks more and more softly and seems to realize

something Then she looks at me strangely "you " she mumbles She

quickly places the stone in my hand and I start to scream again Julie takes the

stone away but then also starts to scream Emy quickly retrieves the stone I

have a burn blister where the stone was and so does Julie "There are

two?" She mumbles again 'be clear what is it?!' I now say angrier 'sorry!

This stone is supposed to keep the Moon Wolf away And look it hurts you! But it

also hurts him That explains everything! From the drawing And then you must be

Mates! That explains so much' she says again 'Emy!' I yell and I push her arm

against the tree of which she seems to be startled 'I don't want to hurt you

sorry But you have to be clear tell us what's going on!' I look at her

seriously 'follow me' she says She changes and starts running me and Julie

change too and run after her She stops at some sort of cave and changes just

like me and Julie She lights a torch that was near the cave and walks inside When

she stands still in front of a wall I see three drawings On the first you see

two babies under the moon The second shows how the babies have grown and turned

into wolves Under the moon And on the third, you see the two wolves with

glittering silver eyes and pure white fur sitting side by side staring in love

at each other Under the moon Anything with the full moon under the three

pictures s together stands slightly scratched Moon Wolves "This is what I

meant," she says when she sees that we have had enough "Yeah, but I'm

all white with silver eyes, but

Julie isn't " I say 'wait did you touch the

moonstone?' she asks I nod 'you?' She asks Julie and he shakes his head 'he has

to touch the stone It's in the territory of The Silver Shine Pack," she

tells me, looking with my head down "That was my old Pack We have been wiped

out by The Shining Moon Pack', I sigh, 'then this will become a mission', Julie

says assured, "I'm coming!" Emy says definitely 'hello nothing

without me' I smile and they nod 'We'll go first Julie we'll take her with us

I say determinedly 'but Ted then she really won't go without him' Julie

suddenly says oh you have a point ' I sigh 'and what if we don't take that

Julie with us at all?' Emy suggests I shake my head vigorously 'I'm not going

without Julie, Emy we're going to pack and get Julie and then we'll go We'll

pick you up at the river on the border of The Risen Nature Pack and The Silver

Shine Pack!' I say quickly Emy nods and I and Julie run home but before we are

in the village Julie stops me 'I don't want to endanger anyone because of me

and especially not you' he suddenly says ' Julie you are not going to do this

alone I'm going with you' I say firmly 'okay but then Emy Julie and all those

people will NOT come along then this will be our mission okay?' I sigh and nod

'then we might as well go right now I say he nods and we run the other way

towards another part of the border, we don't want to run into Emy When we have

crossed and walked for a while we see the moonstone It is dark so the moon is

already quite high It's time ' Julie you go quickly on the island to the stone

you will feel severe pain if it gets too much I can pull you away I see no one

so go!' I say and we run to it Julie jumps on the island and lies against the

stone and yes the moon activates the stone Julie starts to tremble but seems to

beholding on strong He changes back to human so much that it becomes I run

over to him and pull him out with difficulty He is unconscious for a few

minutes but then he wakes up again 'did it work?' He asks 'is there a way to

find out Change!' He changes and sure enough, he is all white with silver eyes I

change too we are the same Then I hear wolves running haha the moon

wolves have come this is going to be a fun laugh the first one I growl and show my teeth ooh cool come on

then! He growls and he

jumps up to me he scratches my head and I fall a meter away Everything is

blurry and my head is spinning I hear Julie growl and watch the fight happen

Julie rushes at him and bites his leg The wolf drops down for a moment but gets

up again, he jumps on Julie and bites him in the side He beeps and throws the

wolf away This time Julie runs towards him again and he manages to grab him by

the neck But at that moment I also feel teeth on my scruff "Stop boy or

I'll bite your girl's neck" I hear the wolf holding me by the neck link to

Julie growls loudly and lets go of the wolf He is also grabbed from

behind by the neck ', they bite their side until they are unconscious' I hear a man says and then I feel a hellish pain from a bite in my side that won't stop I

scream beep whine all tears from my body until I give up everything turns dark


Quick listen it's


Eh, who is that?! I'm in a white room with a girl

in front of me

I'm July and I'm here to help you and you need to

wake up soon!

Huh but I don't get it what's going on?!

After you and that boy passed out, a pack of wolves

came to the rescue they are losing you need to wake up to help!

But my wound than I can hardly stand!

I will arrange that you will not feel it for an hour

after that

Then everything becomes light again and I open my

eyes and yes the pain is gone I see Emy!!! Julie Ted Jennifer and Marie !!! I get up and jump on the

wolf who wanted to hit Julie from behind I grab him by the neck and bite him

hard Until he stops breathing

Julie looks at me in disbelief but I continue

quickly I'm jumping on the goddamn wolf that knocked me out! He throws me off

easily But I don't give up hitting you like a girl! I growl he bares his teeth and runs towards me I

dodge him and stick my tail out causing him to fall I sink my teeth into his

neck But then I realize he didn't bite me to death why should I kill him But

then I see Ted squeaking against a tree with horrific

injuries ok that's it I look for his artery and bite it, it will stop breathing

A wolf walks towards Julie Not so fast wolf I run to him and bite him in the

paw attack an unconscious wolf seriously dude I say angrily via link if you want first I

think it's fine to come on then I

growl playfully he runs towards me and bites my paw but I don't feel it I keep

staring at him he waits for me to do something But Julie sneaks up behind him

and sure enough, Julie jumps on him and kills him I hear a loud beeping and look

behind me Jennifer is injured against a tree with a wolf threatening her I

sprint to him and scratch his head he ends up a meter away Jennifer is knocked

unconscious from the injuries I turn back to the wolf He looks at me

desperately and tries to get up I don't like killing that much forward then! He stands up grateful and runs into the forest