
Night Sun Society

When four children move into a new apartment, they're prepared to settle into a boring, monotonous life. But when they have a bizarre run-in with a stranger, it changes their lives forever. The next week, a letter from a secret society draws them into an exciting world of monsters, superpowers, and looming danger.

Pusheen_Cat_0933 · Urban
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4 Chs


~Isadora Moonwood~

Age: 11

Personality: Kind, patient, truthful, can be nasty and blunt

Looks: Creamy skin, brown-black hair, blue eyes, petite nose and figure, soft pink lips, slender wrists and ankles, small feet, soft delicate hands

Power: Chaos Magic

Number: 9

~Stephen Greenbane~

Age: 12

Personality: Funny, hardworking, smart, scatterbrained, impatient

Looks: Large bright green eyes, spiky golden hair, smooth freckled skin, skinny, gangly

Power: Laser Beams (Eyes, hands)

Number: 3

~Petrova Everbender~

Age: 14

Personality: Compassionate, dependable, strong-minded, stubborn, sometimes pessimistic

Looks: Pale skin, delicate nose, bee-stung lips, heart-shaped face, tall and willowy, waist-length naturally wavy black hair, almond-shaped hazel eyes

Power: Elemental Control

Number: 7

~Sergei Flintsinger~

Age: 15

Personality: Grit, reliable, blunt, adventurous, hot temper

Looks: Silky dark brown hair, chiseled face, roguishly handsome, tall, thin but muscly

Power: Super Strength

Number: 2