
Night Shadow

Just Read it if you're curious. All of this is just a raw chapter of how s*ck my English is. … Kageno Yoru. That's the name of the Protagonists. He transmigrated to the world of High School DxD. He has the CHOICE SYSTEM where he could pick an option and have a reward. With his system, he could dominate this world. But later on, he would be surprised that this world isn't like the series he watched. … Like [Ao] expect that this is only 500+ words too.

I77OI3 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


Inside of their classroom.

The students are having a conversation while waiting for their teacher on the next subject.

They came from P.E class so the next teacher is generous enough to give them more time to get rest.

Because of that, Yoru decided to take a nap.

Because of his upgrades from the system, a simple exercise is not enough for him to get tired but he doesn't have someone to talk with so that's why he decided to nap.

But before he could do that, someone tap his back.

"Your napping as always, Kageno-kun!"

A girl with golden eyes and brunette but messy hair is closing her face to him as he try to be not bother by her.

However, she repeatedly tap his head so in the end, he look at her and reply.

"What does it matter to you, Kiryu?"

Her name is Kiryu Aika.

She is his classmate.

But unlike the others who didn't want to approach him when he was being bullied by the son of dean, she always bother Yoru and make friends with him but Yoru always push her because of his low esteem.

However, his plan always failed and always drag by her antics.

However, that is the same reason why Yoru was almost fall for this girl.

She is his sun to his cold and lonely heart.

Whenever his childhood friend, Tsubasa, is not present, she is always beside him.

If not for the fact the she is a pervert and has somewhat a mocking personality, he might confess to her immediately.

However, that is what the past Yoru feel.

About the feelings of present Yoru?

He doesn't feel anything about her other than gratefulness that lingers from past Yoru's memory that merge to him.

"Hehehe… no, nothing."

Although their face is close enough to kiss, she didn't get flustered like any other girls.

"Then don't bother me."

He replied while he continues to nap.

"Hey, hey, don't be like that! You're my partner right?"

"Ugh! No."

Then he sigh.

'The more I kept her away, the more she glue herself to me. I might just agree so that our conversation wouldn't last long."

"… So, what is it now?"

He look up her again.

"Let's go to Akiba this weekend. There is another released of my favorite book and I wanted to buy new books so I need someone to carry my things."

Yoru couldn't handle his irritation and chop her head with a bit strength.

"Ouch! It hurts! what was that for—"

But before she could complain, he stand up and walk away from her.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Student Council Room."

"But how about—"

"Okay, I agree."


The teacher arrived when he said that but when she heard where he will go, she didn't stop him and continue her class.

On the other hand, Kiryu return to her seat when she saw the teacher.

"Hmph~!… idiot…"