
Night Of Genocide: Behead Itachi And Kill Yue, Mikoto Begs For Mercy!

On the night of the extermination, Uchiha Jun was attacked by Itachi. When he was on the verge of death, he awakened his past life memories and received the gift from his past life. He gained the ability of High-Speed ​​Regeneration and awakened Mangekyō Sharingan. So began the war of revenge. Kill Itachi first, then Fugaku. Destroy Konoha F4 and exterminate the descendants of the four major families. Defeat Mikoto. Izumi, Kurenai, Tsunade, Anko, Uzuki Yugao, Hinata, Ino, all in his pocket. The plot is not dragged out, revenge is taken face to face.

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50 Chs

Uchiha Internal Strife

As soon as Uchiha Jun finished speaking, everyone's faces changed.Before they heard Uchiha Jun's words, they didn't feel anything.Now they heard Uchiha Jun's words.They only felt a chill rising rapidly from the soles of their feet to their foreheads.However, Fugaku didn't react at all.His face was extremely gloomy. "What Konoha's high-level army surrounded Uchiha, I didn't see it! You said Uchiha is in a critical moment? It's simply alarmist! Uchiha Jun, I think you just want to create panic and change the subject.You just want to kill Itachi.You have a poisonous heart!"Uchiha Fugaku angrily scolded Uchiha Jun. "Get out of my way, otherwise, I will be rude to you!" "It seems that in the heart of Chief Fugaku, the safety of our Uchiha clan is far less important than you, the big boy who betrayed the family and raised the butcher knife against the clan members!"Uchiha Jun narrowed his eyes slightly.With a sneer, "The weasel is dead today.I say, even if it's you, the chief of the Fugaku clan, you can't save him!"Looking at Uchiha Jun and Uchiha Fugaku who were confronting each other.The Uchiha clan members were completely confused.How could this happen!They believed Uchiha Jun's words a little.But, Uchiha Fugaku's words seemed to make some sense.For a moment, they didn't know what to do."Looking for death! As the chief of the clan, I declare that Chihaha Jun killed his own clan members, which is unforgivable. Come on, take him down!"Uchiha Fugaku shouted loudly.He has been the chief of the clan for more than ten years.Although his ability is mediocre.But, he still has some prestige in Uchiha.Besides.He has been running Uchiha for so many years, and he has also gathered a lot of loyal friends.These people heard Uchiha Fugaku's order.Immediately launched an attack on Uchiha Jun."Get out of my way!"Uchiha Jun immediately activated Susanoo.He swung the golden axe.He slapped away all those who attacked him.He then turned his gaze to Uchiha Fugaku!" Uchiha Fugaku! As the head of the clan, you can't lead Uchiha out of the predicament.Under your leadership, the Uchiha clan has split into three factions,Doves, Hawks, and Centrists.You often waver between coups and compromises, without any stance or achievements.Your actions over the years you have been in charge of the Uchiha clan have all demonstrated your incompetence.As a father.You also failed to teach your son well.A series of seemingly smart but extremely stupid educations pushed him completely to Sarutobi Hiruzen's side, making him willing to wield the butcher knife against his own clan members.Now, you dare to confuse right and wrong here, barking wildly.Your son, a beast, is really unlucky for the Uchiha clan to have a clan leader like you.In that case, today, I will clean up the mess!If you can't lead Uchiha out of the predicament, let me do it!If you can't revive the glory of Uchiha, let me do it!"Uchiha Jun shouted.At the same time, he was controlling Susanoo and walking towards Uchiha Fugaku.Since Fugaku is so ungrateful.Why must he find trouble with him at this time?Then he might as well just end it all and kill Fugaku, the incompetent clan leader.The Uchiha clan was exterminated, although it was a decision made by the top leaders and Itachi.However, during this period, there was also the inaction of Fugaku, the clan leader.He is not good at anything and is just occupying the toilet without doing anything.It can be said that the entire Uchiha clan.Except Itachi and Shisui.Uchiha Jun hates Uchiha Fugaku the most.Since he has given him the opportunity.If I don't send him off, it would be a shame for such a good opportunity."Hmph, Uchiha Jun, your wolfish ambitions can no longer be hidden. You did so much just to launch a coup and seize power. Why do you have to make such a grandiose statement!Do you think that you can do whatever you want with just a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan?You are too naive!Today, I will let you know that there are always people who are better than you, and awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan is actually nothing big!"Said.Uchiha Fugaku directly showed his Mangekyō Sharingan.A purple chakra giant quickly condensed.It enveloped Fugaku.The situation of the two Susanos confronting each other was reproduced again.For a moment, all the people of the Uchiha clan were in an uproar."So, Chief Fugaku has also awakened the Sharingan!""But why didn't he show it before?""What on earth do you want to do by hiding it?""Now, you don't hide it when you're dealing with your own people?"These words are almost all complaints from the hawks.Fugaku has the Mangekyō Sharingan, but he never showed it when Uchiha was bullied by the Konoha high-level officials. Now, he is actively using it to deal with his own people. They are very dissatisfied."Humph, what kind of bullshit are you talking about."" Chief Fugaku didn't show it before, but he just wanted to preserve his strength.""Now that Shun has done such an excessive thing, it's meaningless for Chief Fugaku to hide it. It's reasonable to show it now!"These words are naturally from the doves, or the rebuttal of Fugaku's direct subordinates."Come on, Chief Fugaku is the kind of incompetent chief who is submissive to the outside world but aggressive at home!""If he is really that powerful, why didn't he dare to fight Sarutobi Hiruzen and others when we Uchiha were bullied by the Konoha high-level officials?""Say something for our Uchiha clan!""··········"For the quarrels within the Uchiha clan.Uchiha Jun completely ignored it.Sneered: "What a pity, Chief Fugaku, you have hidden the Mangekyō Sharingan for so long.It has never been used externally, but now it is used to fight against the same family!""Humph, it is also used to suppress rebellious people, which is also its meaning!" Fugaku snorted coldly."Then you should start with your beastly son, the weasel!" Uchiha Jun sneered."Itachi has always been my pride.I don't believe he attacked his own people.Moreover, I didn't see him attack his own people, but I saw you disrespecting the inferiors, disobeying orders, and attacking your own people! Uchiha Jun, you deserve to die!!"Fugaku snorted coldly.Tsk! ! ! Hearing Fugaku's words.Uchiha Jun was too lazy to argue with him.Because he knew that he could never wake up a person who pretended to be asleep.In fact, with Fugaku's ability, it would be easy to find out who attacked his people between him and Itachi.There is no need to check.Only some simple reasoning is needed to draw a conclusion.But he just refused to admit it.He had to protect his good son.