
Night Of Genocide: Behead Itachi And Kill Yue, Mikoto Begs For Mercy!

On the night of the extermination, Uchiha Jun was attacked by Itachi. When he was on the verge of death, he awakened his past life memories and received the gift from his past life. He gained the ability of High-Speed ​​Regeneration and awakened Mangekyō Sharingan. So began the war of revenge. Kill Itachi first, then Fugaku. Destroy Konoha F4 and exterminate the descendants of the four major families. Defeat Mikoto. Izumi, Kurenai, Tsunade, Anko, Uzuki Yugao, Hinata, Ino, all in his pocket. The plot is not dragged out, revenge is taken face to face.

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Aunt Mikoto, You Are Becoming More And More Skilled!

The next day! Danzo came to the meeting hall of the daimyo's mansion again. "Damyo, do you have an answer to yesterday's matter?"Danzo asked directly after seeing the daimyo. "Danzo, after a night of thinking, I think you are right.Treason and rebellion must not be left alone, even if the other party is a ninja!"The daimyo said in a deep voice. "So, after thinking again and again, I decided to agree to your request.I will publicly vindicate you and denounce the Uchiha family.In addition, in order to show my support for you, I decided to lend you the twelve guardian ninjas and the only three hundred ninjas in the daimyo's mansion.I hope you can successfully wipe out Uchiha."The daimyo said. "Thank you, daimyo!"Danzo hurriedly thanked the daimyo.Although, the moment the daimyo said that he would lend the twelve guardian ninjas and the three hundred ninjas to Danzo.Danzo had already noticed something wrong.He was alert in his heart.But he did not refuse.Because, next.The counterattack on Konoha was when he needed manpower the most.At this time, the daimyo sent him so many ninjas.Such useful cannon fodder.Why wouldn't he want them? No matter what the daimyo wants to do, Danzo is confident that as long as he is on guard against them, no matter what conspiracy they have, it will not succeed.The daimyo saw that Danzo agreed without any doubt.He was delighted. "So Danzo, when do you think I should make a public statement to support your counterattack on Konoha and denounce Uchiha?" "Wait until our army is fully assembled before making a statement."Danzo said after thinking about it.Although he wanted the daimyo to make a public statement now to support their counterattack on Konoha and denounce Uchiha, he also knew that doing so now would do more harm than good.He had to hold it back. "Okay, let's talk about it then."The daimyo nodded and said, "Yes!"Danzo responded.Not long after, Danzo left the daimyo's mansion! At the same time! Konoha was also unusually lively at this time.Because today is the day when Uchiha Jun takes office as the Fifth Hokage.Even though the people in the village don't like Uchiha very much, or even fear Uchiha, because of the long-term propaganda and suppression by Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.But under the mobilization of the elders and consultants.At this time, in front of the Hokage building.There are already a sea of ​​people!Hokage building, rooftop.Uchiha Setsun looked at the time from time to time.And Uchiha Jun was wearing a white Hokage robe.Sitting next to him and drinking tea leisurely.The Hokage hat was placed on the table.Izumi added some tea from time to time, peeled some fruits, and fed them to Uchiha Jun.He was really comfortable.The elders and consultants next to him looked at this scene.They all sighed.They had never seen such a leisurely Hokage.Especially Shikaku.He still remembered when Minato took office as the Fourth Hokage.He was very nervous.Compared with the current Uchiha Jun, they are completely different. They can't be compared. They can't be compared at all."Fifth Generation, it's almost time!" Uchiha Setsuna suddenly reminded."Is it ten o'clock so soon? In that case, let's finish the work early!"Uchiha Jun responded."Brother Jun, come on!" Izumi cheered Uchiha Jun.Uchiha Jun smiled, held Izumi's little face directly, and kissed him hard in front of everyone."Don't worry, I will!" Uchiha Jun laughed.He picked up the Hokage hat and walked towards the edge of the Hokage building.Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile like an aunt."It's good to be young!"Only Izumi was left with a red face, sitting there.Uchiha Jun stood on the edge of the Hokage building, overlooking below.Looking at the countless people.A sense of heroism surged from the bottom of his heart."From today on, I, Uchiha Jun, am the Fifth Hokage..."Roar...The long-arranged agent roared excitedly the moment Uchiha finished speaking.The others watched and roared as well.In the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen led Konoha.We lived a mediocre life.Now it's someone from the Uchiha family.I wonder if he can come up with something new.Let's just wait and see!The people below don't care who becomes Hokage.Who can make their lives better.That's what they care about most.They have already experienced the days under Sarutobi Hiruzen.Now let's experience the days under Uchiha.After the inauguration ceremony,Uchiha Jun returned to the Hokage office.Uchiha Setsuna and other consultants returned to the offices assigned to them by Uchiha Jun and continued to be busy.Because.Uchiha Jun doesn't want to deal with government affairs.So, those elders and consultants have a lot of government affairs to deal with every day.Moreover, these government affairs are all accountable, and everything can be traced. Whoever handles the government affairs and makes a mistake will be held accountable by Uchiha Jun in the end.So, every day, Uchiha Jun only needs to sign some documents.And those consultants are so busy that they can't stop.Hokage Office!At this time, Uchiha Jun was sitting in a chair, listening to Uchiha Tiehuo's report."Fifth Generation Master, there is new information from the Fire City!" Uchiha Tiehuo said."Tell me about it!" Uchiha Jun said."First, Shimura Danzō has officially met with Jiraiya, Tsunade, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and Sarutobi Asuma.Sarutobi Shinnosuke agreed to send the Sarutobi army to help Shimura Danzō.But the exact number is still unclear.The second is Shimura Danzō. After his meeting with Jiraiya, Tsunade and others yesterday, he went to the daimyo's mansion to ask for an audience with the daimyo. Today, he went again.Shimura Danzō may have reached some kind of cooperation with the daimyo!" Uchiha Tiehuo said in a deep voice."Really? If so, just destroy the daimyo's mansion together!" Uchiha Jun said indifferently.Uchiha Tiehuo had no opinion on this."Anything else?" Uchiha Jun asked."No, I'll leave first!" Uchiha Tiehuo said."Go!" Uchiha Jun responded.Send Uchiha Tiehuo away.Then.Hug Quan beside him into his arms!"Brother Jun, you are going to do something naughty again!" Izumi said coquettishly."I have nothing to do.I naturally want to do something fun!Why, Izumi doesn't like it?"Uchiha Jun's hands were dishonest.He teased Izumi with a sly smile."But, this is the Hokage's office!""It's not like we haven't played here before!""··········"It was night.Izumi had fallen asleep.Mikoto was lying on the tatami like a docile puppy, busying herself.Uchiha Jun stroked Mikoto like stroking a puppy."Aunt Mikoto.You are getting more and more skilled.Not bad!""It's all the good teaching of the clan leader!" Mikoto looked up at Uchiha Jun and flattered him."But don't be proud, you still have a lot of room for improvement, and you have to keep working hard!" Uchiha Jun smiled."Yes!!"Mikoto lowered her head again."By the way, how is Uzuki Yugao now?" Uchiha Jun asked."She can't hold on any longer!" Mikoto laughed."Then try harder!""Hi!"