
Night of Apocalypse, second chance

she was queen of weapons any type of weapon she create will cause uproar in the world. at the time when people were struggling to create their own power she was seating on her couch drinking most expensive wine. but she died how? the greed of human is the reason of her death. when she again open her eyes she was laying on bed with her hand tied to it. while people in white coat inject her with some kind of liquid she destroy the whole institute. looking at the body of seventeen year old girl she smirk who don't want to be young. but the peace was temporary cause lot of trouble soon came knocking at her door. mythical beast... Doomsday.... Zombies...

Bhoomi_Mehra · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

being separated...

when they were walking she didn't notice that he has stop walking she continue walking by the time she realise that he is not with her it's was already late she try to call him but receive no answer which make her frown in irritation.

"this man now I had to roam around alone... nevermind it's not like he is going to die without me his speed of cultivation and elements are more dangerous then mine" she was trying to reason with herself but leigong shatter that reasoning 'but he don't know how to use them yet'

her heart sank 'yes he don't know now what I'm supposed to do' she groan in frustration she walk to the direction from where she has came but unknown to her she is going in wrong direction after staying in such pure qi for sometime some of tree has came alive.

she walk for sometime before realising that she is walking circles frowing she start marking trees but after sometime she found some tree not in their position this make her face darken she curse in her heart she take out her twin blade ready to slaughter anyone attacking her.

the tree seem to be sense that their prey has find them so they didn't counsel themselves anyone one by one tree trunk separat from the ground and start walking making jian to change her thinking of world she count the trees and realise that it's total five now it's going to be hard to stop them.

at first she was very careful but after sometime she realise that these tree only know to chase and catch using their branches then they put the prey in their mouth they don't know how to attack or have any formation which make her feel to be stupid.

'why I didn't realise it early I literally waste my time even if i was near him by now he has already walk quite far away' her guess was right Shanghai walk away from their few minutes ago with his speed he had already walk some quite distant she mourn for herself few minutes.

before she use her flame sword to burn down the five tree in one splash after breaking out from their encircle she again start her search of him but even after searching for an hour she give up 'now he live or die is upto faith I has protect him if he has stayed with me'

she try to brainwash herself that it's not her fault she don't need to feel guilty or worried about him 'he not a child he can take care of himself okay now continue with search of treasure' with that she throw him back of her mind and start walking toward the waterfall which leigong is talking about.

even after walking sometime she didn't find any waterfall which make her confuse 'master the waterfall seem to be hidden by heaven power so we can't find it if we want to if we try to forcibly reach it we will be punish by heaven'

'forget it treasure are rare but life is even rare' with that she start looking around the forest their must be some kind of rare herbs or beast appearing in this forest she don't want to miss it 'master I suddenly sense presence of dragon fruit tree'

'what kind of tree it is' she ask in confusion cause she can't cultivate in her previous life she don't care about any rare treasure cause they are useless for her so now she has no clue about the tree leigong also know about it that why she patiently explain about the tree to her.

"master this tree fruit are very good for beasts not only they heal beast injuries but they also help to activate beast bloodline in short this tree is a rare treasure for beasts this tree bore a fruits once in ten years to see that a tree has appear not only that but these tree seem to be has have matured fruits if I got the fruit I can recover my strength and cultivate normaly like other beasts'

her eyes lit up previously leigong has spend huge portion of her power to let her take over this body cause of this she spend most of time sleeping and recovering herself if it's not for helping her to look around the forest she must has sleeping with this fruit she will recover in just three days.

this make her excited about the fruit she quickly walk toward the direction where the tree is after walking for sometime she smell a very fragrant fragrance of something she never smell something like it this make her to speed up herself but she was stunt when she reach their almost four beast are tangled in a fight for the fruit their are only three fruit on the tree.

there are also some low rank beast but they don't dare to step forward cause of presence of four 3th rank beast which make hrr shock it only has been few hours and their are already few 3rd rank beasts the speed of beast cultivation is slower then humans but now she has encounter five beasts

fighting with these four beast is not problem in one by one fight but if they attack together she don't even stand a chance to stand let alone wining she frown while thinking about a solution the only solution she came up is waiting for these beast to end their win at that time they will exhausted from the fight.

but something catch her attention and it was a fox it only has one tail and was size of Persian cat but his eyes are sharp as he seat among the low rank beast the fox is actually 2nd rank beast but his aura make other beast on same rank shiver and tremble in fear she look at the fox with some interest in her eyes she know what he is thinking by his lazy attitude.