

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: Girls' Dormitory

"you!Which class are you from?!Running around?!"As soon as the thesis speech was over, the teacher in charge of the event ran to Yaso fiercely and questioned him.

Yaso didn't have time to pay attention to him at this moment, so he staggered and walked away.

The teacher's eyes widened. He has been teaching for so many years and he has never met such an outrageous student!!

"You stop for me!The teacher is talking to you, what is your attitude!!Believe it or not, I will take you to the principal's office now, and the whole school will report the punishment!!"

He grabbed Yaso by the shoulder and roared!

Ahead, Yaso stopped,

Turn your head slowly,

In his eyes,

Two golden flames ignited in an instant!

At this moment, an unprecedented pressure enveloped the teacher's heart!

Under the gaze of these eyes, he only felt as if he was staring at the entire universe. In the vast darkness and unknown, he was as small as a grain of sand and gravel.

Sense of oppression!

This is a sense of oppression that spans the level of life!

In just an instant, the teacher's back was wet with cold sweat, and his whole body seemed to be about to collapse.

The flame in Yaso's eyes flashed away, and nothing seemed to have ever appeared in those dark eyes.

"I was wrong about what happened just now. You can report to the whole school to criticize me, and you can even go to the office to complain." Yaso looked at the teacher in charge who was panting heavily and said calmly.:

"But you have to wait for me to finish my work."

After speaking, Yaso turned around and ran away in the teacher's horrified eyes.

"Captain."Yaso said to the headset.

"Yaso, report your status."Eiss's voice came from the headset.

"I checked the teachers and students of the entire school... The situation is very bad. I think it is as difficult as heaven to solve this matter quietly."

"Talk about it in detail."

"In the entire grade, there are relatively few infected people among the senior students, and they add up to only ten people. The situation in the lower grade is very serious. There are 90 infected people in total, and even half of the people in one class are infected!

This is just a student. Among the teachers and senior leaders of the school, there are also nearly 20 infected people!

So I can speculate that in the university, at least 120 teachers and students have been transformed into monsters!"

There was silence on the other side of the headset.

"Captain, more than 120 infected people!Even if every infected person is only 'C-level', then in this university, it is equivalent to more than 120 'C-level' monsters!

If we find the noumenon of this mythical creature, these more than 120 infected people in the 'Zhan' realm will inevitably enter a violent state and attack the surrounding teachers and students indiscriminately!

And there are too many of them. Once a fish that missed the net escapes from the school, it will be a disaster that will affect the entire city of Green!"

Yaso calmly stated his inference.

"Yasso." A crackling sound came from the other end of the headset, and Ace said slowly, "They've started to infiltrate outside the school."

At this moment, a few kilometers away from the University of Science and Technology in Green City, there is a rental house.

Eiss carried a knife and stepped on the broken flesh and blood all over the floor. Beside him was Taylor with a solemn face.

"We investigated the Luta that Amedalou told you about, as well as the home of the class teacher, and found that their family was also infected. We just killed his family.

The current situation is more serious than we thought."

"Then what to do next?Yaso asked.

"We need to go to the families of those infected one by one to stop the spread of the infected as soon as possible, so we can't support you for the time being. Although they are such tricky mythical creatures, their own combat power must not be high. I believe that the three of you should be able to kill them all."

"But in this way, the school will inevitably cause riots, which may expose the existence of us and mythical creatures."

"Don't worry about this, we have an item containing Psionic, which is called [Dreamland], which can create dreams within a certain range and erase part of the memories of ordinary humans.

Also, I will let Monch temporarily replace Andre's job and open a [hidden space] around the Green City University of Science and Technology. No one is allowed in or out. the Green City University of Science and Technology will become an isolated island."

Eiss walked to the window, looked at the direction of three of them, and spoke calmly.:

"Our enemy is very tricky this time. You don't need to save your strength or hide the existence of Psionic and the Night Hunter organization. You must find its noumenon in the shortest possible time...kill it!At the same time, protect the safety of students and teachers, and there can be no more victims.

This time... you can do it boldly!"

Yaso was silent for a moment, nodding heavily,

"I see."

Yaso cut off the headset, Taylor, who was standing next to Eiss, frowned slightly, and said:

"Is it too difficult for him to encounter such a big incident on his first mission?"

"Taylor, this kid is different from us."Eiss shook his head slightly, "He has the potential, the heart, and the resilience. All we need to do is give him a clear path and a wide stage."

I believe him."


Green City University of Science and Technology, Female Dormitory.

Deanna sneakily poked her head out of the window, glanced in, and waved to the back.,

"Let's go, the girls' dormitory administrator is not here!"

Lomi quickly ran in from the outside, leaped across the access control lightly, and flashed to the back of the duty room.

Deanna did the same. After the two of them escaped the duty room, they ran straight up the stairs, taking three steps in one step, walking like a fly!

In an instant, they came to the fifth floor.

At this time, the students all went directly back to the classroom to prepare for class. The dormitory building was empty and no one saw it. The doors on both sides were all locked. It was dark and narrow. Only the front terrace of the entire corridor could see a ray of sunlight.

Deanna cautiously leaned against the wall, looking at the floor through the dim light.

Deanna looked at the dormitory to the north and walked there silently, Lomi clutching her clothes tightly, a little fear appeared in her eyes.

"Deanna, wait for me."

"I see, I see, you are not afraid of cutting monsters at all, You're just afraid of the dark."Deanna replied helplessly.

The two of them gradually approached the dormitory door, Deanna used a thin needle to pick the lock again, and the dormitory door slowly opened....

As Deanna expected, there was no figure in the dormitory.

The two walked into the dormitory and searched quickly.

"Tsk, the dormitory in this school is pretty good... the balcony is quite big."Deanna opened the door and walked onto the balcony with emotion.

Suddenly, she seemed to see something, her pupils suddenly contracted.

she saw on the drying rack of the dormitory, except for a group of pink clothes and underwear hanging on it....

There are also four thin human skins,

Swing with the wind.

"Deanna..." Lomi also saw this scene, her face a little pale.

Deanna frowned, passed under a few human skins, walked to the edge of the balcony, and looked out.

This dormitory building is the most marginal building in the entire school. There is no other building on the opposite side of the balcony except for an undeveloped wasteland. It is no wonder that they dare to hang human skins on it so swaggeringly.

But what if someone else comes to visit?

Thinking of this, Deanna's eyes condensed, she walked out of the dormitory quickly, and opened the door of the dormitory next door.

On the balcony of that room, there are also four human skins flying in the wind....

Go to the next next door!

Deanna searched several surrounding dormitories in a row, most of which had human skins hanging on the balconies, some with one, some with two, and some with four.

This means that a large number of students on this floor have been transformed into monsters!

"Deanna, I'm in trouble now..." Lomi stood outside the door, muttering to herself.

"It's really troublesome."Deanna sighed for a long time, and the conversation turned, "However, this also shows in reverse that there must be restrictions on this monster infecting other people."


"If it is really infinitely infected, then I estimate that it can quietly infect people on the entire floor in just two nights at most, but this is not the case.

We don't know how long it has been secretly active, but at least it can be determined that it is definitely more than two days, and it can only infect these four or five dormitories for such a long time, indicating..."

"It means that there is an upper limit on the number of people it can infect?"

"It's possible, but there is another possibility, that is, there is a cooling time for its ability to infect. For example, a person who has been infected can only infect one person in one day..."

Lomi's eyes gradually lit up, "Also, if it really had unlimited infection ability, then the whole school would have become monsters a long time ago."

"So, we can reason a lot of things."Deanna said down the line of thought,

"Judging from the information provided by the organization now, most of the students are together in groups during school time, and it is difficult for monsters to quietly infect them.

Moreover, among the infected people, the proportion of girls is much larger than that of boys, not only because girls are relatively better at starting and easy to be alone, but also because..."

Deanna's eyes narrowed slightly and she turned to look at the dim and narrow corridor.

"The noumenon of that mythical creature is here, in the girls' dormitory."

Lomi opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Deanna, why are you so smart all of a sudden?""

"Hmm?"Deanna frowned, "In your eyes, am I so stupid?""

"Yes, you have always been very stupid, the kind that doesn't think with your brain until the critical moment."


Deanna looked up at the ceiling helplessly, and after a while, she took the headset off her ear.,

"Well, I admit, those were what Yaso told me just now..."

"He is quite smart."Lomi pouted and said.

Deanna sighed. "I hate to admit it, but he does seem a little smarter than me."

Yaso's voice sounded faintly from Deanna's headset:

"Are you sure there is only one point?"

"...shut up."Deanna said.

"By the way, I want to remind you."Yaso's voice suddenly became serious.

"Just now, I saw a large group of girls walking towards the dormitory building."

Deanna frowned, "Is it an infected person?""

"The distance is too far, I can't perceive it, be careful."Yaso said seriously.

Sorry, I was late today because I caught a cold.

chihicreators' thoughts