

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 18: peep

At this time, it was already late at night.

The noisy and bustling Heping Bridge had fallen silent and was deserted, with rain still glistening on the ground from the recent downpour. Along the entire Heping Bridge street, only the Heping Office remained open.

"Before I came, I thought the Night Hunters were a big organization. They were located in a military restricted area that no one cared about. There were aircraft and tanks parked in it. There would be military exercises at every turn."Yaso looked at the silent street view and spoke slowly.

Millon was taken aback, turned his head to look at Yaso, and couldn't help laughing, "Coincidentally, I thought the same before I entered the Night Hunter. Who made those science fiction movies play like this?""

He raised his head and looked at the hazy moonlight in the sky, "Although there is no military restricted area, aircraft and tanks but the night hunters are indeed a big organization."

"Why are there only six people here?"

"Night hunters are not the same as military forces."Millon shook his head, "The centralized management of the military restricted area you mentioned is easy to manage and efficient, but it also has a fatal flaw... that is, the mobility is too low."

"For example, a mythical creature appeared in Green City today. After the local police confirmed it, they sent a message to the base in Mist City, and then the base reviewed it, and then sent someone to Green City to investigate. It will take at least two days to start the investigation."

"And in these two days, many people may die."

"Therefore, the best solution is to station a team of night hunters in each city. When traces of suspected mythical creatures are found in the city, the stationed team will directly investigate and solve them."

"And we are the team of night hunters stationed in Green City."

Yaso thoughtfully, "It's no wonder that the division of positions between you guys is so clear, and you have your own strengths."

"That's right, from the main combat power, to combat assistance, to remote support, to commanding the overall situation... Everyone has strengths and can cooperate with each other. This is the standard model for every stationed team."

"What if there are mythical creatures in a city that cannot be solved by the local team of night hunters?""

"Then apply for special team support from the upper echelons. "Millon stretched out four fingers, "In Noah, addition to the night hunters stationed in each city, there are four special teams. They are not stationed in any city, but when there is a dilemma that the local night hunters cannot solve it in a certain city, they will go there."

They have no team number, only their own 'code name', which is the glory of belonging to the special team."

"Special team..." Yaso asked curiously, "Have you seen it?""

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but two years ago, three 'S-level' mythical creatures appeared in the city of Barron next door at the same time, which almost caused a catastrophe.

Later, a special team codenamed "Kamen" suddenly appeared, and it only took one night to clean up all the S-level monsters!"

A touch of yearning appeared in Millon's eyes, "It is said that when the sun rose the next day, the blood of the mythical creatures stained the bay, and the "Kamen" team had quietly gone to other cities."

"Sounds a bit cool."


"Do they have any requirements for recruiting people?"

"Of course there is, and it's very harsh."Millon sighed, "First of all, the members of the special team must be at least at the peak of 'A-level'.""

"The peak of 'A-level'... then what is the highest level among the six of you?"

"It's the captain, he is also 'A-level', but he is still far from the peak."Millon continued: "Moreover, if you want to join a special team, you can't just have a realm, you have to be'special'.""

"What is the particularity?"

"It's different from other night hunters, such as the ultra-high-risk Psionic, the kind that ranks in the top 80 in the sequence; or the pinnacle in a certain field, such as the great master of sword dao, the great master of Kendo; or...He is an agent of a certain god."

"Agent of the gods?Is this also a particularity?"

"...what do you mean?"Millon glanced at Yaso, his eyes full of envy, "You are an agent of the God of Light, do you think that the agents of the gods are all over the street like Chinese cabbage?""

"Isn't it?"Yaso asked blankly.

"Of course not!!"Millon has never seen such a shameless person," The agents of the gods standing on the human side are extremely scarce species. In the entire night hunter, there are less than ten people, basically distributed in various special teams, or the captain of the night hunter in a big city, is an extremely important person!"

"Damn, I really envy you kid."

Millon made a rare foul laugh, and sighed helplessly, "Your potential is very high, and when you grow up, the small town of Green City will not be able to accommodate you..."

"Maybe in the future, you will become the captain of the night hunter stationed in the capital city of Mist, or join a special team to run all over the world. It is not impossible to be the captain of a special team."

"In short, your future is limitless."

"Is there no feeling of excitement or blood boiling at all?"

"A little bit, but only a little bit."Yaso replied lightly, "I'm not interested in promotion or anything...""

Yaso was noncommittal, and continued to ask: "According to your words, are these four special teams already Noah's highest combat power?"

"Of course not. They may be the ceiling of the team's combat power in the dark night hunters, but they are definitely not the ceiling of the Noah government's combat power."

"You mean, in 'Noah,' there's someone more powerful than a special elite squad?"

"Yes, there are higher forces above the special elite squad, known as the" Godkillers."


"As the name suggests, it is the peak combat power that humans can achieve. Because of their strength approaching the ancient gods in mythology, they are also called 'demigods'."

"The power to approach the gods?"

"Although I know you are applying classic film and television lines, it is indeed the same thing."Millon looked up at the night sky with admiration in his eyes.,

"These five people are the pillars of mankind, and the only hope that mankind can see in this vast mist."

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, they are too far away from us. Few people have seen them, and no one knows their names, but...there are some interesting rumors."

"I have a question."Yaso said suddenly.

"What is it?."

"Humans have so far...is there anyone deicide?"Yaso pointed to the sky, "It's not that kind of weird mythical creature, it's a truly ancient god that exists in mythology. I know that some gods are evil, and he doesn't stand in the human camp!""

Millon was silent for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know, but I don't think there should be....

In the vast mist, human beings are like blindfolded lambs. We don't know what happened in this world, and we don't know when the end will come.

In this era when the existence of gods is confirmed, if humans really kill a god, it will inevitably cause panic among all other gods. In this way, they are likely to join forces to destroy mankind first, and the situation faced by mankind will be even more serious at that time!"

Yaso nodded, "I understand."

"Is there anything else to ask?"

Yasso thought for a moment. "Do temporary workers get paid?"

"...there is."

"Then there is no other problem."

"So you ask so many questions, only the last question is what you care about most?"

"Of course."Yaso nodded naturally, "What special team, Godslayer...Those things are too far away from me, I am more practical, and now it is the most important.""

"Okay..." Millon turned his head and asked Yaso, "Are you sleepy?""

"Not sleepy."

"Then I'll take you somewhere."Millon said.

"In the middle of the night... where are we going?"Yaso asked.

"...come with me and you will know."The corner of Millon's mouth twitched.

"All right. "Don't forget, I'm a good boy," Asso counsels.



A few minutes later, the car slowly stopped in a silent and uninhabited wilderness.

Yaso opened the door and got out of the car, looked around, and looked at Millon with vigilance in his eyes.

"Why did you bring me here?"

Millon rolled his eyes silently, stretched out his hand and pointed to a cemetery not far away, "There it is."

Yaso looked in the direction of his fingers and fell silent.

He could vaguely guess what Millon brought him here for.

The two followed the long and narrow path and soon reached the perimeter of the cemetery.

This cemetery was not large. It is obviously a large circle smaller than the cemetery on the edge of the city, but both the workmanship of the tombstones and the spacing between the steles are far from comparable to ordinary cemeteries.

The tombstones here seem to be more refined and orderly.

"This is..."

"The Dark Night Hunter Organization is stationed in the cemetery in Green City."Millon said calmly, "From 1940" the official name of the "Noah Special Biological Response Team" was changed to the "Night Hunter". After adopting the management form of a team stationed in each city, it was divided into the final destination of the night hunter was in Green City after the war."

"Of course, this is only the default destination. When everyone officially joins the Dark Night Hunter team, they can indicate whether they enter the dark night Hunter's cemetery after death, are they cremated, or buried back to their hometown, etc...."

"Back then, Andre chose to be buried in the cemetery of the dark night Hunter. He said that he had too much blood on his body. If he returned to the cemetery of his ancestors, he was afraid that he would scare all the ancestors."

As he said this, a smile appeared at the corner of Millon's mouth, as if he had seen the scene when Andre said this heartlessly.

Yaso looked at the surrounding tombstones in silence, frowning slightly: "So many..."

In this cemetery, there are at least sixty or seventy different tombstones, and most of them are new.

"From 1940 to the present, it has been 85 years."Millon said with emotion, "At the beginning, our sacrifices were really not many. After all, there will not be a few mythical creatures in each city every year. Even if they appear, the realm is not high."

But with the passage of time, the mythical creatures are coming faster and faster, their strength is getting more and more terrifying, and our casualties...are also increasing.

Nearly half of the tombstones you see have been sacrificed in the last two decades.

Before Captain Eiss came to Green Town to guard, it was said that two players would die here every year. It was not until the captain came that the mortality rate dropped significantly."

The taciturn figure in black appeared in Yaso's mind, and he couldn't help but admire it.

"But Andre has just died tonight, and his tombstone has already been made?"Yaso suddenly thought of something and asked suspiciously.


" come here..."

Millon raised his hand and pointed to the distance, "Look at that."

Yaso looked along his hand and saw a faint light in the dark cemetery.

Under the faint light, Deanna sat with red eyes next to a clearing, holding a wordless tablet in her hand, and holding a carving pen in her right hand, carving little by little.

Tears slid down her cheeks on the tablet, and she hurriedly wiped them away.

At this moment, how can she still have half of her previous vitality?

"She... didn't she say to practice guns?"Yaso watched this scene blankly.

"She lied."Millon shook his head, "The tombstone of the night Hunter was carved by the deceased's teammates. This is an unwritten rule. Originally, this monument should have been carved by me."

"Although she didn't say it, I actually knew in my heart that she was actually the one who wanted to help Andre carve the monument the most."

"Their relationship is very good, really special."

"So even if she lied and said so nonsense, I still turned a blind eye and asked her to secretly carve the monument."

Yaso and Millon stood there quietly, staring at Deanna, who was concentrating on carving the monument, without saying a word for a long time.

Under the hazy moonlight, in the silent cemetery,

Only the carving knife in Deanna's hand made a slight wailing sound.

"Why don't you go up and say hello?"After a while, Yaso asked Millon.

"Going to say hello now.... will embarrass her."

"But we are like this... it feels like a pervert peeping into other people's secrets."Yaso felt a little awkward.

Millon turned his head to look at him, a smile appeared in his eyes,

"Do you think... the only 'perverts' peeping next to us are the two of us?"