

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 13: Sequence 196

The moment the two figures collided together, the light of the sword was fierce, and three consecutive sounds of gold and iron cut through the rain curtain, and the sharp claws collided with the blade of the sword, creating dazzling sparks!

Andre is worthy of being a melee master. He accurately slashed at the key point of the Ghost Beast King with three consecutive swords, but he was blocked by the Ghost Beast King at a faster speed.

Andre only made three shots, because after the third shot, he was shaken by the terrifying power of the Ghost Beast King and fell to the muddy ground in embarrassment.

The gap between them is too big.

One is a mythical creature that has arrived in the "A-level" realm and possesses Psionic and terrifying physical qualities.;

One is an ordinary person who is born in the flesh and has skills and experience.

Andre got up from the mud, spit out the smoke that had been soaked in his mouth, and cursed.:

"Fuck, are mythical creatures amazing?Is your strength amazing?"

The Ghost Beast King had no idea of a fair duel at all, and roared at Andre, his voice sounding like thunder!

"Ho ho ho!!"

Approaching, with the Ghost Beast King as the center of the circle, a huge and hideous grimace gradually appeared on the ground....

Andre's face suddenly changed.

"Psionic serial number 196, [Ghost Domain]."

The moment this grimace appeared, Andre only felt that the world was upside down, and an unprecedented sense of dizziness surged into his heart.

He frowned and tightened his body before barely stabilizing his figure.

In his vision, everything in front of him was like a rotating kaleidoscope, chaotic and scattered, and nowhere to be found.

"Oh, it's terrible...it can still use Psionic. Now I planted it..." Andre muttered to himself, and what Tayler said before the battle reappeared in his mind.

"...Psionic sequence 196, [Ghost Domain], within the scope of Psionic, can deceive the perception of all creatures whose realm is less than or equal to their own, reversing the concept of space.

In the ghost-beast phase, the upper and lower, left and right, and front and rear will change at any time with the will of the ghost-beast king. Although to a certain extent, you can rely on your own consciousness and experience to contend, there is no doubt that in this Psionic, all your own attack methods will be affected, and your combat power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, except for the captain who is also A-level combat effectiveness, all other members cannot fight head-on with the Ghost Beast King, otherwise it will only be a dead end..."

Sure enough, it was a disgusting Psionic... Andre, as a personal experience, truly realized the perversion of this Psionic.

So, it is in this psionic environment....... How can our leader cut the Ghost Beast King king that bad?

He is also a pervert!

Andre took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

"Ho ho ho!!!"

The roar came from all directions, and it was impossible to determine the location of the Ghost Beast King. The earth trembled slightly, and Andre could feel that the Ghost Beast King was approaching quickly!

Where will it come from?

In reality.

On top of the weird and hideous ghost beast, Andre closed his eyes and stood there like a sculpture, holding a knife in both hands and aiming at the front, his brows locked tightly.

He didn't notice at all that the Ghost Beast King had quietly moved behind him.

In Andre's perception, whether it is vision, hearing, smell, or touch, it is changing rapidly, like being stuffed into a super powerful drum washing machine, wrong information fills his mind, making him unable to distinguish everything in the real world. Everything in the real world.

The Ghost Beast King's eyes stared at Andre, who was unaware of it, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his pale face.

It leaned over slightly, and then slammed into the rain curtain like a giant cannonball, its body shape was almost enough to drag out the afterimage, and its sharp claws drew a few cold rays and slashed at Andre's neck!

It seemed to have a premonition that warm blood was gushing out, covering the refreshing scene of its body.

But the moment its claws were about to touch Andre's body, the mutation suddenly appeared!

Andre's back seemed to have eyes, and he staggered violently, narrowly avoiding the claw of the Ghost Beast King!

Immediately afterwards, the straight knife in his hand drew a long arc in the rain, straight to the head of the Ghost Beast King!


There was a sharp collision, and the Ghost Beast King's hand clenched Andre's blade tightly, and then kicked it out, directly kicking Andre out like a sandbag!

But even so, it couldn't hide the shock in its eyes.

It couldn't understand how Andre noticed its attack.

Andre fell heavily to the ground, let out a cry of pain, and got up from the ground with difficulty, but the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

Andre propped his body with a straight knife and smiled, his smile full of mockery.

"You Psionic are indeed perverted. If you were normal, I would follow your path and die in your hands. It's a pity..."

Andre stretched out a finger and pointed to the sky, "It's raining today."

"You can deceive the perception of creatures, but you can't hinder the rain that falls by gravity. The rain that falls on the surface of my skin will bring me touch.

You can change my sense of touch and make me feel that the rain is falling on me from all sides... and I can also use this to reverse the real direction!

As long as you know a standard direction, the rest is much simpler."

Andre smiled, spit out a mouthful of blood and phlegm, and raised the straight knife in his hand very stinky, the blade pointing at the Ghost Beast King.

"If I had psionic powers, I'd have killed you 800 fucking times!"

"Ho ho ho!!"

The Ghost Beast King was successfully angered by Andre and ran towards him frantically. Andre continued to close his eyes, predicting the direction of the Ghost Beast King's coming.

Andre and the Ghost Beast King fought together, relying on his own terrifying combat intuition and experience, Andre literally fought against the Ghost Beast King several times!

But it's limited to this.

Under the full attack of the Ghost Beast King, Andre, who was mortal in body, was quickly unable to support him. He seized the opportunity to hit his chest hard, directly broke two ribs, and flew out.

This time, it took Andre five seconds to barely stand up.

If it weren't for a straight knife to block part of the damage, this would be enough to kill him.

"Ahem..." He coughed up several sips of blood one after another, his face extremely pale.

The figure of the Ghost Beast King stood in the rain, his eyes awe-inspiring, approaching him step by step...

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Andre!



Andre was taken aback, he vaguely felt...This voice seemed a bit familiar.

Wait, this is not fucking...

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he chose to be silent.

His eyes were full of complexity.


At this moment, [space is hidden] outside.

Yaso was standing near the clearing, the rain wetted his hair, but he didn't know it, pulling his throat and yelling there.:

"Andre!Don't hide!I know you are around here!"

After Yaso finished shouting, he calmed down and listened for a while, except for the noisy sound of rain.

Yaso frowned and looked around.

Suddenly, his gaze condensed.

I saw four weird billboards standing there alone more than ten meters away from him.

Yaso stepped forward, wiped the rain from the sign with his hand, and read out the words softly.

"Forbidden territory?When did this brand stand here?And... this arrangement is a bit weird."

Yaso lowered his head and meditated. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes gradually lit up.

"He seems to have said that his Psionic is an auxiliary Psionic for hiding the battlefield. What does it seem to be called...[Space Hiding]?"

Yasso looked carefully at the four signs in front of him, and with a slight smile on his lips, he shouted again.:

"Andre!I know you are hidden in space!Open the door quickly and let me in!!"

One second, two seconds...

Andre's voice came faintly from behind the sign:

"Get out of here!!"

With such a heavy rain, what is this guy doing when he has nothing to do?And he has already opened [Space to hide], how did he know he was here?

And he didn't come early or late, but came when he was hammered on the ground, if he saw it....

What a shame!!

What's more, he just said on his front foot that he would leave the world to him, and now he would get Yaso involved with his backhand. In case something happens to this kid, Andre will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"You don't care what I do when I come out. I know you are fighting with that ghost beast. If you let me in, I can fight now."Yaso's voice came from outside again.

"You can fight a fart!"Andre scolded, "This is not a ghost beast, this is the ghost Beast King!"A-level monster!It's two levels higher than you, the brat who just stepped into the C-level!Do you beat people with your head?

Besides, isn't your kid always afraid of death?Why are you so desperate to move forward now?

"Hurry up and go home to Mei. With me Andre, this thing can't hurt your family by a hair!"

"At this moment and another, although I am afraid of death, I can't owe others the most!"Yaso yelled outside,

"Let you fight the Ghost Beast King here alone?You want to be an unsung hero, I haven't agreed yet!

If you want to go back, you have to wait for the Ghost Beast King to be killed, you go back with me!"

Yaso slammed hard into the air next to the sign, but there was like an invisible barrier that directly isolated the domain from the outside. No matter how hard Yaso tried, it remained motionless.