
Night Howlers: The wolf’s voice

Jack Lucas, a young and muscular werewolf, has piercing green eyes that shine like moonlight in. A scar runs down his cheek, a reminder of a past battle that he fought with a vampire,he still bears with pride. Despite his destiny to kill the girl who holds a powerful flower, he finds himself drawn to her in ways he cannot explain. Alberto's world is turned upside down as he struggles with his conflicting emotions. Will he follow his destiny or choose a different path? Kimberly Moon is a bookish and beautiful young woman, with a love for nature and a passion for learning. As a child, she was miraculously healed by a mysterious flower, and ever since then, she's been haunted by strange visions. Kimberly longs to escape the mysterious power of the flower and make a life of her own, but it seems that her fate is bound to the visions she sees. Will she be able to break free from the flower's hold and forget her own destiny?

LolaDK · Fantasy
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chapter 2

"Mum, please wake up!" the girl shrieked, panic rising in her voice. "Don't do this!"

Tears streamed down her face as she shook her mother's limp body, desperate to get a response.

She stood under the shower, her thoughts a million miles away. The water cascaded down her curves, racing to each part of her body.

Gazing into the mirror, she caught sight of the necklace around her neck.

She whispered, "Everything was worth it, Mother. Everything, Father." She allowed a faint smile to grace her lips, her eyes shining with determination.

Drying herself off, she wrapped the towel around her body and tied it in place, tucking a corner into the front. Her fingers moved to brush through her hair, forming loose curls around her shoulders.

A soft knock came at her door, breaking the silence. She listened for a while and spoke up.

" Who's there? Mandy? "

" Get your ass here and open this door. " the voice ranted.

She reached for the door handle and turned it, the lock clicking open. The door swung wide, revealing a familiar face on the other side.

"Mandy, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice rising in pitch.

"That's no way to greet a friend," Mandy scoffed. "Now, get moving! You don't have all day to get ready."

"I don't feel like going out, Mandy. I'm tired, and I don't want to see anyone right now," she protested as she closed the door and sank into one of the couch.

Mandy scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That's nonsense and you know it. You're not fooling anyone with that tired act. Now get your butt off that couch and into the shower, before I drag you there myself."

She sat motionless, but Mandy was having none of it. She stormed over and started pulling her friend off the couch.

"Alright, alright, I'll go," she sighed. She headed for the room, Mandy following close behind.

As she dressed, Mandy's eyes were fixed on her face, observing her every feature.

"You look exhausted," she observed. "You haven't been sleeping well, have you?"

"No, I haven't," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "And it's all because of her."

" It's going to be well. " A faint smile appeared on Mandy's lips.

With a final glance in the mirror, they stepped out into the warm summer air. Their shoes clacked on the pavement as they made their way down the street, hips swaying in unison. They paid no attention to the men who gawked at them as they passed, eyes fixed on their destination.

They hailed a cab, the driver's eyes widening as he took in their outfits. He seemed to know exactly where they were headed, and within minutes they were pulling up to the club. The bass of the music thumped in their chests, even from the curb.

"This is going to be a crazy night. Mandy grinned as they stepped into the Party.

Jack's POV

Adolf took a long drag on his cigarette, the acrid smoke filling the air. "We've been at this for years, and we still haven't found her," he said, frustration evident in his voice.

Jack's eyes narrowed. "I still have a feeling we're close," he said, his voice firm. "We just need to keep looking."

Adolf rolled his eyes. "You say that every time, and you're never right," he scoffed. "Maybe it's time to admit defeat."

"Maybe it's time you quit smoking," Jack shot back. "You sound ridiculous

"You're getting ready for the party, too?" Adolf asked, gesturing to the new pants Jack was holding. "I got a new shirt that'll make all the ladies swoon," he bragged. "You know what I mean."

Jack grimaced. "Your priorities are all wrong, my friend. You need to clean up your act."

"Says the man who's about to spend the night watching television," Adolf shot back. "Come on, live a little."

"You're missing the point, Adolf," Jack said, his voice rising. "We've been searching for this girl for 33 years. It's been our life's work, and you're still focused on getting attention from random girls?"

"But she could be at the party!" Adolf protested. "We might finally find her there!"

Jack threw up his hands in annoyance. "Do you even hear yourself? What are the odds that the person we've been searching for all these years would be at some random party?"

"But what if she's there?" Adolf pressed. "We could finally find her, after all these years."

"Come on, you can't really believe that," Jack argued. "The odds are astronomical."

Adolf sighed. "Alright, you're right. It's a pipe dream. I'll give it up. But can we at least go to the party for a little while? Just for the atmosphere?"

Jack looked at him, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips. "Okay, fine," he said, throwing up his hands. "But we're not staying for long, and we are not going to drink more than a cup of whiskey. Deal? "

" Sure, deal. I swear on my werewolf's fur, I won't take more than a cup. " Adolf said, raising his pinky to the mid air.

"So, what should we wear?" Jack asked, drawing out the word.

"Something that makes us look good," Adolf said, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Without attracting the attention of any women, right?" Jack said sternly.

"Of course, of course," Adolf said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I'll be on my best behavior."

In minutes, they were both dressed in their finest attire, ready to brave the night.

"I look good," Adolf said, trying to sound casual, but a hint of pride could be heard in his voice.

"You look alright," Jack teased. "Try not to get a swollen head."

Adolf smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior."

"I'll hold you to that," Jack replied with a laugh.

The two of them strode out onto the street and flagged down a cab. As it pulled up, the engine rumbled and the tires kicked up a cloud of dust. They climbed inside, and the car took off, weaving through the bustling streets.

The cab pulled up in front of a large, imposing building. The sounds of music and laughter could be heard spilling out of the doors. Jack and Adolf stood in front of the entrance, taking in the scene.

"This is gonna be loud," Jack signed to his friend.

Just then, a woman passed by with a tray of whiskey glasses, offering them to the guests. Adolf looked at the glasses, then at Jack, who gave him a stern look and shook his head.

But as the woman moved on, Adolf couldn't resist. He reached out and grabbed three glasses, gulping them quickly.

Before Jack could stop him, Adolf darted into the crowd, leaving Jack to fend for himself.

Jack wandered the party, trying to look like he belonged. He bumped into a woman, accidentally spilling her drink on her dress.

"I'm so sorry," he signed, quickly cleaning up the mess with his scarf. "I didn't mean to do that."

The woman gave him a tight smile. "It's alright," she said, her expression clearly strained. "Just be more careful next time."

Suddenly, the music stopped, and the DJ's voice rang out across the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the slow dance. Get close to your partner and let the romance lead."

Jack turned to the woman beside him, a hopeful smile on his face. "Would you care to dance?" he asked.

"Sorry, I have a partner," she replied, giving him a polite smile and turning to leave.

But before Jack could be too disappointed, the woman's friend stepped forward. "Actually, she doesn't have a partner. Would you like to dance with her ? "

She said as she pushed her friend close to Jack.

Just as Jack held hands with her, images flashed through his head and he shook his head, trying to decipher what the image was.

" Are you okay? " the woman asked softly.

" must've been the alcohol or the music. " Jack said with a smile.

Jack's muscles contracted as the werewolf in him was beckoning to be released. He tried to act normal. Finally, his claws slowly emerged and dug into the girl's abdomen.The girl let out a blood curdling scream before passing out.

The music was loud and everyone's attention was invested in their partner.

Jack slowly held her as if in a dancing style and headed outside. He saw an ambulance and flagged it down. The paramedics helped and stopped the blood from oozing out.

The ambulance raced through the streets, sirens blaring, until they finally reached the hospital. The paramedics rushed the woman inside, and Jack was told to wait in the waiting room.

He paced back and forth, his mind racing. What had happened? Why had he lost control like that?

A few minutes later, a nurse walked up to him. "Excuse me, sir," she said, glancing at her wristwatch. "We need to know the woman's name. Can you help us with that?"

Jack hesitated, his mind scrambling for an answer. "I'm afraid I don't know her name. I just met her on the floor bleeding. "