
Night 01:20 (Desire)

After cleaning the strip club, Clayton bring in his reward to his car a boy named Kylie Lionheart and go staright to his apartment, then inside his apartment Clayton burning desire starts kicking in, he wants Kylie and fuck with him all nighter.

Clayton Garfield is bisexual, he loves boys like he loves girls, he loves young boys who had a pretty face even the cutest girl can even compare to them.

Clayton start closing the gap between two of them, Kylie then spotted his boner through his pants it indicates that he's hard to him then Kylie start massaging his prodding penis begging to be released, they starts to look each other in the eyes and start kissing.

For a night, the whole room only filled with sounds of two of them made out lips working at each others. Kylie forced open his mouth and slid her tongue inside, enjoying the taste of him then Clayton start lifted her off and slammed him down onto his bed, then he starts ravaged him on bed by tearing off his clothes, his bra showing him his boy's nipple and he start sucking them causing Kylie to moan and pulling Clayton head closer to his chest this makes Kylie got boner too and Clayton spotted it and starts stripping his skirt and panty and start sucking his small penis and make him moan even more and begging Clayton to fuck him, but before that he show his 7 inch cock to him and Kylie start jerking and sucking his rock hard cock that will spreading his asshole

"Ohhh yes it feels great Kylie, you're so talented for fellatio"

"Back in the strip club, my job is to sucked my customer penis sometimes the owner too want to be sucked, they all have small penis for a man but you, sir you have the biggest cock I have ever seen!"

After that, Clayton putting his cock against Kylie entrance

"Fuck me, sir!" Kylie begging to him

Clayton replies "Just call me Clayton next time, okay? We need to know each other"


Then Clayton start pushing his cock to Kylie tight asshole and start fucking him all night long and finish it by coming inside her asshole.

* 06:00 a.m. in Clayton's apartment

Clayton's waking up and find himself naked and next to him Kylie is still sleeping and also naked, then he's rubbing Kylie's sides making him shudder a little bit


"Yeah...I'm still with you" Clayton replied

After that Clayton get up from bed and get in to bathroom and start running the shower, the sound of shower running make Kylie's waking up from his dream, still naked she turning on the TV and watch some of TV programs, finally he found a news channel that inform about the massacre in Naked Cows & Cats strip club the place he used to work, the reporter said the victims of this massacre are same as the crack house massacre yesterday

"I guess the crack house massacre is caused by the same Clayton I know..." Kylie murmuring to herself and suddenly someone sit next to him, turns out it's Clayton after finishing his shower

"You do like watch some news, huh? I don't believe any of their crap cause they're just making it up for good money, the more people watching the more money they get. The bath is empty you can use it now, Kylie."

"Thank you, Clay" Kylie replies to him


"No its just your shorten name from Clayton, to make us closer each other" after a few silence and awkwardness Kylie ask him "you don't like it?" he asked in sad tone

"No, I like it and I'm just thinking that you need a nickname too" he replies to him

"I already have a nickname from my friend at work. It's Kei!"

"How come your name from Kylie nicknamed to Kei?" Clayton asked him

"It's my stage name Kei Whitecandy, the owner gave it to me cause the colour of my face looks like a girl's porcelain dolls and my beautiful eyes and my voice is sweet as candies to those who hear it" Kylie explained to him.

"Oh, I see" he chuckled a bit.

After 5 minutes chattering, Kylie get inside the bathroom and take a shower, humming a little bit about his favourite song while cleaning himself, outside in living room Clayton got his phone ringing and he answers it

"Holla amigos, this is from Pico's Tacos, the only one and only restaurant that serve the delicious tacos in all Rosewood City. Right now, we are at short hand on fry cook if you want to apply to our job just bring your ass here and don't forget your CV our address is at 69th Frankfurt Avenue, don't be late pal!"


"Guess its another job for me again, I need to check my account balance first because they're not saying anything about payment" Clayton murmuring to himself while checking his account balance on Piggie Bank, this time the payment is quite high its $1M, "hmmm...from the payment itself I can already guessed that this job gotta be harder than the previous one" then Clayton start leaving his apartment to buy his supplies and also Kylie's supplies.

Kylie left alone, in Clayton's apartment and he notice that he's all alone after finishes his shower he start searching Clayton's apartment and finally found a door that looks old, when Kylie opens it he surprise a bit and he finally found out that Clayton is not a normal people the reason he had unimaginable amount of strength and knowledge how to use guns, he finds his badge, photos from the past when he was about his age, a rewards for his service in his military career, some memorials from his dying commrades and his old guns

"You know you can't open this secret door!" Kylie surprised that behind him is none other than Clayton himself carrying their supplies from stores

"I'm sorry, Clayton...I'm...just curious how you got the great amount of strength" Kylie apologizing to him

Clayton then smiles to him, "don't worry about it, I'm not angry anyway I just don't like share my history to anyone, it's painful in the ass sometimes, putting that aside I already buy our supplies, you can cook right?"

"I can, I always help my mom while she's cooking for the whole family" Kylie says in confidence

"Good, cause I really miss homemade dishes. I'm tired eating pizza and fast food deliveries" Clayton said to him, then hug him, rubbing his beautiful hair and kissing his forehead makes him giggle a bit.

"He smells really nice, it smell like mixture of cherry blossom and honey" he's speak in his own mind

"Ummm...Clay, I need to put my make up first then we can go on our dates" he says to him.

"Ok, I'm sorry then I'm gonna wait outside"

Clayton leaning to the wall outside his apartment room, 5 minutes later Kylie show himself and Clayton sees him in awe, he looks like a Greece goddess of beauty Aphrodite, he's wearing casual dress, thigh high lace up heels, and his female wallet

"Sorry for waiting, did I took so long" he says to him

"It's okay, you're not that long" Clayton replies to him then giving his hand to him "so, you ready?"

"Be my pleasure, my love"